Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1562: Roll out the city gate

Seeing the elephant, the chaotic black camel animal stood up, and the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and the disciples of the Guangming Emperor Palace suddenly changed their faces. Look

For the strength of the two beasts, they were deeply educated last time.

At this time, the Golden Horn Mavericks said: "Let them get out of here, and then roll to the door of the Devil's City."

The Son of Heaven, Bai Yunxiang and the disciples of the Guangming Emperor Palace listened to the Golden Horn Mavericks to be like a slap, let them roll from the restaurant until the door of the Devils City is full of anger.

If it has been rolling from this to the gate of Devil's Tiger City, how long is it? At that time, their faces were really lost. Last time there was no one in the Tianmu Mountain Range, it was not so shameful. Now in this Devil Tiger City, there are thousands of disciples and masters watching.

The emperor was anxious and angry, and refused to take care of others. He pointed to the golden horn calf and said: "You are a dog, you dare! We are the elders of the Emperor Guangming, you dare to do this to us! Huang Xiaolong, you dare to do this, Our Guangming Emperor's Palace will not let you go, even if your Master and Fang Gan can't protect you!"

Bai Yunxiang also screamed angrily: "You are a dog, you dare to do this, I will feed you a dog sooner or later! Huang Xiaolong, you want to know the serious consequences of this! Even the disciple of Hongmeng Palace I dare not do this to us! What are you, a disciple of the Imperial Palace!"

The sound of the two people screaming and screaming in the restaurant.

Jiang Hong, who had always been indifferent, heard the two people screaming and screaming, the brows wrinkled, what is the identity of the Qingniu predecessors, and the two elders of the two bright emperors can insult and intimidate?

And Huang Xiaolong is now more than just a disciple of the Imperial Palace, or his younger brother! It is the disciple of his master, the king of Hongmeng!

Jiang Hong, who didn't want to intervene, couldn't help but spoke. He stared at the emperor, Bai Yunxiang two people: "You are now apologizing to the young cattle and my brother!"

When the emperor heard it, some madly laughed and said: "Apologize? To your younger brother? Huang Xiaolong is your younger brother? What is Huang Xiaolong? What is the dog and cow, what are you, and you want to talk to us." apologize!"

Originally, the emperor one, Bai Yunxiang saw the previous Wang Shuchen. Wang Shuyu respected Jiang Hong and was still secretly guessing the identity of Jiang Hong. Now he listened to Jiang Hong saying that he is a brother of Huang Xiaolong. The two have previously dissipated many of Jiang Hong’s scruples.

After all, the two stood behind him but the Palace of Light. The Second Emperor's Palace in the Divine Realm is really not enough for the two to scruple.

Xiang Yu, Feng Er and others saw the emperor madly called, saying that Jiang Hong is something. They are all stunned. The Son of Heaven does not know the identity of Jiang Hong, but they know that it is because they know, so they can't believe it.

Estimating the gods, dare to call Jiang Hong what it is, I really can't find a few.

Jiang Hong’s face sank.

Huang Xiaolong said: "Senior brother, such a person, is not worth your shot."

indeed. In the identity of Jiang Hong, it is not worthy of being shot for the Son of Heaven, Bai Yunxiang and others.

The Son of Heaven listened one by one, but it was a sneer: "A big tone."

"Incinerate all their clothes, and then let them roll from here to the city gate." Huang Xiaolong turned to the object, chaotic black camel two people.

"Yes, the master!" Symbol, the chaotic black camel and the two respected should be.

The Son of Heaven, Bai Yunxiang and other people face a big change.

Previously, the Golden Horn Mavericks said it was a shame to let them get out of the city gate. If they wait for them to go out naked, then they will really have no face to see people again.

"Huang Xiaolong, you dare to do this!" Tianzi was screaming and screaming.

Just when Bai Yunxiang was carrying out the name of the Guangming Emperor Palace. The chaotic black camel is reaching for a pressure, and a horrible power will cover the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and the disciples of the Guangming Emperor. Under this horrible power, the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others can't move.

And then. Like a slap in the mouth, Hell's black and white fire suddenly burst out and swallowed up to the emperor.

Under the fire of Hei Heming, the emperor's robes, the gods are all turned into ashes, disappeared cleanly, and all the celestial beings are naked in front of everyone.

Feng Er is flushed, don't go over his face.

It is the virtual yum gaze staring at the thing of the emperor, and commented: "I don't see these things are quite capital underneath, no wonder so arrogant."

Lei did not move, Fengchen two could not help but "snap" a bite, the mouth of the wine just happened to shoot in the Son of Heaven, Bai Yunxiang and others.

The Son of Heaven, Bai Yunxiang and others are angry and hateful and shy, staring at Huang Xiaolong and others.

At this time, the elephants and the chaotic black camel and the two hands took a shot, temporarily sealed the spirit of the emperor, and then waved their hands, the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others all rolled out of the restaurant, and then went outside. The street rolled straight to the gate of the Devils City.

Like the cockroach, the chaotic black camel control controls the strength. Therefore, the degree of the Emperor Yi, Bai Yunxiang and others is not fast. If you roll from the restaurant to the gate of the Devil Tiger City, it will take four or five hours.

On the same day, when the disciples of Bai Yunxiang and Guangming Emperor Palace rolled out from the restaurant, the disciples of the past had suddenly stunned.

"Isn't that the people of the Imperial Palace?!"

"It seems to be them. I saw them together with our city owners. What happened? What are they doing?!"

“I didn’t expect the Ming Emperor’s Palace to have this hobby?”

"They are stunned by their powers. It is estimated that they have offended a strong man?! They used to watch their heads rise higher than the house. You should have this end!"

The disciples have a lot of arguments, some laugh, some ridicule, some gloating, some surprise, some doubts.

Some of the disciples even wanted to let the emperor one, Bai Yunxiang and others stop, but when they were close, they were bombarded with the power of the elephant and the chaotic black camel.

In the restaurant, Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu and others looked at the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others, and they were glad that they were afraid. If they had just slammed, they might be here now. If so, then they will look for it. It’s dead.

After a while, Wang Shuchen and Wang Shuyu both carefully left to Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Hong. Before leaving, the two men assured Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Hong that they would definitely punish the Lord Wucheng City.

After Wang Shuchen, Wang Shuyu and others left, the Golden Horn Mavericks told Huang Xiaolong: "It is enough to kill them."

Huang Xiaolong didn't have a good air: "Do you come to work?"

The Golden Horn calf smiled: "Do you want to let my old man take the shot? My old man is baby."

Huang Xiaolong is speechless.

A few hours later, Tianziyi, Baiyunxiang and others finally stopped at the gate of Devil Tiger City.

After stopping, the emperor, Bai Yunxiang and others screamed in madness, and it looked like a scorpion. (To be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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