Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"Captain: fifteen thousand kilometers!"

"Ship width: 8,000 kilometers!"

"There are ninety-nine muzzles, three kilometers in diameter!"

In particular, various data was also marked on the screen by the technical staff of the League of Legends, and everyone was shocked.

The captain is 15,000 kilometers. You know, the earth is only over 12,000 kilometers in diameter!

There is also a muzzle, which is three kilometers straight!

What is this concept!

With a three-kilometer muzzle, you have a three-kilometer long run.


People who know the inside story can't help but swallow a spit. This fire can definitely penetrate the earth in an instant and even vaporize it all!

The size of an atomic bomb can wipe out a small country. They don't believe that guys with this type of spaceship will not be able to make cannonballs like nuclear bombs!


And many people who do n’t know why, but cursed with a smile, “Which silly fork is this, and this kind of thing designed is a spacecraft larger than the diameter of the earth, can you make it?”

"Three kilometers of muzzle, how much artillery shells!"

"This designer is absolutely mentally disabled!"

Some people scolded and said, "Let's go, let's go. I've decided that this must be computer design."

This kind of person who confessed that he had seen all things was utterly verbal and didn't know that talking to such a person was Xia Zong.

Some people who are more wise, or have always been more cautious in life, stared at the screen and did not speak, because the Ning Tianlin, the leader of the League of Legends, has publicly acknowledged that there are aliens in this world.

The earth cannot make such things, but it does not mean that aliens cannot.

Just like the ancients, can you imagine that today's people can already land on the moon? Are all manned aircraft flying all over the sky!

You can't imagine that it doesn't mean that others can't.

Moreover, if this is not an alien spaceship, how can everyone's network broadcast such a program. You know, every previous live broadcast represents a major event in the world!

The US imperial nuclear bomb was launched once, the Black Dragon slaughtered the world once, and Ning Tianlin conquered the Black Dragon once. This time, I am afraid that something will happen again! Maybe it was really an alien invasion.



It was only very soon that the spacecraft floating above the outer space of the earth heard a clicking sound from the body, and I did not know how the League of Legends satellites captured it. After all, there was no sound in outer space.


As the camera zoomed in, people noticed that a door opened slowly to the side of the spacecraft.

Then, two.



If it were not for the sound of machinery, people would never have thought that these places would have hidden doors!


As soon as these doors opened, dozens of figures rushed out of the door, rushing out of the door, directly floating in the void, and then heading towards the earth below without looking back.

"I am!"


"They're flying towards the earth!"

Many people shouted in shock at this moment. Even just clamoring, this is some people who made with computer technology. They also stopped and opened their eyes, because this screen made him feel more and more real.

With computer production, it is impossible to have such an immersive feeling.

"What creature is this!"

"So ugly!"

The screen zoomed in, and the appearance of a figure appeared.

I saw this creature, with a green body, protruding eyes, and a toad-like shape on the face, but with two pointed corners on its head, standing about three meters tall.

A 15-year-old girl saw this and shouted.

The parents who had been standing beside her did not speak, staring directly at the screen, because at this time, they had noticed that this green creature had come to the atmosphere.

Moving through the atmosphere at a blazing speed! Flying towards the earth.

Even everyone has a small or large fireball on his body. But this high temperature caused by friction with the atmosphere, no one, these people have the slightest stagnation.

The flesh can fly, which cares about these temperatures.


It was just that when these people passed through the atmosphere, they flew away and ran in all directions of the earth, not concentrating on somewhere on the earth.

Their first goal is that Chiyan black dragon!

After all, their master has spoken. Whoever finds the Chiyan Black Dragon first will get 100,000 galaxy coins!


Enough for them to struggle for many years!

What are the people on this planet, together they may not be worth a thousand galaxies! When you find the news of Chiyan Heilong, come to these indigenous people for trouble!


"Please pay attention!"

"Aliens invade, please find a place to avoid yourself, if possible, stay at home all, don't go out!"

"Stay all at home, don't go out!"

And while everyone was watching this screen and talking about it, Hua Xia finally spoke and announced the attributes of the event, and the aliens invaded! At the same time tell everyone to stay at home and not go out!

Because of this wave of aliens, it is very likely that they have no intentions.

If not, the satellites in outer space will not be destroyed as soon as they come up!

Ordinary people are better off!

Even too many soldiers have assembled and are ready to fight at any time. It is their duty to be ordered, even if these aliens are really terrifying demons, they will fight hard!

It is the heroes of the League of Legends and their solemn expressions. Because of this situation, I am afraid they cannot avoid it.

This time, they might have to fight!

But they were all nervous, because they knew very well that the other party's ability to fly in the air based on the physical body only proved that their combat power had exploded. Because according to the League of Legends, in order to achieve physical flight, the combat effectiveness must reach 10,000!

For them, the 10,000 combat power is as insurmountable as the sound of nature.

Today, I am afraid that only the leader of the entire alliance exceeds it!

"Just, where are you Tianlin?"

Shi Xiaojun is anxious. This situation is the same as the black dragon raging. I am afraid that only his good friend can handle it.


"Really alien!"

And at this time, all Chinese people reacted. Look at me one by one, I look at you, with an incredible color on my face.

Alien invasion!

Turned out to be an alien invasion!

If you just suspected that this is a computer effect, now, no one doubts that this is possible! Because this is the most authoritative organization speaking! They can't tell lies in such things!

(End of this chapter)

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