Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1780: His martial arts are different, and he claimed to be

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Yeah, go on, go on."

People in this room hurried to see this scene.

There is a drama.

Ning Tianlin was able to get such private things when he was a kid. He must have an unusual relationship with him, maybe he really knows where he is.

And the amount of attention to this public number is rising rapidly, and the speed of increase is almost cosmic.

The Nebula warrior was a little excited to see so many eyes falling on himself. Hurry up and continue.

Just the next second, making his face as bitter as eating Huanglian.

"To continue, please pay 100,000 Cosmos again."

Another page appeared asking for money, which made this Nebula warrior angry.

Asking for money again.

How can he have so much money to open.

Moreover, why did he spend money to open it for others to see, but others do not need to spend it.

"No money."

The Nebula warrior made a singular sound, and then closed the light curtain. This kind of injustice, he was not ready to be taken again.


"Poor ghost, this scares you."

"Look at me."

A rich man also directly watched the public account of the universe, continued to pay, and after a few clicks, it appeared "Ning Tianlin and the Earth have to tell a story."

This picture is a beach bikini in Yangguan, and it is the news of Ning Tianlin's vacation on earth once. The background is the blue sky of the earth.

"Did you know where to find the earth? Those with this blue sky are."

Public road.



All the people watching this time are staring at the screen inconceivably. Is this true?

Are the photos of the earth released here?

However, many people are scolding because of this scene, there are many places in the universe, no gap can be seen at all.

Who knows if this is true or false.


"This is a picture of the earth!"

But many souls who have been searching for the earth have firmly put this photo in their hearts. Although they can't see anything for a while, they may be used when they are critical.

Didn't all find the details carefully?


Soon, the light curtain closed, and charges began again, and the local tyrant didn't even think about it. I saw that it said, "Ning Tianlin has now lived in seclusion, and he has gone into hiding to cultivate himself! Want to know where he is? Cultivate? "


Ning Tianlin went for self-cultivation.

Do you know where he cultivates?

Inevitably, everyone was stunned, and their breathing was a little rushed!

This is real?

This public account really knows where Ning Tianlin cultivates?

You know, where would you find a character like Ning Tianlin? Even the Lord of the universe cannot be found.

For a moment, the barrage on the screen flashed wildly.

"Come on, where is Ning Tianlin!" What is speaking is a super bowl of a public account. Many people saw it and followed the public account of "Dare to play games."

"The landlord please say that if the clues are accurate, my mechanical family will give the landlord a generous reward."

Strong people with mechanical families also paid attention to this public account.

"Thank you for the grace of the landlord, if the clue of Tian Ning is true, my King of Yin and Yang should dedicate a small gift."

The yin and yang king of the human race also pays attention to this development from time to time, because the first photo attracted him.

Ning Tianlin's open crotch pants.

This is not something anyone can have!

Isn't it?

The king of yin and yang?

The king of yin and yang paid attention to this public account in person, and also spoke?


It seems that the category of this public account is true. If not, why would a super big bowl like the king of yin and yang pay attention to this in person.

"The landlord please speak, so is my Mu tribe."

Said a big man of the Mu tribe.

"real or fake?"

"Know where I am?"

Ning Tianlin hid in the corner with some doubts. In this world, in addition to the combat system knows, who else can know his whereabouts?

This public account is nothing more than a combat system?

But he resisted without asking the combat system first, and continued to see what was going on.


"And before I tell you where Ning Tianlin is, I have good news for you."

"Ning Tianlin today has only astral realm!"

"He is practicing a very weird technique. Every 100 years, he will declare himself combat power and wait for the next rise."

"And once it rises, his original combat power will skyrocket, which is the main reason why his combat power can grow so fast."

"It has something to do with his exercises!"

The public swears by the promise.

"About you ghost!" Ning Tianlin smiled, and now he was sure the other party was talking nonsense, he had a fart seal.

He's just hiding now, not a seal!

The Lord of the Universe is here, and he is still beheading!

"Ah? Really?"

Countless military exclaimed, this is too incredible, he Ning Tianlin even sealed his own cultivation, and it will not be restored in a hundred years.

This news is too exciting!

If this is the case, most of the soldiers in the tavern can kill him now!

But the patriarchs of the yin and yang wangmu clan are half-eyed, thinking about this possibility.

Because this is not impossible!

The universe is full of skills, not to mention the seals, and some still destroy their combat power and continue to repair it!

"Really, if this is true! Wouldn't we also have a chance to know where Ning Tianlin is ..."

The onlookers were all excited and excited, this is really a pie in the sky!

They must not be able to deal with Ning Tianlin, the master of the universe, who is chopping vegetables.

But now it's different. To deal with a self-styled combat star warrior, that's too easy! Take any two twine and tie him.

It's not too easy to fly Huang Tengda. Ning Tian is now a walking treasure, whoever picks it up!

The martial artists in the hotel restaurant started to move, and the little brother who delivered the food just after the cook, followed the chef and took a kitchen knife from behind.

Catch Ning Tianlin, where can I use it and suffer again? Although they are only in the realm of stars, so is Ning Tianlin.

Maybe he can take him down with a kitchen knife!

As the number of visits to this public account increased, the news was completely dispersed.

"If this is true, then now is indeed a good opportunity to kill Ning Tianlin!"

Countless warriors are defamation in their hearts, after all, Ning Tianlin is too powerful, the Lord of the universe can kill! If he is in the realm of stars, it is definitely a huge opportunity.

However, the vast majority of people reported disbelief towards this information. After all, Ning Tianlin was not seen, and everything was a guess.

If the opponent's strength is still there, he can blow himself to death in one breath.

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