Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1601: Good

The king of Hongmeng heard the words, took a deep breath and hesitated: "Is it only used for 100,000 years?"

He broke through to the fourth layer of Hongmeng parasitic scorpion, and spent millions of years. When he cultivated to the third layer of Hongmeng parasitic scorpion, it took nearly one million years. ○

In his view, even if this new disciple talent is so bad, it is impossible to cultivate into the third layer of the paradise of Hongmeng in only tens of thousands of years.

Li’s peers are also staring at Jiang Hong.

Jiang Hong shook his head and smiled at the king of Hongmeng: "It took less than a thousand years for the younger brother to cultivate."

"One, one, one thousand?!" The king of Hongmeng was completely stunned and his mind could not work for a while.

Li’s peers are even more idiotic, one by one.

One, one thousand years!

For a thousand years, I will cultivate the parasitic worms to the third floor. !

How can this be!

However, they know that Jiang Hong could not make such a joke with the king of Hongmeng.

So, all this is true? Really!

After being stupid, Li’s peers looked at Huang Xiaolong with a horror that never happened.

Even after the King of Hongmeng reacted, it was difficult to hide his heart.

"In fact, it took only three hundred years for the younger brother to practice until now." At this time, Jiang Hong said.

Li’s peers were so angry that they couldn’t help but feel awkward.

"Three or three hundred years?!" The king of Hongmeng is also a heart convulsion.

"You, say, three hundred years? Really, really three hundred years?" The king of Hongmeng could not help but ask again and again.

Although I know that Jiang Hong will not make such a joke with him, the king of Hongmeng still does not believe it and cannot believe it.

Jiang Hongong respected and said: "Yes, Master, more than ten years ago. When I met my younger brother in the Umbrella, the younger brother did not practice for three hundred years. Now, it should be about three hundred years."

The king of Hongmeng took a breath of air. He looked at Huang Xiaolong as a new disciple and was shocked. It is ecstasy, madly excited, he even has an impulse, think about the past to touch this new disciple, take a good look at what this new disciple is really enchanting, even enchanting!

"Teacher, you have not come to see Master." Jiang Hong smiled at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong, who was stared at by the king of Hongmeng and Li’s peers, watched the words and stepped forward to the front of the king of Hongmeng. Then respectfully salute: "Dr. Huang Xiaolong, see Master."

The king of Hongmeng looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was saluting himself in front of his eyes. With his hands stretched out, Huang Xiaolong personally helped him and looked at Huang Xiaolong. He was excited and delighted and smiled: "Good, good, great! Great!"

The king of Hongmeng is excited. Under the joy, I repeated.

He has not been so happy for many billion years. He looked at Huang Xiaolong, a new disciple, with an unspeakable love in his eyes.

At this time, Li’s peers stepped forward and crouched, and said to the king of Hongmeng: “Congratulations to the teacher!”

Because they are not the registered disciples of the king of Hongmeng, so. Can only be called the king of Hongmeng as a teacher, not a master.

The king of Hongmeng was happy with Li’s peers: “Well, well, come on.”

Lee’s peers respected it and then stood up. Also respectful to Huang Xiaolong: "I have seen two young masters."

Huang Xiaolong is now the second disciple of the king of Hongmeng. For Li’s peers, naturally they are two of them.

In the past, Li et al. also called Jiang Hong a young master, but later Jiang Hong let Li Tong change his name, and he was called a brother.

Huang Xiaolong quickly returned to Li et al.

At this time, a voice sounded: "I said Hongmeng old man, with a new disciple, you forgot my old friend?"

The king of Hongmeng, Li’s equivalent.

It is the Golden Horn calf that opens.

"You are?" The king of Hongmeng once again fell on the Golden Horn Mavericks, and then his eyes brightened: "You are, Xiaoqingqing?!" Some surprises, some do not believe.


Huang Xiaolong almost sprayed something out.

It turns out that the chick has such an alias.

When the Golden Horn Mavericks heard it, he was angrily angry with the king of Hongmeng: "I said Hongmeng, how many times have I said, don't call me Xiaoqingqing."

The king of Hongmeng was not angry. Haha smiled: "Well, don't call Xiaoqingqing." The tone turned, and staring at the Golden Horn Mavericks in confusion: "Qing Qing, how come you?"

He wants to ask how the Golden Horn Mavericks will change their appearance, and this strength? Reincarnation rebuilt? However, in the heavens and the world, who else can destroy the former **** of the Golden Horn calf?

The Golden Horn Mavericks heard that the king of Hongmeng was called Qingqing, but he was still annoyed. He was quite helpless in the annoyance. He said: "This is a long story. I will say later, I am coming here with Huang Xiaozi. I am here to help you." Fix my soul, and, I want to use your Hongmeng pool to restore strength."

Hongmengchi is the king of Hongmeng. It has collected the spiritual pools of countless Hongmeng medicines from all over the world. It has amazing use and is of great significance to the reincarnation of the Golden Horn Mavericks.

"You and Xiaolong are?" The king of Hongmeng listened to the Golden Horn Mavericks, calling Huang Xiaolong a yellow kid, and he was very familiar with it, not to be surprised by the relationship between the two.

Seeing the king of Hongmeng’s face curious, the Golden Horn Mavericks didn’t have a good air: “Yellow is my master.”

This time, it was the turn of the king of Hongmen who almost stumbled. Li Tong and several people even squatted down. Before, Li Tong did not recognize the Golden Horn Mavericks, but just listened to the name of the king of Hongmeng, they knew the Golden Horn Mavericks. Who is it, the Golden Horn Mavericks used to come to Hongmeng, and Li Tong respectfully met several times.

He knows how arrogant the identity of the Qingniu predecessor is, not less than the king of Hongmeng. Now, he has become the master of these two young masters? !

"Little Qingqing, are you kidding?" The king of Hongmeng couldn't help but ask, the former Golden Horn Mavericks often joked like this.

The Golden Horn Mavericks listened to the king of Hongmeng and called himself a little green, glaring: "Hongmen old man, do you think I am joking."

The king of Hongmeng seriously said: "Like."

The Golden Horn Mavericks are speechless and simply shut up.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong transferred the topic and introduced the two women, Li Wei and Yao Chi, to the king of Hongmeng. The king of Hongmeng looked at the two women, smiling at the face, even boasting two women, but let Li Wei and Yao Chi feel overwhelmed.

Then, Huang Xiaolong let the elephants, the chaotic black camel beasts, the lightning does not move, the wind Chen sees the king of Hongmeng, and the soil bear beasts also come to the king of Hongmeng in a model, and the ceremony is called: "Grandfather of Hongmeng."


After the glimpse of the king of Hongmeng, hehe smiled: "What a cute earthen beast, what is your name?"

"The big brother told me to be a little bear, then I will be called a little bear." The soil bear beast replied.

Everyone smiled.

"Xiaolong, your Hongmeng parasitic cultivation is so fast, have you found the spirit of Hongmeng?" After a pause, the king of Hongmeng asked Huang Xiaolong. (To be continued.)

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