Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1566: Resisting ancestors

After entering the Imperial Palace, Huang Xiaolong did not stay in the surrounding gods, but flew directly to the palace. +◆,

Just when Huang Xiaolong entered the Imperial Palace, many people knew the news of Huang Xiaolong's return, including Zhou Chen, Sun Shihai and others.

Li Wei, Yao Chi, Fang Wei, Peng Yu, four women know that Huang Xiaolong is coming back and chatting together.

When I heard that Huang Xiaolong came back, the four women reacted differently.

Yao Chi, Li Yuxi looked out, Fang Wei, Peng Yu two women are still implicit, but the beauty is also difficult to hide.

Yao Chi took three women and almost came out.

Far away, the four women saw Huang Xiaolong flying from the horizon.

At this time, the sun is revealing, Huang Xiaolong seems to be covered with golden sunshine, riding a golden horn calf, and his posture is leisurely.

Looking at the Golden Horn Mavericks, shaking his head, Yaochi "snapped" and laughed. The Golden Horn Mavericks heard Yaochi laughter, raised his hand and smiled and said, "Hey, a few beautiful women, my old cow." It’s back!”

My old cow is back!

The sound is not small, it is spread.

The other three women listened, but they couldn’t help but scream.

Huang Xiaolong is sweaty. How can this sound make him feel a bit like saying that Hu Hansan is back?

This yak, like a woman, is like a male hooligan in a rogue.

Like a cockroach, the chaotic black camel bear follows and laughs.

Nearly, Huang Xiaolong looked at Yaochi, and Li Wei’s four women’s familiar smiles also showed a smile. However, the four women looked at Huang Xiaolong’s smile, but they all accelerated their heart speed. Even Peng Yu, who has always been cold and proud, is also a pretty face. red.

This time, the four women also found that Huang Xiaolong's temperament seems to have changed.

At this time, the Golden Horn Mavericks saw the expression of four women. Take a forehead: "I said that your kid has become more and more attractive. You see, even Xiaoyaochi, their faces are red, I am depressed."

Huang Xiaolong took a black line.

Fang Yan said with a red face and smiled: "The chick predecessor, what are you depressed?"

Golden Horn Mavericks said: "This kid is getting more and more attractive now. How many girls will seduce him afterwards? When a lot of beautiful women around him, I am certainly depressed."

The four women smiled softly.

Huang Xiaolong took a shot of his head: "I don't think you are depressed."

"Not depressed?" The Golden Horn Mavericks are puzzled and stunned.

"It is owe!" Huang Xiaolong swears.

The four women are smiling again.

Huang Xiaolong is trying to ask the four women for the past ten years in the case of the Imperial Palace. Suddenly, the letter was shocked. When I took it, it was Master Zhao Lei. Zhao Lei did not say anything in the letter, just let him pass him. Practice the palace.

Huang Xiaolong was helpless and apologized to the four women: "Master told me to go over."

Fang Yi hesitated a moment and said: "Xiao Long. The light of the Emperor's Palace, Zhou Chen ancestors are afraid to ask you, you must be careful when you arrive."

"Yeah, Xiaolong, I heard that the ancestors had to take down the elephants in the morning, and then hand them over to the Guangming Emperor Palace." Yaochi also looked worried: "Or."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled: "Nothing, don't worry." He knows what Yaochi wants to say.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong let Yao Chi. When Li Wei first returned to the Longhu Temple and waited for himself to return, he rode the Golden Horn Mavericks to the palace of the master Zhao Lei.

Looking at the back of Huang Xiaolong. Li Yan stretched his hand and held Yaochi’s palm, and said with relief: “Do not worry, since Xiaolong says nothing, then it’s okay.”

She and Huang Xiaolong grew up from childhood, and they know Huang Xiaolong more than a few women in Yaochi.

Yao Chi nodded.

After the disappearance of Huang Xiaolong's figure, the four women flew away. Go back to the Dragon Tiger Temple and wait for Huang Xiaolong.

In a distant palace building, Sun Shihai looked at Peng Yu and Fang Wei's three women to leave Qian Ying, his eyes cold, just before, his **** body has successfully broken through to the sixth floor.

His **** body not only successfully broke through to the sixth floor. And he wakes up another hidden power in the body!

This power is so strong that he can't believe it.

"There are more than four months to be the trials." Sun Shihai said to himself, and this is a cold eye: "Huang Xiaolong, I am waiting for this day, waiting too long and too long."

The scene of the teacher's ceremony in the past was vivid.

Although it has been more than a decade, he feels like he has lived for more than a billion years. Every day, he is suffering. He hates not to smash Huang Xiaolong now, and to flatten Huang Xiaolong!

He clenched his fists and fingers together, constantly groaning, as if Huang Xiaolong was in his palm.


When Huang Xiaolong rode the Golden Horn Mavericks to his master Zhao Lei Palace, he suddenly came to a group of disciples.

Looking at this group of disciples, Huang Xiaolong frowned, this group of disciples, is the law enforcement hall, apparently directed at himself.

Sure enough, after the group of law enforcement disciples came to Huang Xiaolong, they stopped and blocked Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Shishu, we are in the life of Zhou Chen's ancestors, please ask Huang Shishu to go to his palace. Zhou Zhou's ancestors said that something is necessary to ask Huang Shishu." The disciples of the law enforcement hall led Huang Xiaolong to be polite.

Huang Xiaolong's face is light: "Let's go back and tell him, I am going to see my master now, and when I meet my master, I will go see him."

Many disciples in the law enforcement hall frowned.

"Huang Xiaolong, don't think that you are the king of supreme, you can easily resist the orders of your ancestors!" A law enforcement disciple is even more gloomy: "You better see us in the past, see Zhou Zhou's ancestors, and see Zhou Chen." After the ancestors, go to see the main hall of Zhao Lei!"

Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to say more to these law enforcement disciples. He rode the Golden Horn Mavericks and went straight ahead.

The disciples of the law enforcement temple face ugly.

"Huang Xiaolong, you dare!" When the former disciplinary disciple had just wanted to swear and shoot, the elephants and the chaotic black camel and the beast swept away, and the law enforcement temple disciples were swept away.

Until Huang Xiaolong and Xiang Yu, the chaotic black camel was gone for a long time, and those law enforcement disciples only climbed up, all of them were scared.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong saw the Master Zhao Lei Palace in the distance, and there was a person standing in the square in front of the palace. It was the brother Chen Hao, who was waiting for Chen Hao to see Huang Xiaolong coming over, his face was happy, and he greeted. Go up: "Teacher!"

Huang Xiaolong’s face showed a smile: “Brother.”

"Your boy, go out for a trip, become handsome?" Chen Hao took a picture of Huang Xiaolong's shoulder, and laughed up and down.

Huang Xiaolong smiled.

"Let's go in, Master is waiting for you." Chen Hao did not say much, and led Huang Xiaolong to fly to Zhao Lei Palace.

Just before Huang Xiaolong came to the Zhaolei Palace, Zhou Chen received a report from the disciples of the law enforcement temple. After a glimpse, his hands slammed and shot the stone table next to him. He said to Li Shan and Chen Yirong next to him: Now I saw it, what kind of place did Huang Xiaolong reach? Now even my ancestors want to see him, they have to see if he has time!" (To be continued.)

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