Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 867: Unless you are the master of the earth

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"Nine civilizations?"

"One star warrior!"

Ning Tianlin was stunned. He did not know the boundaries of the nine-level civilization. He also did not know when the earth would enter the nine-level civilization, but this star warrior, he is!

He is even four stars higher than one star, reaching five stars!

Moreover, when the real life and death are fighting, he may even be able to cut off even the six stars!

Could he, on his own, be able to integrate the Earth into the Milky Way?

As for the third method, he did not even consider it, becoming a vassal of others?

At that time, the Earth ’s Huaxia people were probably slaves to each other, just like the master and slaves in ancient times.


"One star warrior."

The combat system certainly knew what Ning Tianlin was thinking, and nodded, "As long as you enter the center of the galaxy, or at any of its resident locations, you can apply."

"What is the station?" Ning Tianlin asked.

"In fact, it is the official office of the Milky Way. It is a country that you know of Huaxia, but there are provinces, cities, counties, towns and the like below him, which is pretty interesting."

"After all, the Milky Way is so big, you walk to the center, the capital of the Milky Way, and you don't know how many years it has been."

"As long as you apply at one of the offices, they will run through the system to the center of the galaxy and wait for approval there. Your planet can be counted as a true member of the galaxy."

"It's also a departure from indigenous identity."

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin nodded, but he did not expect that a star warrior could represent a planet and get the recognition of the galaxy. It seems that this 100,000 combat effectiveness is not difficult to achieve.

"However, there is a prerequisite for all of this. It is applied through martial arts combat power. This applicant must be the owner of this planet. In other words, you must be the owner of this planet to apply."

"So the Milky Way, how do you think I am the master of the earth?" Ning Tianlin Yiyi, how can this prove? "Did the Milky Way send someone to investigate the earth?"

"Money!" The combat system grinned, and spit out a word that Ning Tianlin didn't care about the most, "That's the Galaxy coin!"

"On your earth, money can make ghosts grind, and in the galaxy, the same is true."

"As long as you have money, you can do many things you want to do, buy murder, buy supplies, buy technology, buy slaves, buy natural treasures. Almost everything you want can be obtained with Galaxy coins. "

"Not to mention let you be the owner of an indigenous planet that has never been certified."

"It's easy for you to be the governor of a planet with a host."

"Oh." Ning Tianlin nodded his head. Indeed, Qiantong has everything, and the world is all good. And this good word is nothing more than money. Earth is just a microcosm of the Milky Way.

At this time, just listening to the combat system continued, "The galactic coin is also the universal currency of the galaxy."

"Your Lord of the Galaxy, it is strictly forbidden for any planet to issue its own currency."

"Offender, cut!"

"Of course, the indigenous planet is no longer here."

"Well." Ning Tianlin agrees that this kind of thing, if it is him, will also be implemented by thunder. The unified currency is a matter of benefiting people and self-interest and benefiting generations. At that time, the emperor, the emperor, saw this and implemented it vigorously.

"First Emperor?"

Thinking of the unified currency, Ning Tianlin could not help but think of Qin Shihuang. What could he do now?

There is no trace of him in the Tomb of the First Emperor, or even in the Yin Cao Di Mansion.

"He entered the Milky Way more than three thousand years ago."

"If there is a fate, you will meet."

The combat effectiveness system didn't say much, just a little bit. After all, Qin Shihuang and now Ning Tianlin did not have any essential intersection. If there is a fate, I will see you.


"It has left the earth!"

Ning Tianlin was thinking of this situation in the Earth Palace at that time. It is not difficult for so many alien technologies to let him survive and leave the earth. It's just weird why they left, and they left after the reunification of Daqin for a few years.

"Will that integration into the galaxy be good for the earth and for China?"

After thinking about it, Ning Tianlin was not entangled in the question of the first emperor, and whether it was good for the earth to integrate into the galaxy, this was his most concerned issue.

Ning Tianlin knows best what happened after the collision between Indian civilization and modern civilization.

The whole Indian was almost killed and civilization was almost destroyed. This phenomenon, Ning Tianlin did not want to happen to the earth.

"There are pros and cons."

"Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages!"

The combat power system states, "Incorporate the Earth into the Galaxy system, you can communicate with each other. You earth people can do alien business through the Internet, and you can see the wider world."

"Modern civilizations such as medicine and technology are far from being comparable to the earth you have now."

"But you also know that there is yin and yin, and there are advantages and disadvantages. If the mindful people notice the earth, it won't be long before you, the earth, will be hit hard, and even the entire Chinese civilization system will be broken.

The combat system didn't say much, and I don't know how many indigenous planets had just paid the price of blood when they just joined the real civilization.

"It all depends on how you choose your host."

The combat power system said, "If it is what I mean, I hope the host, you first increase your combat power, and wait for your combat power to reach a certain level, let alone the integration of the Chinese civilization and the Milky Way civilization. Simple thing! "

"You are strong by yourself, you can support a planet, even a hundred, a thousand planets."

"Because you are alone, you can face thousands of disasters!"

Hearing here, Ning Tianlin showed his thoughts, and then nodded his head. Indeed, he is strong alone, and he can support the strength of the earth. He can protect the earth by himself!

It is not difficult for a powerful combatant to break a planet with one punch.

Not to mention guarding a planet.

"Let's see."

"This kind of thing can only be said as it happens."

Ning Tianlin thought about it, and no longer entangled, but he also knew that as long as he entered the Milky Way, the fate of this earth, I'm afraid from now on, he will be completely tied to himself and can't get rid of the relationship.

"Now, all I have to do is hurry up and cherish these ten days."

His eyes flickered, and Ning Tianlin's body descended quickly, drilling for several kilometers toward the ground.

When the next moment came out, his parents and sister, Shu Yishan, were already standing beside him.

Note: Tomorrow will leave Earth. Beginning of the Galaxy article.

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