Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1578: Hongmeng Devil

Like Fang Gan, everyone heard that Huang Xiaolong had to quit after the test. It was a pity, including Zhou Chen, who had just voiced another voice of Liu Yong and Xue Yue Temple’s tenth-order disciple. On Huang Xiaolong, take care of Huang Xiaolong and let Huang Xiaolong be miserable.

Now I didn't expect Huang Xiaolong to quit directly, which made him intend to let Liu Yong's plan to clean up Huang Xiaolong stranded.

"Huang Xiaolong, let you be more comfortable for a few days." Zhou Chen eyes cold, secretly self-evident.

Then, the third round of the test, the fourth round, and the fifth round were carried out in an orderly manner. Finally, the trial ended.

The first place is naturally Liu Yong.

The second place is a female disciple named Chen Rongzhen, a pro-disciple of Xu Wen, the lord of the Pharmacy Hall, and the third disciple, Zhao Yutai, is a pro-disciple of the grandson of the temple.

Chen Rongzhen and Zhao Yutai are weaker than Liu Yong, but they are also the realm of the tenth-order mid-level peak of the gods. They all hope that they will win a good position in this battle of heaven.

After Huang Xiaolong received the reward symbolically, he and the four women returned to the Dragon and Tiger Palace.

When I returned to the Dragon and Tiger Palace, I saw the Golden Horn Mavericks squatting in the yard and sipping the sun. Looking at the lazy look of the Golden Horn Mavericks, Huang Xiaolong was speechless.

"Hey, you go ahead, I have something to ask the chick." Huang Xiaolong to Li Wei, Yao Chi four women.

Yao Chi, Li Xiaoqiao nodded, and then with Fang Hao, Peng Yu entered the inner hall.

After the four women entered, Huang Xiaolong asked about the Hongmeng demon.

"How come you suddenly think about the matter of the Hongmeng demon?" The Golden Horn Mavericks heard, unexpected and somewhat surprised.

Huang Xiaolong said that Sun Shihai’s blood in the trial was awakened.

The Golden Horn Mavericks are not surprised: "The Sun Shihai actually has the blood of the demon!"

This is indeed a surprising thing.

Because, the blood of the devil and the king of the supreme, I do not know how many billion years have not appeared, I did not expect that the emperor's palace not only has the king of Huang Xiaolong, but also the descendants of the blood of Sun Shihai!

"Devil's blood, is it very strong?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

The Golden Horn Mavericks definitely nodded and looked serious: "Of course." When it came to this, it paused and then explained: "In general, a descendant disciple who has a bloodline of a demon god, he can grow up later. The inheritance of the great demon god!"

Huang Xiaolong was shocked and heard: "You can get the inheritance of the powerful man of the gods!"

Originally, he thought that Sun Shihai had the blood of the devil. It’s just a part of the power of the blood of the Devil’s Power. It seems that this is not the case at all.

"What do you mean by saying that Sun Shihai is likely to reach the realm of the power of the great demon god?" Huang Xiaolong asked again.

The Golden Horn Maverick nodded: "It can be said that as long as Sun Shihai does not fall in the middle."

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

prior to. He still doesn't pay much attention to Sun Shihai. Now it seems that Sun Shihai still has some troubles.

"In fact, you don't have to care too much. Hongmeng Devil is strong, and strength is also high and low. Just like the strength of your master, the king of Hongmeng is stronger than some other powerful people like Humeng, like me." When the cow said this, he was very antonic. "The strength of this ancestor is much stronger than some other sacred gods."

Huang Xiaolong looked at the golden horned calf and boasted his chest. He smiled and said: "Okay. I know that you are the most powerful cow in the world."

"That's still used to say." The Golden Horn Mavericks naturally laughed. When it came to this, he suddenly looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange look: "Actually, you may also be a descendant of a demon god!"

"I?" Huang Xiaolong was shocked and pointed at himself.

The Golden Horn Maverick nodded: "Your talent is against the sky. It is indeed possible. Now, your blood may not be awakened. The stronger the blood of the demon, the later the awakening. But once you wake up, you will be shocked." This, the eyes are complicated: "You are now the king of supreme, if the devil's blood is awakened at the time. This girl can't imagine how enchanting you will be when you arrive."

Thinking of that, the Golden Horn Mavericks felt a little scary and tremble.

"This is just your guess. I may not be a descendant of the devil." Huang Xiaolong shook his head and asked: "Is the Hongmeng Devil strong, was it born in the Hongmeng period? These were born in the Hongmeng period, they are called For the Hungry Devil?"

The Golden Horn Mavericks nodded: "Yes. All of them were born in the Hongmeng period, and they are called the Hongmeng Demon. These Hongmeng demon gods are born in the kingdom of God."

Huang Xiaolong smiled bitterly. Is it a **** kingdom when he was born? He has experienced countless hardships, and after numerous disasters, it is now the sixth stage of the king of God.

"Then are these cherries, aren't they a lot?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

The Golden Horn Mavericks rolled over the eyelids: "Who said a lot to you, do you think that the birth of every Hongmeng demon is easy? In the Hongmeng period, every life is very difficult to breed. During the Hongmeng period, every billion years is very It is difficult to give birth to a strong demon god, the heavens and the world, and the great demon gods will be dozens of people."

"Only dozens of people?!" Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

Originally, Huang Xiaolong thought that these devils were strong, there were no hundred thousand, there were tens of thousands, and I did not expect only a few dozen.

The Golden Horn Mavericks said: "These evil spirits are born in the air of the heavens and the earth. They not only have the demon gods, but the gods are all above the supreme, and generally do not fall. However, even if it is degraded, there will be new ones soon. The inheritors appeared."

"Devil God?" Huang Xiaolong wonders: "These devil gods are also special gods?" When it comes to this, it is said: "Is the ancient heavenly emperor a Hongmeng demon? But it has been fallen for so long, and no new inheritors have appeared."

Golden Horn calf: "The demon **** can be said to be a special deity, but it is not a special deity, because the demon **** is beyond the special deity. Of course, to see what special deity, like your Yuanlong deity is extremely abnormal, Nothing is worse than those of the demon gods. As for the inheritors of the ancient emperor of the ancient emperor." He smiled: "It should appear soon. When your boy arrives, he will get the ancient heaven, not the new inheritor of the ancient emperor? And you will be The new inheritor of Hell Lord!"

Huang Xiaolong did not continue to pull this topic. He took out the chaotic Leizhu that he had obtained in the animal space and asked: "Is this chaotic Leizhu also a treasure born in the Hongmeng period?" After that, Huang Xiaolong has not asked the chick about this chaotic Leizhu.

The Golden Horn Mavericks looked at Huang Xiaolong's removal of the Chaos Rays, and it was still difficult to hide his excitement. He said: "This Thunder Pearl is not a treasure born in the Hongmeng period."

No? Huang Xiaolong is stunned.

That is?

(The computer display is broken, black has a big horn, and the eyes are uncomfortable, so the two days are slow to update. You can go to Zhanjiang to repair it tomorrow. If you can't fix it on the same day, you can only buy one again. This laptop also uses three. More years, if you go to Zhanjiang tomorrow, you can't update it, let everyone know.) (To be continued.)

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