Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1560: Fins are difficult to fly

In the Palace of the Emperor Wuwu Palace, Chen Qinghai, the elder of the Emperor Wudi Palace, was reporting the incident with the two masters, Wang Shuchen and Wang Shuyu. Suddenly, the letter was shaken, and the brow wrinkled and stopped.

When Wang Shuchen saw it, he asked: "Is it the letter of the person below?"

Chen Qinghai respectfully said: "Yes, the Lord."

"Since it is the following person's letter, there should be something important, you look now." Wang Shuchen said.

Chen Qinghai heard the words, but he should, and then took out the letter, and the gods swept away. After the sweep, the brow was locked.

Wang Shuchen and Wang Shuyu saw each other and their eyes were puzzled.

"What happened?" asked Wang Shuyu.

Chen Qinghai truthfully reported the following report to Wu Chaoyu, the master of the Devil Tiger City.

After listening to them, they looked at each other.

Wang Shuyu's face is very cold: "There was someone who came to the sorcerer to seriously hurt my demon Wudi Palace disciple! It was my magical emperor's palace that stayed in this secluded magical land for a long time without birth, so outsiders thought that our magical emperor palace was soft. Persimmon, can you knead?!"

"The other party is the tenth-order strongman of Tianjun?" Wang Shuchen asked Chen Qinghai.

Chen Qinghai respectfully said: "Wu Chao said this."

Wang Shuyu said: "Since it is the tenth-order powerhouse of Tianjun, it is useless to go to you. We are just there, and we will go with you to see."

Chen Qinghai was shocked: "Is the temple mainly personally past? Actually."

Wang Shuyu shook his hand and said, "Okay, needless to say, now we will pass, and when we come back, we will have to close some days."

"Yes, Lord!"

Chen Qinghai has to be respectful.

Therefore, Chen Qinghai followed Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen behind the palace. Then come to the Devils Tiger City.

In Chen Qinghai, Wang Shuyu, Wang Shuchen, when the three came. Wu Chao, the devil of the Tiger City, received the news from the three people, a surprise and excitement.

Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen both came together!

Although he is the owner of the Devil Tiger City. But there is no chance to contact the existence of Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen.

One of the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and two people see Wu Chao excited, the heart is strange.

"I just received my letter from Master. He said that we will come to the Devil Tiger City together with Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen." Wu Chao did not wait for the two to ask, and they were two people.

"What! You Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen Hall mainly come over!" One of the sons, Bai Yunxiang, both of them heard, were shocked.

Wang Shuyu of the Wuwu Emperor Palace, Wang Shuchen. They know it, one is the fourth stage of the Great Emperor, and the other is the fifth stage of the Great Emperor!

Both of them are great middlemen!

Although the two are not more famous than the ancestors of the Emperor Wu, but the name is also high.

Seeing that one or two people in the emperor were surprised, Wu Chao’s heart was superior and smiled: “It’s the two kings of Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen!”

When the emperor came back to God, he smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen's two main halls come over. This time, the kid is difficult to fly."

Bai Yunxiang also smiled and said: "If the kid knows that you Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen personally come and kill him, I don't know what it looks like?"

"What expression can you have? It must be shocked and scared." Wu Chao interface laughed.

The three men talked for a while.

"The speed of Master and the two masters. It should be coming soon, we have to go to meet the magic tiger city." Wu Chao stood up and said.

"Okay. We will go with Wu Chao's younger brother to meet." Tianziyi, Baiyunxiang also stood up.

Wang Shuyu and Wang Shuchen came together, and they did not dare to put on the shelf.

So, Wu Chao, Tian Ziyi, Bai Yunxiang and others came to the Devil Tiger City to transfer the array, waiting for the transfer array, waiting for Wang Shuchen and others to come.

It was not long before Wu Chao and others waited. Suddenly, I saw the light of the transmission array flickering. Then Wang Shuchen's figure appeared.

The Magic Tiger City is not far from the headquarters of the Magic Wu Emperor Palace. Wang Shuchen and the three open the transmission array to the Devil Tiger City without half an hour.

Wang Shuchen. Wang Shuyu came out from the transmission array and saw the emperor one, Bai Yunxiang and Guangming Emperor's disciples were not surprised. Wu Chao had previously reported to Chen Qinghai that the emperor was in the magic tiger city, Chen Qinghai also went to Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu. The two said it.

See Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu, Chen Qinghai, three people, Wu Chao and other magic tiger city masters quickly rushed forward, the emperor one, Bai Yunxiang and Guangming Emperor Palace disciples also stepped forward to call the name, the attitude is quite respectful.

Wang Shuchen did not talk nonsense. He directly said to Wu Chao: "Where are those people now? You take us over."

Wu Chao did not dare to say more, respectful should be.

Subsequently, Wu Chao led Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu, Chen Qinghai and others to fly to Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks and others.

He has been watching people like Huang Xiaolong and so on, so he knows that Huang Xiaolong and others are now drinking in the restaurant in front.

I thought that Huang Xiaolong and others would be killed when they waited, and at this time they were still drinking and chatting, and Wu Chao sneered.

Just when Wu Chao and others came over, Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks, Jiang Hong and others did drink at the restaurant.

In fact, Wu Chao’s surveillance, Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks and others have long known, but they have not been in the heart. Everyone should look at what this Devil Tiger City is doing.

Soon, Wu Chao led Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu, Chen Qinghai and others to the restaurant where Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Hong and others were located.

Wu Chaoyi refers to the restaurant and respects Wang Shuchen: "The Lord, Master, they are drinking inside, or else, I will go in and order them to come out?"

Wang Shuchen said: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome, let's go in." After that, the negative hand and Wang Shuyu walked into the restaurant, Chen Qinghai and Wu Chao followed.

Because Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Hong and others are in the center of the first floor, the eye position is obvious. Therefore, Wu Chao saw Huang Xiaolong at a glance and said to Wang Shuchen: "The Lord, Master, they are!" One refers to Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Hong.

Behind the emperor, Bai Yunxiang saw Huang Xiaolong, and his eyes shot out of the cold.

However, Wang Shuchen and Wang Shuyu saw Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Hongshi, but their faces changed instantly. The cold look was terrified, legs and hands trembled.

Although the Magic Wu Emperor Xiao Xiao and Yan Kang did not mention Jiang Hong’s identity at the time, the incident of Devil Xiao was still known to Wang Shuchen’s masters and ancestors.

Even their Emperor Mo Xiao is not Jiang Hong’s opponent!

Coupled with the previous orders of the devil, so Wang Shuchen and Wang Shuyu now see Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Hong again, they can not help but fear.

"Lord, Master, do you want me to go up and take them down?" Wu Chao asked Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu, Chen Qinghai three people, but after finishing, seeing Wang Shuchen's two fears, could not help but stay. (To be continued.)

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