Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1597: Hongmengxinghe

Five days later, the dragon shark spacecraft stopped over the ruins.

The ruins, at first glance, can not be seen at the end, and the ruins of the buildings on the ground are all very large. Although they are mottled and covered with countless waste grasses, they still faintly can see the glory of this building. The domineering of the year.

"This is the site of the ancient black dragon family of that year! The palace building of the ancient black dragon family was bigger than my Hongmeng Palace. Now, there is no perfect palace." Jiang Hong is somewhat embarrassed.

The end of the ancient black dragon family, let him have a rabbit feeling of death and sorrow.

In the past, the ancient black dragon family that Hongmeng Palace could compete with, after billions of years, has become so endless, and how will the Hongmeng Palace be billions of years later?

If he is not there, Hongmeng Palace will only be the same as the ancient black dragon family, and will be weak and disappear.

The spaceship flew slowly with everyone in the sky.

Everyone was silent.

It seems that they are feeling the desolateness and loneliness of these ruins. It seems to imagine the prosperity and prosperity of the ancient black dragons.

Those ruins on the broken wall, faintly can also be seen to depict a variety of images of the wild, and more dragons, these images of dragons, lifelike.

These dragons are arrogant.

Standing proudly at high altitude, overlooking all beings.

While watching the ruins of these ruins, Huang Xiaolong spurred the body of the Yuanlong body in his body and sensed the surroundings.

Since countless powerful people have come to search for this ancient black dragon site, then the sensory sensing is definitely useless. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong uses the blood power of the Yuanlong body in the body to sense.

The blood power of the Yuanlong body in your body may also cause induction.

Just five or six hours later, Huang Xiaolong, who motivated the blood of the Yuanlong god, did not feel anything.

However, Huang Xiaolong was not disappointed. After all, this ancient black dragon ruins was extremely large, with the speed of the dragon shark spacecraft. It takes two days to fly, and now, one-eighth is gone.

Soon, more than two days passed.

The dragon shark spacecraft stopped somewhere above the ruins.

"Yellow kid. How?" When the spacecraft flew a circle, the Golden Horn Maverick asked Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "My Yuanlong **** body blood power, and did not sense anything." Speaking of this, Huang Xiaolong was somewhat disappointed.

If it is other treasures, he will not care so much. However, the three treasures of the ancient black dragon family, whether it is the black dragon god, or the black dragon cold jade bracelet, or the black dragon throne, have a great effect on Huang Xiaolong.

After seeing the king of Master Hongmen, Hongmeng’s land will go to the Hells of the Hells. If there is a black dragon god, then he will have a layer of protection, and the black dragon throne is a top-grade aircraft. It is even more important to him. Whether it is a strong enemy to escape or a hurry, this Black Dragon throne has an indispensable role.

Although everyone guessed the results, but when I heard Huang Xiaolong answer, everyone was disappointed.

"Senior brother, let's go to see Master first." Huang Xiaolong then converges on the mood, against Jiang Hongdao.

"Yeah." Jiang Hongdao, then comforted: "The younger brother does not have to be discouraged, this search, time hastily. So can not find it is normal, then the younger brother has time, then come and search again, maybe you can find it. ”

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "The brother said."

This search. It is indeed a hasty.

Huang Xiaolong intends to wait for the master of the master of Hongmeng, before going to **** to repair the world, and then search for it again.

Therefore, everyone left the ruins of this ancient black dragon, and then continued to the land of Hongmeng.

Two days later, the spacecraft passed through the face of the ancient gods. Came to a gloomy star river.

Looking at the gloomy star river in front of you, everyone has the feeling of going from **** to heaven.

This gloomy star river is exactly the opposite of the dark star river and the ancient gods in front. The visual difference is too strong, and there is no chill and darkness at all.

"This is the Hongmeng River." The Golden Horn Mavericks said: "This piece of Hongmeng River is made by the old man of Hongmeng, and the land of Hongmeng is hidden in this Hongmeng River."

Huang Xiaolong and others were shocked.

"This piece of Xinghe is built by my master himself?" Huang Xiaolong could not believe it.

Building and arranging a galaxy, what kind of power is this? !

Huang Xiaolong did not dare to look at each other.

At least, in his previous cognition, there was no imagination.

The Golden Horn Mavericks said: "There is nothing to build a galaxy. If my old cow has patience, it will take hundreds of millions of years to get it."

At this time, Jiang Hong said: "This galaxy, many hundred million years ago, is as dark and violent as the dark stars in front. However, Master has taken a fancy to the power of the heavens and the earth, so this will be The film star river has been transformed."

Although Jiang Hong did not describe it, everyone can still imagine the vast power of the King of Hongmen when he transformed this galaxy.

"The power of heaven and earth?" Huang Xiaolong is a move in his heart.

Golden Horn Mavericks said: "You don't know what the power of heaven and earth is now. When you and your brother, Hong Meng, you surpass the realm of the great emperor, you will know."

Huang Xiaolong was a little sweaty, and he didn't think about the power of the world. After all, it was too far away. Not to mention the realm of the great emperor, it was the realm of the great emperor. It was too far away for the current Huang Xiaolong.

After a while, the Dragon Shark spacecraft flew with everyone to the front of the Hongmeng River.

Upon entering the Hongmeng River, everyone felt a sense of comfort that was unspeakable. This feeling of comfort was like a gentle force constantly stroking the whole body.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are changing. This power is somewhat like the power of Hong Meng, but it is not like it.

"These meteorites are collected by Master from the heavens and the world." Jiang Hong pointed to the suspended boulders of different sizes.

Those star meteorites exude a radiant glow of stars, but they are not glaring, organized, and extremely beautiful.

"Don't underestimate these star meteorites. This million-star meteorite is carefully selected by hundreds of billions of star meteorites. Every star has its powerful vitality and All kinds of star power, and within each star meteorite, there is the Hongmeng method described by Hongmeng’s old man. Each kind of Hongmeng method is different and powerful. If it is chaotic, this Hongmeng River will touch this Hongmeng. If you are in the middle of the tenth stage, even the peak of the tenth stage of the Emperor will die!" said the Golden Horn Mavericks.

Everyone heard the words and looked at them.

"Hong Meng, let's come over this time, haven't you talked to your master?" Suddenly, the Golden Horn Maverick asked Jiang Hong.

Jiang Hong smiled bitterly: "Since the Qingniu seniors want to give Master a surprise, I haven't said it to Master yet." (To be continued.)

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