Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 382: League of Legends, start!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

As for the trial of his leader and the top of the League of Legends, in Ning Tianlin's mind, it was a joke!


"You court, let's have a judge!"

"Who dares to take over, who will I kill!"

Before Ning Tianlin had obtained the combat system, he had seen a report about the Mexican drug lord, who was caught by the Mexican police and was facing trial.

But in the end, I was released after detention.

There is only one reason, that is, no judge dares to try it! All the judges who were tried were killed by his men, and even his family was not spared! Many arranged judges have resigned one by one in order to save their lives!

This situation, this big drug lord, was able to get away with impunity.

After this incident, the prestige and madness of the Mexican drug addicts spread throughout the world.

A drug lord can do this, not to mention he's Ning Tianlin. He Ning Tianlin wanted to kill these judges who dared to judge him. He was more able to realize that he was blind to the ghosts, and it made all people frightened.

A metal dog can solve everything.

After three minutes.

"I'm awful, the League of Legends is awesome, and I've begun to persuade the US emperor again! I even offered a reward of RMB! This reward is so high!"

Nowadays, the official website of League of Legends has tens of millions of traffic every moment. As soon as any new developments appear, they can be spread all over the world at the first time, not to mention this homepage announcement!

"A reward for one yuan? Real Tamar's cow! This League of Legends is completely naked in the face of the American Emperor! What can one yuan do, and I can't bend down on the ground! Who would pay for this money, but Catch the horrible **** bull and flying mantis? I just found the trace, I guess I won't call you! "

"One yuan, if it wasn't for the face of the emperor, my name would be written upside down!"

Everyone with a good eye can see that this RMB announcement is completely a league of humiliation of the US emperor! They also sued the League of Legends and filed a lawsuit. In their hearts, this international lawsuit is not as important as one yuan!

"Well? What does this League of Legends announcement mean? Big black bulls, flying mantises are out of control, and the world is scrambling. Are they not in the United States now?"

It is just that many people have realized the content of this announcement, and they have begun to make random guesses. Because until now, no one knows the movement of this **** bull! All over the world! Could it be that we went to our country!

"Don't mess around! Just stay in the United States! Remove their Statue of Liberty before leaving!" Many people who are hostile to the US emperor thought.


"Still seeing them killed?"

"Who can kill such beasts?"

What is even more speechless is that who sees these fierce beasts, who finds them, who kills them, and the countless American emperor's people who are stricken with anger want to scold their mother, who can kill them? It is good not to be killed by them!

Therefore, almost everyone believed that the announcement of the League of Legends was a complete provocation to the US emperor, and they did not take their case at all. Even some interested people are thinking about some threats in this announcement.

The League of Legends is threatening the US emperor. The gatekeepers of my family do not know where they are going. They are anxious, but they will jump out of the United States again. And next time, it's not just Wall Street in New York, but even the entire United States will make a circle!

For a while, many people around the world, especially governments of all countries, were thinking about the meaning of this League of Legends announcement.


"Today's forces in Moro City can only leave our League of Legends! All mafia must be uprooted!"

"Brothers, it's time to make a contribution!"

Moro City, a large city in the Roman Empire, was home to more than 600,000 people. At this moment, a middle-aged man stood in the middle of a group of people and shouted, "The headquarters has given the rewards, A mafia member, two points will be awarded, one will be seriously injured, and one point will be rewarded! "

"These points are the kind of points that can be redeemed on our official league website!"

"As long as we are alive afterwards, we can use these points to redeem what we want!"

If there are too many people on the planet today who don't believe that the incredible things in the League of Legends exchange platform are true, then this middle-aged person and the members of the League of Legends around him absolutely believe it!

Because this middle-aged person is just an elite who has just returned from the headquarters of League of Legends! That is, the person in charge of Moro City has been awarded 50 points and has successfully redeemed a bottle of low-level genetic medicine at the headquarters.

Has fifty combat power!

This combat power is the bullet, which can no longer penetrate his muscles and bones, and can only hurt him at most!

And especially when he did some experiments on the spot, who could not believe these members!

The main thing is that these people are squatting beside a big yellow dog, saying it is a dog, which is a bit inappropriate, because its size is no worse than a tiger!

The long hair on the body exudes a faint luster, and the tongue that is spit out is full of barbs, especially the sharp claws, which are extremely pointed. Compared with this, the tiger claws are not a few steps worse.

Even now the person in charge who already has fifty points of combat power, standing beside it is trembling, and can feel a tremendous pressure!

This big dog was brought back from his headquarters by the person in charge. It was given to him by the leader of the alliance. There is only one purpose to cooperate with them and wipe out all the mafia! Moreover, the elite in charge who returned from the Alliance headquarters this time brought back one.

Even everyone is speculating whether this thing has also swallowed genetic medicine that can increase combat effectiveness.


"The points have fallen!"

"I'm almost envious of the things on the exchange platform!"

Almost all the members on the side are excited to die, because the things on the exchange platform really attract them to death, everything, all kinds, even what you want, you can also leave a message below.

The premise is that you can afford enough points!

And this point, except for treasure exchange, is the task! And no one knows what this mission is all about. Now it seems that today's action is a mission!

"Today's goal is to know all the Mafia in this Moro city! From today on, we will make the League of Legends the only river and lake force here!"

This person in charge is a bit excited, because today's situation is beneficial to him. He now has fifty combat power, and the number of people he killed is definitely the most! Earn more points! The more things you can redeem in the future!

He even vaguely regards these mafia as cash machines!

At the same time, 158 large cities around the world have begun to do this. Countless members of the League of Legends, under the leadership of their leaders, have begun to eliminate the Mafia forces.

Because it is time for them to agree with their ally Ning Tianlin!

Today, the world's largest mafia must end!

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