Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1603: Hong Mengguo

Called the elephant, chaotic black camel beast, thunder does not move, after the wind, Huang Xiaolong and others will come to Hongmeng Palace.

Because it is not far from Hongmeng Palace, after ten minutes, everyone came to Hongmeng Palace.

When he arrived, his brother Jiang Hong and Li’s equivalent were already there.

"Master." In front of the king of Hongmeng, Huang Xiaolong respectfully said.

Li Wei, Yao Chi, Xiang Yu and others also rushed forward.

The king of Hongmeng asked Huang Xiaolong not to have a few gifts, and then asked Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei, Yao Chi several people: "Last night, you still used to living in Hongmeng?"

Huang Xiaolong replied truthfully: "The land of Hongmeng is amazing. The disciples practiced overnight, better than practicing outside in January."

Li Wei, Yao Chi also answered.

At this time, the soil bear beast also interjected: "Grandfather of Hongmeng, this place of Hongmeng, great, I have been to many places, no place is as comfortable as Hongmeng, it is simply too comfortable."

The tender voice of the earth bear beast, coupled with its cute expression, everyone laughed.

The king of Hongmeng also smiled and said: "You little guy, you can talk very much." Speaking of this, the tone turned: "Since everyone is here, then we are now in the orchard."

Everyone is.

Then, after the people followed the king of Hongmeng, they went out of the palace and came to the orchard.

The orchard was not on the same peak as the Hongmeng Palace. The people flew for about twenty minutes before they landed on a golden, silvery mountain peak.

After falling down on the mountainside, after walking a few hundred meters, he came to the door of a garden.

Huang Xiaolong looked up and saw the word "fruit garden" on the top of the garden gate. It was a very common name. However, like the three words of Hongmeng Palace, it gives people an unspeakable mood.

"Yellow boy, don't look at the name of this orchard, you will enter it inside, and it will make you surprised." The Golden Horn Mavericks told Huang Xiaolong.

The king of Hongmeng smiled and said: "That is, I just got a fruit garden, let's go in." Finished. First stepped up and went in.

Outsiders simply cannot enter the land of Hongmeng. Therefore, this orchard, the king of Hongmeng did not arrange any prohibition.

Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks and others then walked into the orchard.

Although everyone had had many imaginations before, but when they entered the orchard, they found that the previous imagination was so weak and pale, and the tree in front of them was full of various agates. Such as pearls, such as jade, such as Jinjing, such as amber and other spirits of the spirit tree, everyone was shocked.

None of these spirit trees are the same.

These spirit trees, the fruits on the top, emit aura. It is unprecedented for everyone.

Even the elephant, the knowledge of the chaotic black camel. I didn't know a tree in the tree. I didn't even know one, but the tree in front of me was not at the end.

Some spiritual trees, towering towering, look up the big tree. I can't see the top at all.

Some spiritual trees are only tens of meters high, but the trees and branches have a kind of light that everyone has never seen before.

Some spiritual trees. Shaped like a variety of chaotic spirits.

"Hongmen old man, do you know what my blue cow envy you most? The most envious of you is your orchard." The Golden Horn Maverick looked at the tree in front of him and said, "If I have such an orchard. I would rather not want my Qingniu Mountain."

The king of Hongmeng smiled and said: "That is." Speaking of this orchard, I still feel a little proud in my heart. Then I said to Huang Xiaolong: "Hongmeng fruit trees are in the innermost of the orchard, we are in the past."

The more the **** tree, the more it is inside.

Huang Xiaolong and others followed the king of Hongmeng into the fruit forest.

Walking in the path of the fruit trees, smelling the scent of various kinds of fruit around, everyone is intoxicated and not wanting to wake up.

The Golden Horn calf walked on the side and said to Huang Xiaolong: "The orchard, there are a total of 100,000 tree trees, most of which can be in the Hongmeng period."

Huang Xiaolong and others were shocked.

Most of them are in the period of Hongmeng!


Huang Xiaolong’s mind is a bit stunned.

Even if it is a stone in the Hongmeng period, it is a sky-high price now. If it appears, the palaces of the great emperors must be madly fighting, let alone the spiritual trees like this Hongmeng period!

A spiritual tree here, I am afraid that it is comparable to the treasure of an imperial palace?

"The other small parts are not the Hongmeng period, but they are also extremely rare spiritual trees in the world. Some even have only one, and some have two!" The Golden Horn Mavericks said: "Those like the outside rankings." The ten wonders, compared with the spirits here, are rubbish, so there are no top ten wonders planted here."

Huang Xiaolong and others are speechless.

If the outside palaces know the fruit garden of Hongmeng, I don’t know what to think.

The king of Hongmeng listened to the Golden Horn Mavericks introduced to Huang Xiaolong and others, laughing and not talking.

This orchard is indeed the treasure in his heart.

For so many years, he has spent countless efforts in it. In addition to preaching to Li’s peers in Hongmen’s land, he usually comes to the orchard to wander around or feel the heavens.

Being in this orchard, I feel that Heaven has a different kind of mood.

"This tree is called the monsoon tree, and its tree body will change with the seasons."

"This is a red bloodless tree."

"This is the Yuanli tree."


After some spiritual trees, the Golden Horn Mavericks pointed to these spiritual trees and briefly introduced them to Huang Xiaolong and others, such as a few Jane, like that, as if the orchard was his general.

The people walked slowly, and after a few hours, finally, they came to the innermost part of the orchard and stood in front of a big tree.

The big tree in front of me is covered with a touch of golden light, but it is not golden, and above the hundred meters, there is a fist-sized fruit, the fruit epidermis, like jasper, and the fruit is flowing. A nearly purple liquid that is smart and fascinating.

This tree, standing there, is like the king of Wanshu. Huang Xiaolong can feel that all the spiritual trees around him are faintly centered on this tree, just as the courtiers worship the emperor.

Other trees, generally 100 meters away, have other trees, but this tree does not see other trees within 10,000 meters.

"This is Hongmeng Lingshu." When Huang Xiaolong looked at the big tree in front of him, the king of Hongmeng said.

Sure enough, it is Hongmeng Lingshu! Huang Xiaolong secretly.

Li Wei, Yao Chi and others are also looking at the eyes of Hongmeng Lingshu. Their eyes are on the fruit of the moon. There are not many trees on the tree, just one hundred and eight.

At this time, the king of Hongmeng was a little more casual, and those Hongmeng fruit fell one after another, falling into the face of Huang Xiaolong, Li Wei, Yao Chi, etc., in front of each person, not much more, just one. (To be continued.)

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