Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 878: You only deserve to kneel and talk to me!

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"You **** thief!"

The fat Mr. Ba scolded his face violently, and stretched his hands into claws. A rush of suction flowed from his palm, and he directly sucked a stack of Galaxy coins from Kabala's pants pockets.


Appeared directly in his hands!

Sure enough, genuine Galaxy coins!

A whole ten thousand yuan!

At the same time, my mind suddenly changed, thinking of all possible possibilities, weighing the pros and cons, and then my heart swung, slammed a wave, and a strong palm, and patted Kabata's head!

The dead will not speak and argue!

With this money, plus his assets, he is the richest man in Cuttlefish Star, and even the consul can challenge it, what is terrible!

"I'm not a thief!"

"You pay me back!"

Kabata is also a ruthless person, but at this moment, when he encountered a person who was even more fierce than him, there was no place to cry! But how willing that so much money was taken away! Ten thousand galaxy coins, enough for him to be the top ten tyrants of Cuttlefish!

Just about to get up to argue, but his face changed dramatically, and at the same time the whole body rolled quickly towards one side!


Suddenly, the place he had just lay into had become a big pit.

But even so, Kabbata saw the plane early and saw the other person frown, and thought of something, but he was still shattered by the strength of the other's palm, and his blood flowed.

The other party is so hard!

Without saying a word, if you don't explain to yourself, kill yourself!


Seeing that he was not hit, the fat Mr. Ba did not hesitate to take another shot, and with the palm of his hand, a huge force descended from the air and shot hard at Kabata!

This person is definitely going to die!

Only after the death, will this huge sum be completely yours! It ’s safe enough to get it!

Moreover, no one dared to question what he said here. He said that the other party was a thief or a thief. For the entire planet, there are only a few to get ten thousand galaxy coins.

Everyone will believe his words!

And what if he didn't believe it? Barbara said yes, no, no!

Also, these aliens on the side will prove for him!

"It's over!"


Kabata who broke his arm suddenly felt ashamed, and the opponent's combat power was far more powerful than himself! I was able to escape just now, I can only say that I have already seen people's hearts, and it's too early to see the opportunity.

Now, he was out of breath in the air. He has even blocked all his escape directions.

Falling down with the palm of his hand, he can absolutely pat him!


"You're born when you die!"

Barbara's eyes have seen a gloomy, ten thousand galaxy coins! Enough for him so crazy! He struggled for hundreds of years before he had so much money. Now he can have so much at once. He dares to do anything!

It's just killing an individual. He didn't know how much he killed in his life.


Just lying in the corner of the corner of his mouth, lying obliquely on the ground, and seeing that Kabbala was about to be shot by him, his entire body slid across the ground and shot quickly towards the right.

And the direction of the shot is exactly the rest hall, which is where Ning Tianlin and Bo Wen stayed!


How could Barbara's face change!

He has a sharp confidence in his power!

Few cuttlefish stars will be his opponents, and no one can escape from his hands in this case! Even the governor of this planet is only half a catty with him.

If possible, only outsiders!

After all, this hotel is dedicated to entertaining aliens.

Could not help, he turned his head and looked viciously towards the rest area where Ning Tianlin was located. Because there are only a dozen people resting in the hall! It must have been one of them.

It was only one and a half moments, but he could not determine who it was, because none of these people had any traces of his shot, and he was watching here with open eyes. Especially a young man leaning on the sofa with his eyes closed. A girl is doing the opposite.

These two people are also considered by Barbara to be impossible to do!

One is too young, the other is that it takes time to get started. How can you do this and still have time to lean on the sofa leisurely.




Barbara walked slowly towards these dozens of people, footsteps, needles in the quiet hall can be heard, this is also a habit he has established for a long time. Walking slowly can give people a mental stress.

But when several people approached, it was a sudden drunk!


"stand out!"

"If you don't come out again, I will assert that you are with this thief!"

"Let's get my money together!"

"This is a felony of beheading!"

Barbara yelled at Kabbala lying on the ground. And glanced at the few people in front of me, and wanted to see who the **** was the ghost!

Aliens are more noble in their cuttlefish stars, but who do they depend on? In front of ordinary people, you can show off your strength, but in front of Barbara, few people can have this qualification!

"Ha ha."

"Good breath."

"Match your assets."

"I think it's you who are trying to take my assets!"

It was only in Barbara's shocked eyes that he thought it was the least possible. The young man squinting leaning against the sofa spoke, but he was lazy and still didn't open his eyes, a feeling of not putting him in his eyes.

Yes, it was Ning Tianlin who just started.

Big dogs have to look at their owners.

Although he was rather the master of Kabbalan than Ning Tianlin, he was rich in money, and you are robbing me of the reward!

"help me!"

"Master Ning, save me!"

"He is going to kill me for the money you give me, and he will kill me!"

Soon, Kabara, who was already frightened, realized that who had saved herself and rushed to Ning Tianlin's side after crying, crying.

It was just before three meters near Ning Tianlin that he was blocked by an invisible force.

This suffocation was let go by the zombie Bowen, because she felt Kabbalah's arms were broken, and close to them, the blood would stain their clothes.

"It's you!"

"Just your hand?"

Barbara's face was stunned, faintly unbelievable. Was that power just caused by this young man? It looks like he is only in his twenties!

And what he just said, reward!

Those ten thousand Galaxy coins are rewarded by the young people right now!

"People like you are not qualified to speak to me!"

"Only kneeling!"


I didn't see how Ning Tianlin moved, but with his eyes open, a force of horror, he directly pressed Barbara's body down, and even forced the other person's knee into the floor!

Kneel down!

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