Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1767: The Lord of the Universe Who Wants to Cry! (Third)

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"This Nima, it's so simple!"

You know, even if any creature has an immortal body, it will not be at the last minute, and it will not choose to explode, because to reunite the flesh, it must consume a lot of energy, that is, the reunion of minced meat, and finally the combat power that the flesh has. Too weaker than before!

Although they have heard that Ning Tianlin has an immortal body, is there anything so simple about you?

As easy as eating?

For a while, both Tianro and the Black Giant lost their targets. I do n’t know what to do.

The beast's goal is to tear Ning Tianlin into shreds, but before he touched him, he broke into pieces of flesh, and still used it?

As for the ground netting Tian Luo, do you want to trap this beach of minced meat?

For a while, not only the three black robes, but also the more than fifty masters of the universe, each stared at each other, and they could see the doubts in their own eyes. Was this flesh broken? Is it necessary to use it so simply?

I'm not afraid to block this piece of minced meat for you, can't you be resurrected?

"Trapped him!"

"Stuck me all the minced meat!"

"I want him to be resurrected also in the Tianwang Tianluo!"

The three elders of the elders were also more gloomy. They always felt that there was something wrong, but they still controlled the layout of the ground net Tian Luo to control all the minced meat of Ning Tianlin. They want to see, how to reorganize this!

Even their divine thoughts were all attached to the minced meat. When there was something wrong, they immediately crushed the minced meat into dregs!


Only the next moment, Ning Tianlin's figure emerged slowly in another place hundreds of kilometers away.

No one here knows that he resurrected the flesh without using flesh at all, even if only God's thoughts can be purchased in the combat system.

"He's there!"

"Ning Tianlin is not dead!"

Soon, several masters of the universe shouted.

I saw Ning Tianlin's figure so suspended in the air, staring at them coldly, the corner of his mouth, as if ridiculed.

"not dead!"

"Not dead!"

"Even the resurrection is useless!"

All the masters of the universe were shocked and shocked by this secret method of Ning Tianlin. If this is the case, who could have killed him, obviously the flesh and blood are here, but resurrected in another place!

Did they just kill the fake Ning Tianlin?

"Now it's my turn!"

Ning Tianlin's figure stood in the void, and his dark eyes once again showed a medusa image, one on each of the left and right eyes, and they were quickly condensing the appearance of an adult's head and snake body.

Eye of Medusa!

The mysterious ripples surrounding it turned into a substance and suddenly burst out, mixed with the sound of the wind breaking, and piercing the three elders' elders.

"No, Eye of Medusa"!

Not only the three black robes, but the people around them also noticed Medusa in Ning Tianlin's eyes! This race, but when the combat effectiveness is higher, it can petrify the opponent directly, and when it is lower than the opponent, it can directly reduce the opponent's combat effectiveness!

They all wanted to flash their minds quickly to avoid the ripples in these mysterious eyes, but unfortunately, they were just astonished at Ning Tianlin's resurrection, they all fell on his eyes and thoughts, and it was too late to repent .


Under the power of the mysterious ripples, the three elders of the tribe felt that their essence was constantly stagnant, no matter how they operated, they stayed still, and their breath became weaker.


The combat effectiveness has fallen again!

Everyone is aware of this scene.

Because almost everyone here knows what this Eye of Medusa does.

However, they did not expect that the decline in combat effectiveness would be so horrible, reaching a large part, more than 15%. Even after a moment, all the masters of the universe reacted, and the eye of Medusa, with Ning Tianlin's eyes, is likely to be the royal family of the Medusa!

Only the royal family can reduce the combat effectiveness so much!

Just where do they know that Ning Tianlin is a royal family, and under super-enhancement, the power of this Medusa eye has increased again, to 20%!

In other words, the masters of these universes lost another 20% of their combat power in an instant!

The two together add up to ninety-five percent!


"How much has this reduced combat effectiveness!"


Due to the decline of the fighting power, they have just concentrated their minds on the Grid, and they can no longer maintain the power they just had. They slammed into black smoke, even the energy required by the huge black beast. Can't support it.

Direct into nothingness.

These things can only be performed by the Lord of the Universe more than three stages.

The combat effectiveness has just fallen, and it is extremely difficult for them.

The three mechanized black robes are all ugly, mobilizing their own energy, and guessing their current combat effectiveness, I am afraid that it only has the strength of the universe master! "

The three mechanical clan elders really wanted to find fast tofu and hit themselves.

As soon as the war started, it was suppressed to this point.

You know, they are the masters of the universe, okay, the other is just a warrior of astral level.

"Can't drag any more!"

"There are too many countermeasures. I don't know what will happen!"

Suppressed, the three elders of the clan looked at each other, knowing that they can no longer be entangled too much, and must be determined quickly. If they continue, they may be the ones who fell down!

This scene also let them see the scene where Ning Tianlin beheaded and killed the Lord of the Temple of Wuli.

At that time, the master of Wudian Palace would not just be slowly suppressed by the opponent in this way. In the end, he was not even as high as the opponent, and he was beheaded directly by Ning Tianlin!

If they wait any longer, it may be so.


It was just when the three elders of the clan wanted to mobilize the spirit in their bodies and rushed towards Ning Tianlin, the next time, the three's faces changed again.

Because at this moment, Ning Tianlin had quietly used the Zerg method to freeze the space around the three people!

"Zerg slows and slows!"

Although the three had not been injured physically, their combat effectiveness and mental weakening were too great, their movements had become very slow, and their vital energy seemed to be solidified.

"Nima, it's over!"

"You are a human race, how can you be a zerg!"

Not only did the three people's faces become extremely gloomy, but all the masters of the universe on the side, you look at me, I look at you, except shock, but only shock, who is Ning Tianlin, who is it? There will be so many weird means!

It's a wicked existence!

These mysteries are legendary mysteries, and even the secrets of various races, how can you make it so easy?

Note: The third change today.

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