Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 776: Tianlin is coming!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"The lord is there ... he is alone ... okay?"

Although the heroes in the hall are excited, there are still some people who are worried, for fear that one person is not the opponent of this black dragon. After all, many people are guessing, if the leader is this black dragon opponent, why not start early?

But wait till now!

This is nothing, it has been proven that they are not in the League of Legends! It is a super martial artist who has stayed for thousands of years!

"rest assured."

"The power of the lord is beyond our imagination."

Shi Xiaojun was cheering everyone, in his words, he held his life-long confidence in Ning Tianlin! Because Tianlin told him the original words, "Kill it like killing a chicken!"

at the same time.

The military area near Chiyan Black Dragon and Baiqi battle.

"Sir, would you use missiles or even small nuclear bombs to attack this black dragon?"

In the hall.

Several staff members asked a middle-aged senior executive who had decision-making power. His expression was tense and frowning, and there was a faint desire for hands. Because at this time, it is a rare opportunity.

This black dragon has been seriously injured! Maybe it's already the end of the crossbow!

It was originally not afraid of nuclear bombs, but at this moment, maybe a small nuclear bomb could kill it! Haven't seen it's whole body, has it been fleshed out! The scales have long been torn apart.

At this time, maybe he really took his life!

The main thing is not to do it now, and wait for it to recover, but it will cost all Chinese people's lives!

All the nations of the earth have been destroyed, and it is impossible to miss China alone!


This middle-aged officer also has a solemn look on his face, because this command is really bad. Missiles and nuclear bombs can't be killed without moving! Even this kind of thing, he called to ask his superiors a little bit difficult!

But this middle-aged executive also knows that now is a very good opportunity. If you miss this time, there is really no next time. I am afraid that it will be a hundred nuclear bombs in the future.

The United States and Russia are both lessons learned!

"Come order, sir!"

"Come order, sir!"

"Can't drag any more!"

Many people even saw the black dragon slowly shaking his body on the screen, moving towards the white falling on the ground. Although it is slow, it is moving again! If this kills Bai Qi, no one is really his opponent!




But at this time, the fixed telephone on the side rang, and the middle-aged executive took a look at it and quickly picked up the microphone.

After speaking, he quietly listened to the other party's instructions. And answering while listening, "Yes!"




"Sir, we will fully follow your instructions, rest assured!"


After the end, hang up the phone very solemnly. At the same time, he said to those who were watching closely, "No!"

"Superior order, everything is arranged, we just wait and see!"

"This black dragon, there will be someone in the League of Legends!"


As his words came down, the people next to him could not help expressing excitement, "League of Legends!"

"League of Legends is finally about to shoot!"

"With them, it should be possible!"

Although these people are not heroes, they also have some understanding of the heroes in the League of Legends. For example, there are some soldiers who have taken the potion given by the League of Legends. All of them are powerful and invincible!

They are all like this, and this source of League of Legends is definitely more powerful!

Especially the ox demon king, the ox demon king who has only appeared a few times, maybe at this time, it will appear again!

Many people even blindly believe that as long as the Bull Demon takes the shot, this Chiyan Black Dragon is definitely not a thing! You know, in the legend, the bull devil is the character who slaps his wrist with the monkey.

And Sun Monkey, although he has not slaughtered the dragon, but his men defeated Nazarco!

This bull devil is sure to be able to kill dragons!

"who is it?"

"Who will be sent by League of Legends this time? How many heroes or many?"

Their eyes glowed with anticipation, but they thought that at this time, the Demon King could still bring some people. After all, the shape of the black dragon was really big enough! More than 600 meters!

It's half longer than the 400-meter runway!


And all the Chinese people are staring at the screen tightly at this moment, their expressions are tense, because in their eyes, the black dragon has slowly lowered their body and took off toward the white on the ground!

This is exactly the rhythm of killing!

It is 100% possible to see if Bai Qi is completely dead, and then add a paw!

"stand up!"

"Rise up! Come on!"

"Get up fast, you can do it!"

Many people even talked, invisibly pumped up Bai, hoping that he would stand up miraculously and fight against the black dragon again! Because if he dies, Huaxia is really over!

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

Originally at an altitude of five or six hundred meters, it could be reached in the blink of an eye by the Chiyan Black Dragon, but at this moment, it took about three minutes, because every metre it landed, it had to endure great pain. !!

In particular, the opening of the ruptured head made it a little hazy and unable to keep up the spirit, and the flight turned left and right. It can be said that each step of it is completed like a struggle,

But before that, it must kill this for nothing!

Because it was very clear, the other party was not dead, but was seriously injured and passed out. If it does not take this opportunity to remove the other party, it is to let go of an enemy!

It never has the habit of leaving itself a powerful enemy!

"White up!"

"Stop it!"

Finally, in the eyes of everyone, this Chiyan black dragon finally came to Bai Qi's side slowly, snorted in his heart, raised his claws hard, and grabbed Bai Bai's body!

No way!

There is no delusion to give Bai Qi to choke on the ground!

Because it's gone now! Bai Qi's body, although it is only physical, is also hard and ruthless! At this point, it's very clear!


Slowly, Chiyan Heilong used his skin to claw his flesh, grabbed Bai Qi, and slowly sent it towards his mouth.

Although it can't make much effort, as long as it is put up in the mouth and passed through the throat, such as the abdomen, it will definitely melt him into dregs!

He is very confident in his stomach!

Slowly, stick out your tongue and lick it towards Bai!

And Bai Qi in fainting, knew nothing about it!

"It looks like you have a good appetite. At this time, you can't forget to eat people!"

But at this time, a figure fell from the sky and fell straight in front of the Chiyan black dragon, smiling at the black dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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