Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 1785: Give you a chance you should cherish

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Ning Tianlin was scolding in his heart.

This Dai patriarch really knows how to play yin and has been hiding in the dark.

But I also blame myself for being careless. He should have thought about this kind of thing long ago, how can the other party let Bo Wen act alone. Moreover, if Bo Wen did not lead the way, the other party would certainly not find himself.

"He knew about the appearance of Bo Wen, and of course you existed. The other party is the Holy Spirit, and of course there will be the Lord, but they did not expect that the Lord of the Holy Spirit, Bo Wen, would be so powerful and scared him. "

The combat system also spoke at this time, "You even cut the Lord of the Temple without a delusion, one of the three kings of the Zerg race. In the past few days, you even killed 58 of the universe masters, which really frightened him. He was afraid. What do you see from his body or from Bo Wen? It's bad for him. "

"If Bo Wen didn't have to come this time, or even threaten Cang Mo Haisha, he wouldn't let Bo Wen come to avoid accidents at the last minute."

"Because you now feel like" strange "to all the strong in the universe. No one knows your truth and reality, and I don't know if you will discover the secret of Wu You Jiulian. Even when Bo Wen sacrificed Wu You Jiulian just now, the other party I took a direct breath. "

"Because he's not sure if you know this treasure!"

The combat system said, Ning Tianlin lit up the opponent ’s position directly in his mind, and it was not far from here, not even half a light year, not even one person, and three people!

One Dai patriarch and two Dai elders.

"But I really look at me, and I don't dare to come."

Ning Tianlin chuckled in his heart. This insidious person is really not a good thing. He was humming in front of Bo Wen for hundreds of years. In the role of an elder, even now, Bo Wen thought that the other party Concerned about yourself, a good patriarch!

"It's not good to be too fierce ..."

Ning Tianlin sighed in her heart, and then smiled at Bo Wen with no change in his face. "Come, let me see the lotus flower in your hand. I haven't noticed it just now. Let me take another look. . "

Ning Tianlin feels that it is not a good thing to stay with Bo Wen now. If it will really confront the Dai patriarch, it is not clear whether this thing is a hidden danger. Let it be solved first.

His space ring, however, can hold everything.


"You see."

"This lotus is beautiful."

"When I refine it and use it to break through the Lord of the universe, it will be my natural weapon in the future."

Bo Wen thought about the future and was very happy, "At that time, you may not be my opponent, Lord, hehe."

Then, Bo Wen spit out the lotus flower directly and placed it in Ning Tianlin's hands. In her heart, anyone could **** her treasure, but Ning Tianlin would not.

This scene, however, made a purple long-haired creature half a light-years away breathless.

Gaze through the void, staring tightly here, for fear of something unexpected.


Ning Tianlin took it with a smile, and then didn't even look at it. As soon as he was at ease, he put this thing into his own Promise.

"Well?" Bo Wen could not react for a moment, wondering why her Lord had hidden this thing.

At this time, Ning Tianlin just reached out and asked her to stop asking, and then facing the void, in the direction of the Dai patriarch, "Come out."

"Otherwise, this thing will never be returned to you."

After Ning Tianlin finished speaking, he used a secret method to make the sound reverberate throughout the void.

"Well, Lord, you know the patriarchs are there!"

"you are great!"

But Bo Wen was a little embarrassed, followed by a little embarrassed, she really did not expect that Ning Tianlin could feel the existence of the universe master. After all, when Ning Tianlin entered the Dai space, he killed many members of the Dai people.

So to avoid embarrassment, she didn't ask the patriarch to come over. After all, one is his lord, the other is a patriarch who is very good to himself.

However, I did not expect that my Lord was found!

"So too."

"He can kill the Lord of the universe, and he will definitely find them!"

Bo Wen nodded, feeling in his mind that he was still not thinking well.

For a moment, I was a little confused, I do n’t know why my Lord asked the leader to come over. Is it impossible?

However, with the words of Ning Tianlin, the other party did not appear immediately.

Because the other person's heart is boundless, I don't know what Ning Tianlin means by doing this. Why did he find him out? Did he discover his intention?


Such things as Wuyou Jiulian are the secret of their Dai people. Only their Patriarch patriarch knows, but even now, they haven't figured out the specific purpose of Wuyou Jiulian. When the nine masters broke through the Lord of the universe, all cultivation practices and bloodlines were sealed, leaving some strange effects.

He Ning Tianlin would never know!

After all, this is from the secret place of Cang Mo Haisha, not everyone knows! No one knows the Qiang except him!

"Surely not Wuyou Jiulian, maybe there is something to tell myself."

A purple-haired Dai chief said.

Because it is possible.

After all, Bo Wen didn't find out, how could the other party find his conspiracy!

"But in the end?"

For a time, the Dai patriarch hesitated.

Because once the other party really recognizes this thing, it will be difficult for him to get out! Not to mention that the other party killed the existence of the Lord of the Wandering Palace and one of the three kings of the Zerg tribe, Bo Wen alone would not make him better!

Bo Wen is his real nemesis!

If the other party kills his heart, he wo n’t know how to die, and he has no ability to struggle!

Otherwise, he would not have put in so much effort to impress the other party over the years.

But if you do n’t go out, the other party will not surrender Wuyou Jiulian, and everything he does will be completely abandoned!

"I got dozens!"

"I won't come out anymore, I will immediately take Bowen away!"

Ning Tianlin hummed coldly, directly facing the void road.

He didn't believe that the other side had tolerated for so long and would give up at this time, it was impossible!




Only in an instant, Ning Tianlin started counting.

But Bowen was at a loss, not knowing why his Lord wanted this.

But she said nothing. Because in her heart, the Lord is the most important. The two of them have the feeling of being connected by blood. No creature can match it. Even when Ning Tianlin was killed in entering the Dai space, she finally decided .

If Ning Tianlin is caught and killed, she will let the Dai people bury her!

She wouldn't have come to the door if she hadn't found her back.

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