Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1595: Go to the land of Hongmeng

Listening to Huang Xiaolong asked Feng Er, a few hundred people, Jiang Hong smiled and said: "You can rest assured that the younger brother, Feng children are very good, they are now practicing in the secret of Hong Meng, the younger brother is going to see them now?"

Huang Xiaolong said: "No, no hurry."

Golden Horn Mavericks said: "I see you are very anxious, eager to see your Fenger, this just came to Hongmeng Palace to ask Feng Er."

Huang Xiaolong blushed red, this old cow!

But then, the Golden Horn Mavericks turned a tone, to Jiang Hongdao: "Hong Meng kid, your kid looks so handsome, when you don't want to turn Feng Er to run away, or Huang Xiaozi is afraid to fight with you."

Jiang Hongyi, a bitter smile, can only say: "The young cows laughed."

Liu Rui, who was on the side, was secretly screaming. He was the first time to see someone who dared to open his master’s joke.

What is this young cow's predecessor, even the jokes of his master dare to open.

Although he followed his master for hundreds of thousands of years, he did not listen to his master who mentioned this young cow.

"Senior brother, next time I come to Hongmeng Palace, I want to bring two people to your Hongmeng Palace. I don't know if it is OK?" Huang Xiaolong opened the topic, against Jiang Hongdao.

Jiang Hong smiled indifferently: "I have a lot of palaces in Hongmeng Palace. Don't say two people, that is, 20,000 people can do it. I don't know what the two brothers are going to bring?"

"They are the two masters when I was in the Imperial Palace." Huang Xiaolong also did not hide, explained that he had rushed back to the Imperial Palace from the Umbrella in the past few days. His master Jin Mei and the blood knife were retreating, and At the critical moment of the breakthrough, Huang Xiaolong did not see two people.

Originally, according to the meaning of Huang Xiaolong, it was this time that he came to the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, and they brought the two men to the Hongmeng Imperial Palace, so that they could practice together with Feng Er and Xu Baisheng.

In this way, I can only wait for the next time I come to Hongmeng Palace to bring two more people.

"No problem. When the younger brother brings two people to come." Jiang Hongdao.

"Thank you brother!" Huang Xiaolong said with gratitude.

Jiang Hong shook his hand and said: "I said, you don't need to be polite with me, and this is not a big deal."

then. Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei, Yao Chi, and Jinjiao Mavericks stayed in Hongmeng Palace for ten days.

These ten days, Huang Xiaolong and Li Wei. Yaochi had a good stroll through this beautiful Hongmeng Imperial Palace. The two women looked at the beautiful scenery of Hongmeng Palace, and the beautiful eyes were even different.

Huang Xiaolong saw the two women marvel at the look, and moved in the heart, laughing at the two women: "Since you like it so much, I will later acquire the butterfly crystal spar to create a palace group like the Hongmeng Palace."

"Really, really?!" Yaochi looked at Huang Xiaolong with some disbelief.

Li Wei also stopped.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Really! However, it will take two or three thousand years to do it."

Butterfly crystal spar is rare, and the price is amazingly high. However, Huang Xiaolong is not lacking in Lingshi. Therefore, it is not too difficult to build a palace group that is cast with butterfly crystals like the Hongmeng Palace.

Of course, in the near future, it is impossible for Huang Xiaolong to have time to do this.

The battle of heaven is near, and he must do his best to upgrade his strength.

Moreover, the world of the gods is changing, and he has to work hard to cultivate.

"Little Dragon, thank you!" Yao Chi is in front of Li Wei. I kissed Huang Xiaolong emotionally, although it was only the face, but after all, it was in the face of Li Wei, Huang Xiaolong was embarrassed.

But then. Li Wei suddenly came over and "wave" the other side of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Wei slyly.

Li Wei had a pretty red face and was looked at by Huang Xiaolong, and it was even redder.

The next day, Huang Xiaolong saw Feng Er, a virtual victory. Ghosts are a few people.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Feng Er is naturally delighted.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong and Xu Baisheng, several people in Xujiang said that the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce investigated the illusory shadow, the virtual top 100, the virtual wind.

I know that my father, my eldest brother and my second brother did not fall into the hands of the four emperors' palaces in the Kowloon Imperial Palace.

After staying in the Hongmeng Palace for two days, Huang Xiaolong and others left the Hongmeng Imperial Palace and went to Hongmeng.

However, from Hongmeng Palace to Hongmeng, the speed of the dragon shark spacecraft will take nearly two years.

Therefore, on the spacecraft, in addition to cultivation, Huang Xiaolong studied the Tianwu formation method, and discussed the cultivation with his brother Jiang Hong. Of course, occasionally the Golden Horn Mavericks will be added and inserted a few words.

Nothing goes all the way.

At the beginning, the dragon's plane was very prosperous, but as it continued northward, the **** plane, the planet became more and more desolate, and there was no cultivation strong.

Even some of the gods have no gas for life, only the wasteland and storms.

And the farther north, the lighter the light.

A year and a half later.

The space that the dragon shark spacecraft has passed has no light at all.

All around, they are all dark, and very cold, cold as bone marrow, cold into the soul.

This kind of cold is the ordinary high-ranking king of the gods and it is difficult to withstand. Fortunately, within the dragon shark spacecraft, there is a dragon shark spacecraft's ray of light protection, so Li Wei, Yao Chi two talents are fine.

Nearly two years after the Dragon Shark spacecraft traveled, the dragon shark spacecraft that was heading for Hongmeng stopped before a dark star river.

I saw that the dark star river is constantly emitting a heart-rending black light. This black light is as true as it is, black is flustered and desperate, almost the opposite of the perfect galaxy near the Hongmeng Palace.

In the space control hall, Jiang Hong pointed to the dark star river: "This is the black cold star river, as long as you cross the black cold star river, and then pass through the ancient gods, you will go to the land of Hongmeng, but this black cold There are countless stars in the Milky Way, and there are so many black and cold beasts. Be careful."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then let the elephant, the chaotic black camel control the dragon shark spacecraft to approach and enter the dark star river.

As soon as I entered this dark galaxy, I saw that the dark rays of the surrounding roads continued to bloom like stars. Huang Xiaolong discovered that the darkness of these stars is so many that the coldness is even stronger than the cold outside the Milky Way. Under this cold, The speed of the dragon shark spacecraft has been affected.

Suddenly, a loud bang came.

The dragon shark spacecraft swayed slightly.

Huang Xiaolong immediately understood that the black cold beast attacked the dragon shark spacecraft! However, this black beast seems to be completely integrated with the darkness of the surroundings, and it is extremely difficult to find.

Huang Xiaolong did not stop, let the elephants, the chaotic black camel beasts fully driven the dragon shark spacecraft to collide with the past.

After half a month.

The dragon shark spacecraft passed through the Black Cold River in amazement. In front of everyone, there was a huge **** plane.

This huge **** plane is bigger than any of the gods that Huang Xiaolong has ever seen, and it reveals a kind of sky, ridiculous, and ancient. (To be continued.)

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