Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 910: The power of hatred

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"Kill her!"

"A slave dares to turn around here and treat us as nobles? How can we have the same power as ours!"

The enchanting lady watched Xiaoman abandon her struggle, without a trace of pity, and even hummed.

And her two bodyguards didn't stop. In the next second, their heavy hands could definitely shake the woman's head.


At the very moment of the moment, the eyes of the two bodyguards suddenly showed horror, because they suddenly discovered that their hands could not be moved, and even their entire bodies were firmly wrapped by a force of force, and they were inclined forward Your body, stiff and stagnant.


When they were still somewhat unresponsive, the heads of the two of them were like watermelon scoops, bursting instantly, blood flying, and splashing everywhere. It was just when Xiaoman was about to be blocked by an invisible force.


The onlookers were shocked. They came to see the liveliness, to see the slaves killed, but not to see the slaves resist! The slave riots were sometimes terrifying.

Especially now that I saw the blood, the heads of the two bodyguards were gone for no reason, the timidity, and they were suddenly coaxed out.

Shouting frantically to escape.

But I was still a little bit daring and thought that the combat effectiveness was good. I wanted to see what was going on and who would do it.

The enchanting lady of the original figure was instantly pale, her legs were shaking involuntarily, but she knew that the fighting power of the two bodyguards was assigned to her by her husband.

Combat is good.

But at this moment, he was headshot for no reason!

Although she was arrogant, she was also timid. Especially when she saw blood, the reaction she could think of was to immediately turn away and run away! But what made her extremely scared was that no matter how she struggled, she couldn't control her body!

Her entire body seemed to be stung on the ground by a tremendous force! Can't move at all!


Xiaoman slowly opened her eyes. She was a little strange. Why didn't the other party do it yet, and how did she not feel the pain? Especially when she heard the panic calls around her, she was extremely shocked.

what happened?


But when she opened her eyes and saw the two headless bodies that had fallen to the ground in front of her, she also screamed and even took a breath of cold air.

what happened?

How could it be that she had to hit her two bodyguards just now?

Who did it?

Who has the courage to dare to kill two people in broad daylight?

"It's him!"


For a moment, Xiaoman, a little drowsy, remembered something and hurriedly looked towards the side. If at this moment, who is likely to shoot for himself, it is only him!

But is that possible?

He's just his own guest. How could he build such a big beam for himself?




But when she turned her head and saw the young man coming slowly, she understood everything, and sure enough, he did it! It was he who saved his life!

Although the other party's expression was still indifferent at the moment, just as cold as ice, she couldn't help feeling a touch of warmth, and realized that her boss's cold face might hide a heart she could not imagine.

"Old ... boss!"

Xiao Man's words were stuttering.

She had just given up the struggle, but she had also dreamed that her boss would take the lead and stop the other party from doing it. After all, she followed him here. But the odds are probably less than 1 in 10,000!

This enchanting lady is not a messy character at first glance.

But I never expected that my own boss would not only do it, but also shot so fiercely, killing the other two bodyguards directly, still under the condition of so many people watching.

Isn't he afraid!

Every planet has laws and rules. Especially this lady, it seems that the home is not simple. What to do after revenge.


It was only when she was thinking about it that a strangely shaped ion gun appeared in front of her. While she was scared, Ning Tianlin's voice sounded in her ear, "Hold it!"

"Kill her!"

The voice was cold, as if from the Nine Sides of Hell.


Xiaoman was startled, eyes wide open, and looked at Ning Tianlin. He didn't dare to imagine that the other party would say such a word!

Kill the lady!

How can this work!

The identity of the lady is far from being comparable to the two bodyguards just now. Killing her will definitely endlessly and completely mess.

"What's your hesitation?" Ning Tianlin said coldly. "Did you just hear that, she just wanted to kill you!"

Here at Ning Tianlin, there is no kindness to say, there is revenge, resentment, how she treats you, even you ten times, even a hundred times back.

"Also, do you know who she is?"

Seeing that Xiaoman was a little stunned, Ning Tianlin suddenly asked an inexplicable word.

"I am the old lady of General Wu Wu!"

"I am the old lady of General Wu Wu!"

Hearing Ning Tianlin mentioning her identity, the lady shouted quickly. She had just wanted to say such a word, to show her identity, but no matter how struggling, she couldn't say a word.

Now, somehow I can say it.

"You can't kill me. I am the eldest wife of General Wu Wu, my husband is Wu Wu, but we are the third strongest player in the celebrity.

"You can't kill me!"

"If you kill me, my husband will never let you go!"

The lady was hoarse and exhausted. At this time, she still could not forget the threat.

"Have you heard that, who is she?"

Ning Tianlin looked at Xiaoman in front of him and asked with interest.

Sure enough, hearing this lady talk about her prominent identity, Xiaoman not only didn't fear, but frowned, even involuntarily, picked up the ion gun that Ning Tianlin had thrown at her.

A bit cold, he asked word by word, "You just said, who are you?"

"I ... I'm ... I'm a general ... I'm a lady ..."

The lady was not a fool, and she saw something instantly, but she had already spoken, and at this moment she could only continue her words stubbornly, but her tone was completely absent, but she was a little bit stubborn.

You have even realized what.

Her husband is an unforgettable person, and he is indeed the third strongest player in Changxing. His combat effectiveness has reached more than 300,000. He is the third general, but the counterpart is bloody.

There were millions and tens of thousands who died in the hands of his husband.

In other words, in addition to the high weight, there are countless enemies.

Is this woman in front of her, a fish that was leaked when her husband slaughtered?

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