Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 879: Everything, kill is

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"It's a price to take someone's money casually."

After Ning Tianlin did all of this, it was as simple as patting the dust on his body. He didn't even stand up. The barbarous pair was already kneeling on the ground, Barbara said with his knees broken.

It was just a look of indifference and indifference.

For this kind of robber-like behavior, he chooses only violence.

"I ... I take someone else's money?"

"Who can prove it?"

"This 10,000 Galaxy coins are mine!"

"It was this **** who stole my money!"

Barbara is indeed a fierce character, kneeling on the ground, still glanced at Ning Tianlin fiercely and refused to admit it. Turning around at the same time, shouting at everyone in the hall, "You said, would I Barbara steal other people's money?"

"Am I the kind of person!"

"I steal someone else's money, who can prove it?"

"come out!"

"If anyone can prove it, stand up and speak!"

The voice was loud and full of ruthlessness.

Apparently, there was no severe pain in the knee, which made him lose his former momentum.

He didn't believe it. Someone dared to stand up and testify against him, even if he saw it!


But as soon as his words fell, a slap, he had slammed his face fiercely.




one by one.

In just five seconds, a full hundred slaps turned Barbara's mouth like a pig's head.

"Ha ha."

"really interesting."

"I've never seen anything so embarrassing and I can't admit it!"

It was Bo Wen, the zombie beauty sitting opposite Ning Tianlin. It was only Ning Tianlin who hadn't seen how she started, but she felt that the figure was sitting on the sofa again.

If it wasn't for Barbara's swollen head, everyone in the hall would think that the applause just heard was an illusion.

"I ... I didn't do it!"

"I did not do that!"

"That was me ... my money ..."

Barbara murmured vaguely.

Only this time, his eyes were a bit frightened, and his words hesitated a bit, and he couldn't seem to believe that everything that happened just now was true.


The other person's figure is too fast, so he can't see clearly!

If he didn't know how his knee was broken just now, maybe he had accidentally caught the other's way, then the woman sitting on the sofa now is naked and naked. Hit his face naked!

Not to mention this man, this woman alone, the fighting power is far above him!

Otherwise, he will not even see the other person's figure!

"These two are better than me!"

"And it's not a little bit strong!"

At this time, Barbara had already seen some doorways, but she was still still alive, struggling, and could not admit that he had moved other people's money!

How could he easily admit it?

You know, this is 10,000 galaxy coins, which is equivalent to most of his net worth. If he succeeds, his net worth will rise greatly! And, if you admit it at this time, you are not telling other people that this money is what he took. Is he Barbara a thief!

In this way, will the image of the philanthropist he worked so hard to collapse completely?

Moreover, it is far from the final showdown. He has contacted his men through the information device and asked them to hurry up to help. Today, this young man is going to die here!

Although his men are not as effective as him, he has three, which is not much different from him. Especially triplets, there is a natural tacit understanding, and they can't handle it together.

When the time comes, the four of them join forces, and they may not be the opponents of the two in front of them!

After all, the two of them are too young, and it is estimated that they are only a few decades old, and they will not be big masters! Hundreds of planets, he has never heard of such a person!

Maybe this woman is just agile and fast!

He is not without a chance to come back!

He won't give up until the last minute!


At the same time, his mind flashed, and a dark green elixir was taken out of the space ring, appeared in his palm, and then thrown into his mouth without hesitation.

After a moment, he felt that his broken knee had begun to recover. Even with the swollen face, he slowly recovered.

For others, the space ring is scarce, but compared to the rich man on the planet, it can still be achieved with some effort. This is the dark green life-saving elixir, and he has a few more.

"Ha ha."


Ning Tianlin laughed, which reminded him of a proverb, but he cried without seeing the coffin.

At this time, there is also the thought of arguing with yourself.

Don't recognize the form?


At the same time, when the other party was struggling and wanted to stand up, a divine thought was sent out, and the other party's knee was directly crushed.

"I said, I don't like you standing and talking to me, you can't stand up."

Ning Tianlin said lightly.


At the same time, he stroked in the void, and Barbara's palm with the space ring broke in half, falling to the ground, blood flowing. With one stroke, the space ring flew into Ning Tianlin's palm.

He didn't even see it, and was forced into the dregs by his palm.

What good can this kind of person have? He didn't bother to check.

He saw the elixir just now, it was just a simple healing medicine. In the combat system, he could not even exchange one hundred points of energy.


At this moment, Barbara's face changed drastically, and his pain was severe. Although he didn't let him lose his heart, he made him realize that the trouble was so great that he would not be able to recover in a short time!

This elixir was not made by their planet at all, but he bought it in the Treasure Pavilion outside!

"You don't admit it, it's okay."

"Because I don't need your admission!"

Ning Tianlin said lightly, "Because I'm too lazy to listen to a **** to a dying man."

Ning Tianlin started to kill, for nothing else, because he did not like people who did not see the coffin and did not cry. Nothing but hard mouth! But when the coffin comes, you have to put it in!

And he also noticed that a large group of people were approaching here. The menacing force should be this Barbara's reinforcements. At that time, noisy, looking for him or something, he didn't like it.


Everything, kill it!

Today, it's not the earth, and he doesn't have to be too restrained!

Even at this time, the combat effectiveness system seemed to sense Ning Tianlin's killing heart. The long-lost voice sounded in Ning Tianlin's ears, "Ding! Release mission now!"

"Out of earth, the host killed an alien for the first time!"

"Successful mission, rewarded one million points for Essence!"

"The mission failed. Ten million points of decisive points were deducted!"

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