Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1556: The beastly family is crying

As Huang Xiaolong fully absorbed the chaotic gods and thunder, suddenly those chaotic gods thundered to Huang Xiaolong at an alarming rate.

After absorbing for a while, Huang Xiaolong still felt that the speed was a little slow, and he also called out the three most sacred gods, and arranged the four talents to gather together, and at the same time, the operation of Hongmeng parasites was fully absorbed.

Surrounded by chaotic gods and thunder, they rushed into Huang Xiaolong and the three most supreme gods.

Jiang Hong, the golden horned calf, and the beastly family, who were waiting outside, saw that the former local quiet and chaotic **** Chao was suddenly violent and uneasy, and more and more riots and tumbling became more and more powerful. It seems that a chaotic beast has suffered tremendous pain there.

As the chaos in front of the gods thunder rolling, a trace of chaotic **** thunder gas spattered around.

The amazing power of destruction hits everyone.

Everyone was shocked.

However, when these chaotic gods were just spattered in front of Jiang Hong, they suddenly swallowed away as if they had swallowed a black hole.

The beastmasters are stunned by the masters.

As time goes by, the chaos in front of the gods is even more tumbling, and the spattering chaos is like a rainstorm, but no matter how amazing these chaotic gods are, it is impossible to cross Jiang Hong.

The masters of the beastly family are completely relieved. At the same time, Lei does not move, Feng Chen, Shuisuosheng and others are hard to cover the shock.

This chaotic **** Lei, the five of them joined forces, tried their best, and even used the beastly family to inherit the chaotic spirits to barely resist one or two. In front of Jiang Hong, he just stood there, did not move at all, and even did not even lift his hands. Can make these chaotic gods disappear invisible!

This strength, the horror of the end.

This is the power of the late tenth-order peak of the Great Emperor? Ray did not move.

time flies.

One month blinked.

Within the earth chaos, the gods and thunders, Huang Xiaolong and the three most supreme gods still sit there and absorb the chaotic gods.

Compared with a month ago, the absorption speed of Huang Xiaolong and the three most supreme gods was much faster.

Huang Xiaolong was wrapped in the chaotic **** of the earth, and the soil was yellow. From time to time, the purple light penetrated through the earth gods. Dazzling.

This is the red and purple of Hongmeng Zilong.

While absorbing the chaotic gods and thunders around the world, Hongmeng Zilong also released an amazing energy.

The three most supreme gods of Huang Xiaolong swallowed one by one, and the breath rose, although it has not broken through the peak of the sixth stage of the king. However, it is constantly approaching the peak of the sixth stage of the king.

It is another two months.

Huang Xiaolong's whole body is getting more and more intense, and his breath is soaring. He has already risen to the peak of the sixth stage of the gods.

However, this piece of earth and earth is chaotic. Still violently rolling, it seems that it has not reduced one point?

Half a year passed.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s whole body was full of light.

The three most supreme gods scream.

The sixth phase of the king of God!

Just when Huang Xiaolong’s deity broke into the middle stage of the sixth king of the gods, the three most supreme gods were also violently flashing, and the intense and undead atmosphere of the three sacred gods continued to emerge from the three great gods.

This is exactly the same as when Huang Xiaolong’s deity broke through the king of God. Obviously, the three most supreme gods are breaking through the kingdom of God.

Around the three most sacred gods, the illusory image of the undead gods began to condense, and then condensed the ancient martial law, infused with the three great gods into the undead energy. Let the gods of the three most supreme gods become more perfect.

When the undead energy of these undead gods continually infuse the three great gods, the surrounding chaotic gods are still infused into the three most supreme gods.

As time went by, I saw that the three most supreme gods had a purple gold glow.

This purple gold ray seems to be a purple and purple, but it is not completely, it seems to be the chaos of the Golden Dragon, not completely, and it seems to be this earth god.

This Zijin ray is full of devastating Thunder energy, even more powerful than the Thunder energy contained in the Chaos Golden Dragon. !

One year passed.

A year after Huang Xiaolong entered the chaotic Shenlei space of this soil, the beasts who waited outside were unable to worry.

"Lee Big Brother, that kid will not die inside?" Fire Haibo was anxious.

They are outside. I can't see the situation at all, and I can't sense any breath and life inside. Everything can only be guessed.

Ray did not move just want to speak, suddenly. Then I saw Jiang Hong, the Golden Horn Mavericks, the elephants, the chaotic black camels and other people all looked over, the eyes, cold and cold. I was so scared that I stopped.

The chaotic black camel was even in front of the fire wave. He gave the fire wave with his palm and directly shot him into the ground. Although he did not die, it was bad enough.

The people of the beastly family saw the situation, and if they were chilling, they would not dare to discuss it again.

Blinking, two years passed.

In the earth chaos God Lei, the three most supreme gods suddenly burst into purple gold and humming, and a dragon scorpion screamed from the earth chaos, and the eardrums roared outside.

In this way, after three days, the dragons disappeared, and the purple light disappeared from the three most supreme gods.

The three most supreme gods have successfully broken through the kingdom of God!

At this time, after more than two years of Huang Xiaolong's constant absorption, the surrounding chaotic gods have become thin. Before, Huang Xiaolong could not see the scene ten meters ahead. Now, it is faint to see the front. .

Looking at the increasingly thin soil chaos and thunder space, Huang Xiaolong put the three most supreme gods into the body.

Everyone outside saw that the original thin chaotic **** Thunder suddenly stopped rolling, just like the water sucked by the Taikoo whales, all gathered in the center of the earth chaotic **** thunder space.

This shrouded the mysterious chaos of the earth-based chaos that has been shrinking at an alarming rate. It has become shrinking and less and less under the eyes of people who are not moving, such as the wind and the wind.

In the end, everyone saw a vague figure, which was Huang Xiaolong who had previously entered the space of the chaotic **** of thunder!

Half an hour later, when this earthen chaos **** Ray was completely absorbed by Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong's figure was completely and clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone who has been waiting outside is showing a happy smile, including Jiang Hong.

The boulder that everyone pressed against the heart seemed to fall instantly.

In particular, the beasts of the beasts, watching the disappearing earthen chaos gods and thunder barriers, watching the disappearing of the soil chaotic gods, but also ecstasy to cry, this is a happy cry.

They waited for the beasts and waited for hundreds of millions of years, waiting for many generations of strong! They have waited for hundreds of millions of years for their ancestors, but they can't wait for this day, but now they are waiting! (To be continued.)

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