Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 761: 100,000 combat power!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, level 86!"

In the end, the sound of the combat system stopped at level 88!

"Thirty levels!"

"Twenty million points of energy have made me level 30! I have reached level 88!"

In Ning Tianlin's eyes, there was no excitement or excitement. For him, the 30th level was already a lot, but this was also exchanged for 20 million points of energy.

You know, before going from level one to level thirty, you didn't even consume a million spirits.

But my heart is still quite satisfactory. After all, these 40 million points of energy are as white as possible. For more than a year, he stayed in the cave to practice matrix formations, and did nothing else.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, you have successfully exchanged twenty golden sundan!"

In the ears of Ning Tianlin, the sound of the combat system sounded again. The remaining 20 million points of energy were converted into Jin Ridan containing a lot of energy.

These twenty golden bodies, like fist-sized elixir, are suspended in the void and are very orderly. They are arranged in front of Ning Tianlin.


Ning Tianlin didn't hesitate and took a big mouthful and sucked a golden elixir into his belly. The entrance is instant. A surge of energy entered his body along his limbs.

At the same time, he put his mind in the Dantian position, the golden grain of the size of the rice grain, and then carefully urged him, and saw a whirlwind that suddenly emerged, attracting the energy of the limbs and bones come.


Immediately after that, there were the second and the third pills. When the five pills were swallowed by Ning Tianlin, the Danling had undergone a slight change and was even bigger.

Until half an hour later, all twenty elixirs had entered Ning Tianlin's belly. The size of the golden grain of Dandan, the size of the rice grains, had doubled about twice!


After the dust settled, Ning Tianlin took back his mind and exhaled a long spit. Just a little disappointed in his heart, he thought that 20 million points of energy would at least make this golden Danling grow up. Not to mention the size of your thumb, at least your fingernails will do.

But now, it's just changed from one grain of rice to two.

"This Danling is completely a bottomless pit!"

Ning Tianlin had a headache. When I thought of growing this Dan Ling to the size of a fist, I really do n’t know how much energy to consume! But he was not discouraged, because he knew that this practice would take him too much time to practice!

It is estimated that this will be the case for the next 100, 1,000, and 10,000 years.

After all, this is the top practice in the universe!

I do n’t know how many people I want to study without this opportunity!

Also, he is still on the earth and he can form two rice grains. What about walking out of the earth? The universe is infinite and vast. The earth is just one of its dust particles, not even the dust particles.

In the future, in the universe, this Dan spirit must have infinite possibilities!

No need to be in a hurry!

"Star Wars, open my body panel!"

Ning Tianlin in flight commanded the combat system. Now that there has been a breakthrough, the combat effectiveness will definitely change a lot.


As his words came down, a green light curtain appeared in front of him, with densely packed letters on it, recording his various attributes. However, Ning Tianlin directly set his sights on the position describing the combat effectiveness.

"Level: Eighty-eight. The physical combat effectiveness reaches 45,56 points!"

"Martial arts: flying in a row, the combat power is increased by 500 points!"

"Equipment: Dragon Tooth Gold Carp Set plus Promise Ring, adding 18,000 combat power."

"Danling, add 23,000 combat power."

"Comprehensive combat effectiveness: 86556!"


When Ning Tianlin read the last line of numbers, he was stunned. Although he could easily calculate his combat power by mental arithmetic, he always felt that the light curtain showed a more direct effect.

I have n’t seen a great improvement just now, but I did n’t expect that the combat effectiveness would be so high!

More than 86,000!

This number is already somewhat beyond his imagination!

This is only his own, plus more than 6,000 points, which is his combat effectiveness, has exceeded 92,000 points!

Coupled with some array methods, he can already play against 100,000 warriors!

Moreover, the martial arts he is practicing is just a normal martial arts skill. It was equivalent to more than thirty levels at that time. The martial arts he selected was only a bonus of more than five hundred combat power, which is not suitable for the current he.

He guessed that with his physical body today, he could fully use five or six thousand combat skills!

Even the equipment you just redeemed can be changed!

As long as you give him some time to kill 100,000 combat power, there is no problem at all!

"One hundred thousand fighting power!"

"Thousands of combat warriors are no longer in front of me!"

Ning Tianlin faintly had a heartbeat. From the moment he obtained the combat system, he has only been in his early two years, and more than half of the time, he was still trapped in this Arctic cave to study array formation.

Today, 100,000 warriors are not in his eyes.

This kind of growth rate is really something he didn't even dare think about before.

Two years ago, he was just a little rookie with only eight points of fighting power. Now, he feels that with one punch, the sea can be poured back!

"Now, it's estimated that Bai Qi from the heyday was the same!"

Ning Tianlin shook his fist and felt that his body was full of strength.

"It's just that, compared to Yincaodifu, this fighting power is just dregs."

Ning Tianlin still remembers that in the 100,000 Mountains, Niu Tau was against Bai Bai and hundreds of ghosts were just a slap. You know, that day, Bai Qi had more than 80,000 fighting power!

But in Niutou's hands, he didn't even eat a trick!

This is Tau Tau, what about the judge? What about King Yan Luo?

Those people are estimated to be able to jab themselves with just one finger!

Not to mention those top universe bosses!

One hundred thousand fighting power, I am afraid I can only say that I have the ability to protect myself. In the eyes of the real strong, it is estimated that it is just an ant!

"But this is only the beginning, but also the beginning of my Ning Tianlin!"

Only soon, Ning Tianlin looked at the vast sea below, his eyes flashing.

He can do so for two years. What about ten, twenty, one hundred years?

Today, he is considered a long life, as long as he does not fall down halfway, he will have endless life!

He Ning Tianlin will not be arrogant, and one day he will reach the top of the universe!


Could not help but raise his hand and waved towards the vast sea below.


The boundless sea was split in half under this palm, forming a huge gully in the middle, stretching far into the distance. It didn't stop until hundreds of kilometers later.


It was only that Ning Tianlin's face changed, because he saw that his palms kept spreading into the distance.

And not far away is an island!

There are also some buildings there that seem to have the breath of human life.

(End of this chapter)

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