Invincible Combat Strength System

Chapter 917: Want all your net worth

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the invincible combat system!

"囧 泰昌 明?"


"Who dares to call the Archon's name so arrogantly?"

Too many warriors heard this shout, all of them were frightened. You look at me one by one, I look at you, I can't believe my ears. Some even flew up into the sky and wanted to see where the sound came from.

Who is so bold, dare to call the name of the consul directly!

You know, Wu Taichangming is not just as simple as the consul, but also the first master of combat effectiveness! Without this ability, he is not qualified to be the governor of the planet!

Now, who dares to call the name of the first master of combat?

You even have to kick him out?

Although their information is relatively developed on their planet, it is not too scary for a few minutes to be able to spread the information all over the world. In particular, there is no such thing as a general and they are facing a certain blockade of powers.


Even Tae Changming is also a dare. Who is so bold, can you call your own name?

These are things that haven't happened in years.

Even the closest friend saw himself and called for a sir.



The powerful assistant around me screamed loudly, his anger burst out from his heart, who! Who is so bold, even dare to call the consul's name! Don't want to live anymore!

His body flashed quickly and he rushed out of the mansion.

At the same time, many of the guards in the official residence rushed out early, glaring at the sky, and even a few leaders even rushed to the sky, glaring at the man and woman in front of them, and asked loudly, "Is the name of the consul just now Do you shout? "

Eight or nine are inseparable from ten, because there are only two of them in the sky at this moment.

And still in the official residence!

Faces never seen before!


The only answer to them was a very strong energy. When their faces changed greatly and they just wanted to avoid them, their entire bodies had become flesh and blood and fell from the air.

"It's over."

"It's over."

"He ... what the **** is he doing?"

"Why do you do this?"

This man and a woman are not others, but Ning Tianlin and Yun Xiaoman.

After Ning Tianlin did all of this, her face was as usual, but Xiao Xiaoman was already insane. She never thought that Ning Gongzi would take her to such a place and come to the most serious of the entire Changxing star. Forbidden!

And still airspace suspended!

Although she was a slave, she also knew that flying over the entire residence of the Archon was not allowed!

Let the offender kill!

Just a fly, this is not possible!

But she never thought that not only Ning Gongzi brought her, but also shot and killed several guards!

Can they be killed casually!

They are the guards of the consul, their status is extremely honorable, and offending them is equivalent to offending the entire Changxing star!

"However, he dare to yell out even the name of the consul, what else is there?"

Wu Xiaoman smiled bitterly. He even dared to offend the officials and dare to kill a few guards. It seemed so reasonable. But why did he do it?

Why bring yourself here?

And the tone just now, judging from the action of killing the guards, is not to talk about friends, but to find something!

He even made it clear that he wanted to bring out the consul!


"Kill me!"

When Wu Taichangming's capable assistant just rushed out of the room, he saw the flesh falling from the sky, and suddenly he was furious, and yelled at the guards on the side. At the same time came forward personally, rushing towards Ning Tianlin.

He hadn't risen to midair, but he stopped abruptly, his face changed greatly, "It's you!"

At the same time, his body collapsed.

He knew that he was not the opponent at all!

Even Li Wu is not, how could he be!

Although he is trusted by the consul, it is his most effective stop, but this is only an identity, and in terms of real combat power, he really is not without opponents!




Ning Tianlin just took a breath, and killed all the guards who rushed up, and then stretched his right hand, holding the palm into claws, and a huge suction force sucked the body of the powerful assistant to him. .

"you know me?"

Ning Tianlin was a little confused, and at the same time, he did not wait for the other party to answer. When he was overbearing, he shot directly from the get-back and fell into the other person ’s spiritual knowledge. Only five seconds later, Ning Tianlin had the answer he wanted .


"The intelligence network is not bad."

Knowing the antecedents and consequences, Ning Tianlin didn't give the other party a chance to struggle for mercy, so he smashed the right assistant's neck directly into a crush. At the same time, he yelled again, "Why, Tae Changming, do you really want me to ask you out?"

Ning Tianlin is here, but he is not prepared to do anything good, so there is no need to be polite about security.

"I counted three."

"After three beeps, you haven't come out yet, then you should never come out."

Ning Tianlin shouted coldly.



As soon as I finished speaking, two numbers had already appeared.

"court death!"

"This man is really looking for death!"

"Dare to call our consul like this! It's totally boring!"

Many warriors are watching all this from a distance, clamoring in their mouths, but dare not come forward. Because they all noticed that the man had just shot, but he killed all the guards of the archon!

Even the master who came out died in a blink of an eye!

But they didn't dare to go, but they decided that this man was absolutely dead!

Who is the Archon? Although no one has seen him make a shot for a long time, his combat effectiveness is definitely not covered, and he is truly the first master on the planet! Can he still do it?

This lunatic, give it back for three seconds, I see, when the governor comes out, you can be destroyed in three seconds!

Do not!

One second is enough!


When the last number, a figure rushed out from the official stern below, hitting white clothes, and fluttering with energy, it wasn't anyone else who was Tai Changming. With his appearance, too many warriors cheered in the distance.


Come out!

Wait until you absolutely die!

"who are you?"

"Why do you do this?"

What really puzzled them was that when the incumbent, Mr. Tai Changming, came out, he didn't immediately take action on this young man, but asked him.

But it shouldn't be!

Come on!

Kill him directly!

What nonsense!

And the look, the expression, seemed to be very afraid of each other.

"no reason."

Ning Tianlin knew that the other party already knew himself and that he had killed Wu Wu, and said lightly, "I just took care of all your net worth and wanted to use your net worth and exchange something with you."

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