Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1778: Zhongning Tianlin! (Fourth)

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Destructive energy erupted suddenly, emitting a dazzling light, and formed a rapid spread of waves, from small to large, like ripples.

Almost instantly, this dark night is reflected like daylight, only to become more dazzling.

Under the impact of destructive forces, even the space of this planet was somewhat unbearable, and it collapsed, completely collapsed in countless shocks of the planet.

With the terrible explosion in this planet, the rumbling sound resounded endlessly in the void, and the fragments of the planet visible to the naked eye burst out.

But just after releasing that terrible energy ball, Bu Yunyan flashed out of the planet at a fast speed.

Suspended void she watched the cracks of the planet gradually expand until they broke, and there was not too much fluctuation in her heart.

The power of the Ji family has begun to expand here, and it will not stop due to the killing of the house owner. Soon the next house owner will appear and continue to become the minions of the machine family.

"Cut grass must be rooted!"

This is what the master taught her, and she has done the same over the years, saving her a lot of worries.

After a while, Bu Yunyan flew towards the other planet closest to the planet according to the list of information records.

Even when Bu Yunyan left, she left a few indelible characters in the void, "Whoever opposes Ning Tianlin and the Qin family must die!"

"Everyone must be buried!"

But she did n’t know that Ning Tianlin had no relationship with this Qin family. She was just confused by the words circulating in the universe. His master and this Qin family not only did not have the slightest friendship, but the hostile relationship. .

It's just that all this doesn't matter to her at all.

at the same time.

Mechanical family.

A ray of sunlight came in from the window, and Ning Tianlin stretched his waist comfortably, looking down through the hotel's huge floor-to-ceiling glass.

Looking down the bustling street, the bustling crowd, he took a deep breath, and his mood was much relaxed. Directly leading to various evils in the universe, he even knew that he was now known to be out of the storm.

"So what? I'll fight you, you can't beat me, you've beaten me, and you can't kill you, you can't kill me. This feeling of alone and defeat, so tired ..."

In these days, he lost his breath and exchanged a face of a common military warrior from the combat system, just like an ordinary person. Even the master of the universe could not detect it without paying special attention.

After several successive leapfrog battles, Ning Tianlin felt that he should also relax himself.

Otherwise, if Ning Tianlin's face goes out, it is estimated that he has not stepped out of the hotel's doorway, and will be surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside the strong.

For a long time, he relied on the combat system to practice. Unlike other warriors, it takes time to accumulate, so it's good to just relax by accident. He called this a combination of work and rest.

Now turning into a regular martial artist, he smiled and decided to go to the hotel restaurant to eat something. Although he no longer needs to eat, but since it is relaxed, it must be the same as ordinary people.

"Isn't the mechanical clan trying to find me, then I will be here with you, and I will catch me if I have the ability."

Ning Tianlin did not choose to go to the territory of the human race, but chose a small city in the territory of the mechanical race. Isn't the old saying that the most dangerous place is often the safest place?

"It seems this person is getting more and more."

In this small city within the territory of the Mech clan, there were not many warriors at first, but as the Mech clan has continuously recruited strong men in recent days, many people have come.

Many strong men went directly to the center of the mech clan, but people with low combat effectiveness also wanted to move around this outer city. Try your luck. If anyone is blind, they will look at themselves. This reward is also very generous. of.

When there are more people, it is naturally lively. The hotel and catering business here is also much more popular than usual.

Ning Tianlin, the face of the ordinary people of the Mech tribe, has not attracted any attention in the city at the beginning, just like ordinary people, there is no difference.

In the hotel's dining hall, there are scattered tables of diners sitting there, and they are talking about things. In addition to the recent major events of the family and major families, the topic is naturally inseparable from the stormy Ning Tian. forest.

Ning Tianlin didn't pay attention to these nonsense, but sat down in the corner in a low key, and ordered a drink.

But, soon, the guests at the tables talked more and more. After a few glasses of wine, they called each other friends, and the noise became louder.

"Hey, you said where did Ning Tianlin hide that guy? How can I turn the universe over and find it?"

"Who knows, it's hard to say. Today, not only our mechanical clan, but other major forces are also looking for him."

"Even their clan is looking for him, but it's not as costly as our mechanical clan!"

"It seems that the whole universe is bright and dark, and he is wanted, and it will certainly be discovered soon."

"Oh, that's not necessarily true!" Some agreed, but of course opposed. "How long has the earth been found, hasn't it been found, and no clue?"

"Not to mention anything else, just this Ning Tianlin has hid in the earth, you still find a fart!"

Although this person's words are rough, it is also a rationale, and many members of the mechanical clan nodded.


After all these years, the earth has not been found!

"It's more than that! His friends of all races in the universe include his friends. As long as they have a little relationship, they will be wanted. You say it's not bad to be friends with him."

"I heard that warriors who had participated in some competitions with Ning Tianlin at that time were all arrested and asked."

"He is rather a broom star!"

In their hearts, Ning Tianlin is the enemy and the gangster. He can say whatever he wants.

"But I have to say that Ning Tianlin's guy is really a ruthless man! He killed 58 of the universe master and some friends. He is extremely powerful and the existence of the universe master! It is difficult to catch! The wood at the moment The clan even spoke to the outside world. As long as his trail was provided, the Mu clan changed forever and provided him with training resources until the Lord of the universe! "

"I trust, the Mu clan is not small! But other big families are not simple, and they offer expensive and expensive rewards to seek his whereabouts!"

"Haha, the expensive and expensive reward? That was to fool those fools. Now everyone knows that the Lord of the Universe who he just killed now has double digits, and those people's space rings can all be given by Ning Tianlin Taken away, that's much higher than the high reward! "

A group of people laughed and just talked about it. As a bargaining point after meals, as long as they were asked to find Ning Tianning, they estimated that they would be faster than anyone else, no matter how much money, no matter how good their skills, and spent their lives, Wouldn't it be useless.

Ning Tianlin, who was sitting in the corner, also raised his mouth. This situation has been accustomed to for a few days, and he is the enemy of the world.

However, at this moment, a nebula-level warrior hurriedly took a call, his face was constantly changing, his face was almost distorted.

Note: The fourth change today.

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