Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1756: Trident youth

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ning Tianlin, dare to destroy the roots of my mechanical clan, I will pull the entire universe to be buried with us!"

At this moment, the demon king revealed a pair of blood-red eyes full of resentment under the hood.

"Has that person been found?"

After a while, the demon Lord asked into the void.

"Patriarch Hui Hui, not yet. But it is certain that the other party is also the Lord of the universe."

Gaze followed his voice, and three men in black hidden in the deep hall emerged. No one knew when they appeared, as if they had been there.

"Then please the three elders, remember, live!"

The demon nodded his head, and it was polite to speak to the three old men.


The three men in black nodded, and then bowed back, except for the voice of the only person who was certain that someone had appeared here just now, and there was no trace.

The three elders of the Ji clan are the last bottom line to guard the Ji clan. They are only responsible to the clan chief, and their combat effectiveness is the highest except the clan chief.

Usually does not appear, it is a big event.

"Who exactly is this person?"

A sneer appeared on the face of the Demon King. On the day of the Ruinless Temple, there was news that a master of the universe was trying to resurrect Ning Tianlin, which had already spread through the mouths of the two guarded masters of the universe.

"Companion Ning Tianlin, Lord of the Universe?"

"Did you want to resurrect Ning Tianlin, you must find him!"

At this moment, not only his demon master, but also the master of many universes, want to find out who this person is, and what has to do with Ning Tianlin.

After all, what they suspected is that Ning Tianlin's origins may be extremely great. It is definitely not ordinary friendship, or maybe Earth people, who wants to resurrect him.

As long as you find this person, you may find the specific whereabouts of the earth!


Endless starry sky.

A figure, such as a streamer shining across the sky, hurried across the sky.

After running a long distance, the figure slowly slowed down, and the divine thoughts swept around. When it was confirmed that no one was behind, he stopped slowly.

"Only after the first battle, I have been wounded by one of the opponent, at least not for a short time."

"But I'm not afraid. If I didn't want too much entanglement, the other party would have been my undead under Trident."

With such thoughts flashing in his mind, the Trident Youth once again slowed down and turned to look at the sky to the rear, after confirming that the other party had not pursued him.

When the eyes swept around, it turned into a streamer flying towards a mountain in the distance.

Find a remote and secluded place in the mountain, then forcibly split a cave, and then block the cave entrance with a boulder. Even if the sun is empty outside, the cave is only dark.

After a moment, it was a small formation. The young Trident was full of nervousness, and after hiding his breath, he took a breath and relaxed.

"Really wrong."

"I did not expect that the other party was so concerned about whether Ning Tianlin really died. It stands to reason that it has been a hundred years. In addition, Ning Tianlin has been swallowed up by the runner ’s reincarnation tower and confirmed the death. I wo n’t pay so much attention. "

"But unexpectedly, there is still the Lord of the universe in that place!"

Sitting cross-legged, the Trident youth rubbed his forehead and smiled bitterly. "I was too careless. Forcibly resurrecting that day also exposed myself, hiding for so many years, and finally showing my feet."

"But it is also worth it, at least, to be sure, Ning Tianlin was not dead!"

The trident youth showed a happy face, and immediately spread out his blood-stained palm, adjusted the essence in his body, and began to heal himself.

This blood is exactly where he fought with the warrior who just followed him. For more than half a year, although he has been a master of the universe, he has been hiding almost every day.

Constantly, the strong tracked their own footprints, and each time they fought, they consumed too much energy and decided quickly, fearing that dragging water would cause unnecessary trouble.

After nearly half a month of rearing with the eyes closed in the cave, the spirit of the Trident youth gradually recovered due to the fighting.

Opening his eyes slowly, the sense of weakness in the whole body was also dissipated, twisted his neck, and the sound of the bones colliding made the Trident youth breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's a pity that the elixir has been used up in the previous healing. If not, it will not be so slow. Until now, it has only recovered for a little over half."

"If you want to rest completely, it will take at least half a year."

The Trident youth thought about it and decided to go out first to see if he could find some elixir. With this thing, he could recover faster.

When you encounter a good elixir, you may be able to recover in less than a quarter of an hour.


After withdrawing from the array, he shot violently and ran out.

Just three days later.

A cold voice sounded in his ear, "Sure enough, it's still here!"

"Don't stop me waiting for so many days."

Talking was an old man in a black robe, and there were two people dressed the same as him, even with the same cold eyes.

The three-person stand is quite particular.

All the escape routes of the Trident youth were directly blocked.

They learned from the masters of other universes that this person is fast and very good at running away, and they don't want this to happen under their eyelids.

The three of them, not others, are the three elders from the Mech clan.

"you guys..."

The trident youth's brows are deep frowning. I did not expect that there really was an undead stay here, it is estimated that it was the lords of the universe who had just been wounded, and revealed their whereabouts.

What shocked him was that the other party was like the master of the universe, like him!

If he was in the heyday, even if he was facing three opponents in the same realm, he would have no fear at all, but now it is difficult for him to escape from these three.

But no matter what, he won't sit still.


Looking at the figure and dress of the three men, Sancha Youth asked.

"Ask me knowingly!"

Another man in black snorted.

"Who are you Ning Tianlin? Are you from Earth? Are there any other associates?"

One of the three old men in black robes asked, his body was wrapped in a wide black robe, his body was full of vitality, the black robes were windless, and the figure under the black robes could not be seen clearly, and his tone had no feelings.

"A lot of questions!"

The three-pronged youth snorted coldly, his dark eyes, staring at each other tightly, was also surging.

Even if he dies today, he will pull a back!

"Ha ha."

Another black robe smiled, "Well worthy of Ning Tianlin's clan, one is more mad than the other! Do you think that you, the eight masters of the universe who are about to die, can compete with the three in our heyday?"

"Within half a day, we can let you know what you can't say at will! At that time, you don't want to say it, I'm afraid there's no chance!"

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