Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1339: Behind the Blue Lingmen

It’s even more frightening to see everyone in the Blue Lingmen.

"What do you want?!" Zhang Yunbo looked at Huang Xiaolong and the virtual demon prisoner with horror and anger.

However, Huang Xiaolong and the virtual demon prisoner have not answered, I saw that the virtual demon prisoner does not stop, but also a finger, the rotten magic finger once again penetrated a blue Lingmen too elders eyebrows.

The virtual demon prisoner repeatedly shot, each finger, then pierced a blue Lingmen too old eyebrows.

Zhang Yunbo, Jiang Dongyang, the four faces are ugly, the fists are clenched, the eyes are angry, but in the end, the four still endure.

After killing five elders of the Blue Lingmen in a row, the virtual demon prisoner stopped.

The people of Lanlingmen found that these five people were just screaming, and let Huang Xiaolong and others put the space ring and the few people who left the gods.

This discovery made the remaining Blue Lingmen people too elder and happy.

"Leave your space ring, all the gods, roll it!" At this moment, Huang Xiaolong began.

Zhang Yunbo, Jiang Dongyang, a few people face ugly.

Leave all the space rings!

"You!" Zhang Yunbo glared.

"Before I haven't changed my mind, you still have ten seconds to choose." Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent.

Ten seconds!

The ghost counted up at the beginning.

Ten, nine, eight.

Zhang Yunbo, Jiang Dongyang and others are ugly.

But in the end, Zhang Yunbo and Jiang Dongyang chose to hand over the space ring. The Blue Lingmen were too elder to see, and they all quickly left all the space rings and gods.

After a while, watching the blue-winged door of the wandering, Feng Er said: "The owner, why not kill them all?"

In the eyes of Feng Er. With their strength, they can completely solve all the blue Lingmen.

Or, you can take them all.

At this time. The Golden Horn Mavericks said: "The forces behind the Blue Lingmen are not simple."

Behind the blue Lingmen!

Feng Eryi, nodded. Didn't say anything more.

Since the role of the Golden Horn Mavericks, it is said that the power behind this Blue Lingmen is not simple, it is definitely not simple, the owner must have listened to the advice of the Golden Horn Mavericks, so I let Zhang Yunbo and others.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Zhang Yunbo and others and went to the figure. His eyes were indifferent. He knew that Zhang Yunbo and others would not give up on this. He had a hunch. Soon, they will meet again.

Huang Xiaolong regained his eyes, his eyes fell on the space ring of Zhang Yunbo and others, and then they opened their bans one by one. Suddenly, the spirit of the elixir, the aura of spirits, and the sacredness of the gods and sacred rushes out.

Looking at Zhang Yunbo and other people in the space ring, there are countless elixir, Lingshi, Shen Dan. Huang Xiaolong smiled.

"How is the feeling of robbing the high-ranking ancestors of the ancestors? Is it cool?" The Golden Horn Mavericks smiled at this moment: "In the future, when you rob the King of God, it will feel even better!"

The space ring of the gods high-ranking strong, the collection is naturally more amazing.

Huang Xiaolong didn't have a good air: "Is there anything better?"

The Golden Horn calf smiled: "Of course. Robbery!"

Everyone stayed.

Huang Xiaolong said: "Why don't you say that you rob the entire world of God."

This time, it is the turn of the Golden Horn Mavericks to be in a daze. For a long time, it only said to himself: "Hidden the whole godland? Why didn't this girl think of it?"

Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to pay attention to this old cow. He came to the bottom of the valley and began to collect the louver and the Xuan Ying fantasy fruit.

After collecting all the venetian lobes and the shadows of the illusion, Huang Xiaolong found a lot of precious elixir in the valley. These elixir are the best materials for refining the chaos.

Come out of the valley. Huang Xiaolong did not leave immediately, but continued to fly forward. It’s rare to take a look and see if there are any good things.

Two months later.

Huang Xiaolong and his party almost turned this place over. Naturally, it was also searched again.

This place is full of treasures, and Huang Xiaolong’s space ring is full.

Two months, Chaos Jinlong Thunder continued to temper, Huang Xiaolong's strength has improved a lot, but although the moon power of the Yuyue Shenlu constantly nourishes the soul, but the soul is still too slow.

During this period, Huang Xiaolong also often practiced with the Golden Horn Mavericks, the Virtual Heavenly Prison Beast, Feng Er, Ghost One, and Ghost II in the Ghost Blue Spring.

After the immersion of the ghost blue spring, Huang Xiaolong discovered that the Yuanlong body is indeed a lot of flexibility, and the defense is even more amazing. Although the eyes have not yet been cultivated into the ghost eyes of the golden horn calf mouth, the eyesight of the eyes has also improved a lot.

Two months later, Huang Xiaolong and his party left the ghost cave.

From the ghost hole, watching the cold scenery outside the soulless star, everyone has a feeling of being separated from the world.

Although the venetian lobes and the shadows of the illusion are found, plus the treasures of the treasures found by Huang Quan Treasures and Shalang Zongzong Liang Liangwen, as well as the elixir in Zhang Yunbo’s space ring, but to refine The black Yao soul Shen Dan still lacks three or four hundred kinds of elixir, so Huang Xiaolong and others continue to search for the mainland around the soulless star.

Because there is nothing to do, Huang Xiaolong and his party are looking for while practicing.

Soon, more than a year has passed.

Lack of elixir, one by one.

However, what makes Huang Xiaolong stunned is that the last remaining wishful Jinhua, Black Fire Ganoderma lucidum, these two kinds of chaotic elixir can never be found, plus the inability to find Hongmeng, Huang Xiaolong intends to leave the field of the demon battlefield, to the surrounding gods Some large chambers of commerce will ask for inquiries.

"President, do you want Jinhua and black fire Ganoderma lucidum?" After knowing that Huang Xiaolong was looking for Jinhua and Black Fire Ganoderma lucidum, Shalangzong’s elder elder Zheng Guowen said: "We have a treasure trove of sand waves, it seems that there is a wishful golden flower. ""

Huang Xiaolong glimpsed, and then a hi: "Shalang Zongbao has a wishful golden flower?"

Over the past year or so, the performance of Shalangzong has been quite satisfactory. Although not all of them have been completely confessed to Huang Xiaolong, at least it is obedient.

Zheng Guowen replied with respect: "A few hundred years ago, our Zhang Ningbo ancestors had received a few golden flowers, and later they were put into the treasure house of Shalangzong. They should still be there. However, the sand treasures are only the treasures. The six ancestors and the sovereigns can only be played."

Huang Xiaolong asked: "The black fire Lingzhi, you know the whereabouts?"

Since I know that the Shalangzong Treasury has the golden flower, it is easy to handle. As for the problem of opening up, it is not a problem in Huang Xiaolong’s view.

"In the past few years, I saw black fire ganoderma at the auction of the Van Gogh Chamber of Commerce in Chihshen. I remember that I was bought by the Emperor of the Blood Emperor." Zheng Guowen replied.

Red One God, the Emperor of the Blood Emperor!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are a glimpse.


Yeah, or, just then, you can count the old account with the blood emperor!

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong and others flew back to the outside of the demon battlefield outside the field, and planned to go to the Shalangzong headquarters of the Feng'an God's seat, first to get the wishful golden flower. (To be continued)

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