Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 881: Kill completely

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!


It is indeed a threat!

He Ning Tianlin was not a fool, how could he not hear the meaning of the other person's words, and with the expressions of the people around him, the meaning was obvious, but he was Barbara, who gave birth to a good son.

Study at Jiu Mu College!

Is a genius among geniuses!

If you dare to kill me, his son will definitely avenge him!

What more to support the children, but just want to bring up his son to study at Jiu Mu College in front of Ning Tianlin! Even the waiters on the side realized it.


"No, I dare not threaten seniors."

He has determined that the young man in front of him already knows how powerful his son is, otherwise he would not say these words, but he still shook his head and said, "I just pity my son. If I show that I am dead, there is no People paid him tuition fees, allowing him to practice his carefree practice. "

Pretending to be pitiful, "Let me go, senior, I'm just unintentional. If you let me go, I will certainly be grateful to you, and honor you ..."


But in the incredible eyes of everyone, Barbara's words had not been finished yet. Ning Tianlin had waved his hand directly, and a sturdy sword was formed without hesitation, and Barbara's head was beheaded.

"I'm afraid of everything, so I'm not afraid of threats!"

Facing his head, Ning Tianlin smiled coldly, and with one hand, the full body was exposed, and he opened his mouth directly and clicked twice to eat the other's body clean.

Then it turned into a snake, coiled around his shoulders, scarlet eyes, and stared at the alien in front of him.


When some waiters saw this scene, they shouted in fright, and scattered away. Even the hotel security rushed to the scene looked at this scene timidly. They were afraid to move forward. The creature was shocked!


This is Barbara!

One of the top ten richest people in the world!

That's it!

And not even the body was left.

The scarlet scarlet scourge made everyone frightened, especially the aliens who came with Barbara who were staring at it, and did not dare to move.

Because from the unknown creature, they felt a strong breath of death.

"This ... what is this!"

The aliens in front of them were shaking their legs involuntarily. They never thought that a person would carry this horrible creature, and swallowed it with two clicks!

"Go on."

"Since you're here, don't let go."

It ’s just that Ning Tianlin ignored them. When he waved his hand, his body was violently shot out, but not the aliens in front of him, but from the hotel's roof. The deformation was getting bigger and bigger, and met the fifty or sixty people who came from the air.

Among them, they have identical triplets.

Not anyone else, it was Barbara's hired thug and his guard.

It ’s just that these people do n’t usually carry them very much, because he considers that the whole planet, and few people are his opponents.

"what is this?"

"Where is this creature!"

A group of people who had just arrived and had cyanosis in their eyes had never seen this creature, even the nearby planets. However, I didn't think how weird you were.

After all, not all creatures, they all know.


Just answering them, there is no voice, only the action of a million feet, in the response of these people had no time to come, ushered in towards them. Then a big mouth, a dark black poisonous mist, enveloped these people when they could not avoid it.



Only in an instant, the skin of these people began to fester, and even the equipment on them was corroded into black water, and with the intense pain, there was a thick sense of dizziness.

In less than three seconds, they lost all consciousness, and even swallowed their entire body with an open mouth.




Just when Wan Zuyu had just swallowed up everything, in the void, there were hundreds of red lasers, which shot towards his body. At the same time, dozens of elliptical weird aircraft appeared in the air.

And without words, it was all fire.

However, Wan Zuyu did not even avoid, let these lasers hit himself. And apart from the sporadic Mars, not even one of its scales was peeled off. Its body is like a sword.


It was just that its fierceness was also stimulated, its tail waved, and its body shot violently. Within less than a second, all these aircraft were blasted into dregs.


Hidden in the dark, all the guards of the viewer, you look at me, I look at you, your eyes are full of shock.

"This ... this is too scary!"

"The planet's air defense forces are not opponents at all!"

What just attacked Manzulu was the defensive force responsible for the region of Cuttlefish, and it was also the planet's autonomous defense system, which were all machines. At all times, intelligent machines patrol the void.

When the triplets appeared, they were actually activated.


"There is no record of this creature monster, but those who have just died are found out!"

Soon, the guard watching in secret had a result.

A person in charge of the investigation was facing a chief.

"Who are they?" The chief asked.

"Barbara's guard!"

"The people who died were all Barbara's guards!" This investigation said, "According to the records, the combat effectiveness of these people is more than 10,000. They are the masters of our planet!"


"Barbara's guard!"

The sir was shocked. These people turned out to be Barbara's escorts.

Who is Barbara, how can he not know! That's one of the ten richest people in the world! Brothers and princes are called characters! Why did his men mess with this monster?

Don't die!

"Head, shall we go up and subdue it?"

A young man asked.


"How to get on?"

"Did you die?"

This sir, like an idiot, glanced at the young man, "If you want to die, I won't stop you!"

More than 10,000 combat experts are dead. Are you going to fill your teeth?

He couldn't help but waved and thought for a while, and ordered a humane to the side, "Contact the consul, tell him what's going on here! Ask him to take it!"

"Oh, go."

"Cut grass and roots, all this Barbara swallowed me!"

Ning Tianlin was no longer the kind-hearted person who had given orders to Wanzu. At the same time, the information about Barbara retrieved from the combat system came to its mind.

To kill, kill it thoroughly.

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