Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 914: you. . . . . . How to ask such a question

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"The power of hate is really crazy."

Ning Tianlin noticed the final move of Xiao Xiaoman, who completely stirred the dagger in the opponent's brain. This blood was very uncomfortable when he first murdered.

I did not expect a weak woman to do it.


After Xiao Xiaoman did all of this, he slammed the dagger on the ground. The whole person, weak and paralyzed on the ground, tears burst into his eyes involuntarily.

"Dad, mom, brother."

"I avenge you."

Wu Xiaoman murmured to himself, his eyes were divine, and all kinds of flavors came to his heart.


She finally avenged her!

She finally defeated the enemy and was the final master.

She never really thought that there would be such a day. She thought she would live a life as a slave from now on. Revenge is just a luxury, but I never expected that it would be realized today.

Kill Wu Wu with your own hands!



Not even a moment later, Xiao Xiaoman began to sob in weeping. Thinking of the various sufferings and injustices suffered by the family in these days, the crying became more and more loud.

After a while, it turned into a cry.

And Ning Tianlin didn't bother, and stared straight at him. He knew that now it was necessary to give the woman in front of her some time, but she would heal the pain in her heart. Moreover, he didn't leave, he still had something, and needed to ask Xiaoman.


"General Wu is dead ..."

"They killed General Wu Wu ..."

The crowd watching in the distance couldn't believe their eyes at all. General Wu died, and Wu Wu, the third largest combat force in the world, died! And even his head was opened.

With the guards who came with me, none are alive now!

"Hurry up."

"This young man, maybe we will kill us."

Some people watching in the distance, at this moment you look at me, I look at you, I don't know who said a word, they all made a bang and fled.

Yeah, these two people are already crazy, everyone dare to kill!

Maybe they will really see their unpleasant eyes and kill them all!

A few of them talked nonchalantly at the beginning.

Don't leave at this time, maybe you won't even have the chance to want to leave.

"Thank you."

"thank you."

I don't know how long, two minutes, five minutes, or ten minutes, Wu Xiaoman stopped sobbing, turned, respectfully, and gave Ning Tianlin three beatings. Without this person in front of her, I'm afraid she won't report it forever.

"Get up."

Ning Tianlin wanted to lift up the other side with strength, but it was fine if she thought about it, as long as she could understand her wish. But still said, "You don't need to thank me because I have a question and I need to ask you."

"Benefactor, please say."

Wu Xiaoman didn't use her boss to call Ning Tianlin at this time. The word boss was used to refer to the "customer". At this moment, she suddenly felt that using this word meant something to insult the young man.

Even she now felt that it seemed that the young man was looking for her as an escort, and she did not care about her appearance at all, nor did she want to warm her bed.

Even the world's third fighting force, Wu Wu, can kill him, and his identity may be even more honorable. No beauty is wanted.

"You don't need to be a benefactor."

"Just call me Ning Gongzi." Ning Tianlin said.

"What I want to ask is ..."

Speaking of which, Ning Tianlin was suddenly hesitant, but in the end he was still cruel and seemed to make a great decision. He asked quickly, "I want to ask, are you still a virgin?"

The voice was extremely fast, and even Ning Tianlin didn't know if he had said it clearly, let alone whether this Xiao Xiaoman had heard it clearly.


"what did you say?"

Wu Xiaoman couldn't believe her ears at all. She was listening to what the other party was saying, but she suspected that she hadn't heard it clearly. . . . . . The other side asked himself if he was doing something. . . . . . Female?


"It turns out that this man, like the men in his sister's mouth, is all that kind of stuff."

Wu Xiaoman just thought that the young man in front of him was good, maybe he was not the kind of person he imagined, but they all asked such words, what else is different?

Still care if you are a treat! More sophisticated than those people!

But maybe I heard it wrong!

"I ask you ... is it a virgin?"

Ning Tianlin's face turned red, but he quickly used his inner strength to suppress the flush.

Yeah, he didn't blink, but it was the first time he asked such a word.

A bit shy.

I always feel that such words should not be spoken from him.

But there was no way, he had to ask.

Otherwise, he would lose a lot.


"I'm the office."

Sure enough, this is the problem! She heard it right!

Wu Xiaoman's heart was cold. It turned out that this man in front of him was really this kind of person!

However, she thought about it, and even said a few words to herself, "Just let him be his life-saving benefactor, and let him revenge so much, just give him body."

"Moreover, there was no such thing, and she is her own today."

No matter where it is, asking a girl to answer such questions is a bit shy, especially when facing a man. But as soon as the words were spoken, Wu Xiaoman also felt that there was nothing left.

He wants a body, just give him it.

Otherwise, after today, I don't know who it will be given to.

"Don't lie to me!"

Although the other party's voice was low, Ning Tianlin heard it clearly. But I want to make sure again. Even in tone, he unconsciously aggravated a little, exuding a little coercion.

Because when he was on the earth, he knew one thing. Many girls nodded and admitted when asked if it was the first time. Even if she didn't know how many times the film had been repaired.

Moreover, today's Du Xiaoman's duty is to collect money to travel with him. From that pimp's eyes, Ning Tianlin had read the clear information, and it was okay for the woman she wanted.

Is it her first **** today?

What hasn't happened before?

No doubt, that's fake.


Wu Xiaoman's face was flushed. First, he was a little shy, and second, he was annoyed that the other party didn't believe what he said. Do you need to repeat this matter a second time? Three were intimidated by each other.

Because of the other party's just tone, there was a sense of horror.

She almost never experienced this feeling in others, just like an irreversible king.

However, she also knows why the other party suspects it. After all, she is the first time to do it today. After speaking, few people will believe it. The same is true for her.

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