Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 764: Where did it come from!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Look at your paralysis!"

"Man **** and seeing ass!"

The other party apparently drank some wine, and was still holding the wall, and turned around directly towards Ning Tianlin's position, while urinating and walking!

If it wasn't for Ning Tianlin's distance, I would probably urinate on Ning Tianlin's body.

"court death!"

Ning Tianlin's eyes narrowed, and his anger was born from his heart. Originally, he just wanted to find someone, and then read some of the memory losslessly to see what happened recently. After all, such a big thing happened in the world, I am afraid anyone knows it.

But I didn't expect that this person should pee directly at himself.

In addition, he still scolded him, even saying that your mother said it.


Ning Tianlin was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and he waved his hand directly, a knife-like light, and chopped down the other bird, blood splattered! Even with the liquid floating in the air, I don't know whether it is urine or blood!

"Humiliate yourself!"

Ning Tianlin snorted coldly. You know, I don't know how long, no one dares to talk to him like that. Moreover, his status today is no worse than that of an emperor in the country!

For an ancient emperor, if anyone dared to do this to him, the Nine Clans would have been destroyed!

Now he just chopped the bird of the other side, making him a eunuch!

If he waits, he will dare to pick up the little bird and run to the hospital, maybe there is a possibility to catch it!


Then, the huge pain made the drunk howl, but as soon as the voice came out, he suddenly shut his mouth. It was just a divine thought, which shot from Ning Tianlin's eyes, and fell into the other party's mind.

It was only momentarily that the other person's eyes became more and more confused, and finally became completely unconscious.

After a minute.


"It turned out to be this way."


How could Ning Tianlin not believe that he had just left for more than a year, and such a thing happened in the whole world! A black dragon almost destroyed the entire earth!

All this was done by a black dragon!

In addition, Xu Fu and Bai Qi's resentment was mixed!


After thinking about it, his body flickered and left here.


And as he left, an extremely tragic shout spread through the entire roadway. It was just too remote, and didn't come to a few people for a while.

. . . . . . .

"Star Wars, what the **** is going on!"

"What the **** is this black dragon!"

"Where did it come from!"


Ning Tianlin questioned the combat system. When such a big thing happened, the entire human race was about to perish, and they kept silent, asking so many times without saying a word.

"Nothing happened."

"Everything is like the memory you read."

Fighting power system road.

If Ning Tianlin did not find his shadow behind, he would not take the initiative to speak.

Lying and speaking up are two different things.

"What the **** is this black dragon? Where did it come from!"

Ning Tianlin continued to question. This thing is really too big, the most horrible thing that has happened for thousands of years, the entire human race was almost destroyed by a black dragon!

Even the nuclear bombs that occurred in the United States and Mexico were caused by this black dragon!

"And this Xu Fu!"

"It turned out to be Xu Fu, almost blocking the attack of this black dragon!"

The picture on that day was a global live broadcast, so the drunkard also knew what happened.

But in the end, everything was blocked by Bai Qi.

"It's white ..."

Ning Tianlin didn't know what to say, whether he complained or did not comment on what he did. After all, the whole country's death, as well as the Indian capitals later, Xiao Han and other countries destroyed the country. What you do can't get out of the way.

If it weren't for Bai Qi to stop, I'm afraid this black dragon is dead!

Nothing later will happen!

"Is this black dragon feeding for nothing? Join this group for nothing?"

Ning Tianlin estimated that ninety-nine percent may not be feeding in vain, because he does not have this time! How long before he came out of the 100,000 mountains, how could it feed such a black dragon!

But it does not exclude the two!

If not, why did Bai Qi save the life of the black dragon at that critical time! That's too coincidental!

Perhaps the black dragon came out of the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

Isn't this going to Qin Shi Huang? Was it sent by Emperor Qin Shihuang!

The combat system had not yet answered, and Ning Tianlin's mind had various conjectures.

"This black dragon is called Chiyan Black Dragon." Only shortly after, the combat system opened its mouth. "It is not a product of the earth, but it comes from an alien."

"Alien?" Ning Tianlin looked for a moment, suddenly felt creepy, did alien creatures have noticed the earth? He Ning Tianlin's combat effectiveness is good, but compared to those true masters of the universe, dregs are not!

If it was just the combat system, he quickly interrupted his association. "Speaking of this, the appearance of the Chiyan Black Dragon is not related to the predecessor of your League of Legends, which is the original Cangmen!"

"Cangmen?" Ning Tianlin froze, then thought of a possibility, because the original genetic evolution fluid of Cangmen was obtained from a spacecraft that fell under the Pacific Ocean.

Even the Cangmen master, and some warriors, searched for the second time!

In the end, it was the deep sea with 10,000 tons of water pressure!


"This Chiyan Black Dragon was released by the Cangmen Gate Master at the time." The combat power system said, "This is the picture of the day."

With a wave of his hands, a green light curtain appeared in front of Ning Tianlin. There are spaceships, humans, and eggs, which happened in the deep sea that day.

The combat system once told Ning Tianlin that the master of Cangmen had died in the water pressure of the sea, but he did not exhaust all the details at that time, and Ning Tianlin did not ask. So Ning Tianlin didn't know about this Chiyan black dragon from beginning to end.


"It turned out to be this way!"

Seeing everything clearly, Ning Tianlin was a little stunned. Because in the picture, not only the escape of the Chiyan Black Dragon, but also how the Chiyan Black Dragon grows, and how it becomes stronger in the sea step by step, are all depicted.

"Soon after you were trapped in the cave, this Chiyan Black Dragon began to log in to human territory!"

"And in its eyes, humans are more dense and better in its eyes as food! It even gave up part of the sea and concentrated on humans as food!"

The combat system explained.


Ning Tianlin was silent. Because of this situation, the culprit should belong to the dead Cangmen master. Without him, the egg of the red and black dragon is probably still in the sea. I do n’t know when. To egg.

(End of this chapter)

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