Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1618: Call the army of the Guardian, fast!

When Gu Zheng and Gu Fei and others came out from the transmission array, the ancient strongmen who had been stationed in Naiman City had been waiting outside.

"See the ancients and meet the ancestors." The ancient family strongmen in the city of Naiman saw the ancients and others came out and quickly went to see them.

"Get up." Gu Zhengom nodded. "Is that kid in Naiman City?"

"Returning to the ancients, he is still in Naiman City, and the house he purchased is not far from here." An ancient strongman replied quickly.

"Very good, now, you take us over." Gu Zheng smiled and said: "When you pick up the kid, this inspector will reward you."

The old man’s face was happy and said: “Xie Guzheng is an adult.”

Gu Zheng suddenly said: "Right, let people prepare a banquet in the best restaurants in Naiman City. After I have won the kid, I will celebrate it."

"Yes, ancient Zhengren!"

At the moment, under the leadership of the ancient Naiman branch, Gu Zheng and Gu Fei and others have flown all the way to the house of Huang Xiaolong.

On the way, some of the strong family members saw each other and talked about it.

"It is an ancient home!"

"That is the ancestor of the ancient family?! The ancestors of the ancient family have not appeared for thousands of years. What happened this time to alarm him?!"

"That is the ancient family inspection?! It turned out to be an ancient patrol! A strong breath, every inspection of the ancient family, at least the king of the king, it is no wonder that even the ancient ancestors of the ancient family must accompany!"

"There is a good show, we are behind and see what it is!"

"Okay, go!"

Some family powers are far behind the ancient family.

The branch of the ancient family was one of the top ten families of the Wuyuan gods. The appearance of the ancient ancestors soon spread in Naiman city. Suddenly, the forces in Naiman City had a commotion.

As the head of the Pluto organization in the Wuyuan branch, Jia Yuan quickly got the news.

“The ancient family inspected and Naiman City at the same time as Gu Fei?” Jia Yuan frowned and asked one of the guards next to him: “Do you know what they are doing in Naiman City?”

The Guardian shook his head: "I don't know about Jia Yuan, but I don't know it yet. It seems that someone has offended the ancient family, and the other party is in Naiman City. However, this person is worthy of the ancient family inspection, so that Gu Zheng and Gu Fei simultaneously shot. This person, is it a master of the king of the king? But strange, we in Naiman City, apart from Jia Yuan adults, there are no other kings and kings."

"God king king?" Jia Yuan’s mind suddenly appeared in the figure of Huang Xiaolong, his face changed dramatically.

"It's him!"

Others do not know what Huang Xiaolong is testing. But he knows.

A few days ago, after he reported the situation of Huang Xiaolong to the above-mentioned small commander, he quickly returned the letter to him directly above him.

Upon receiving a direct reply from the general commander, he was shaking and excited for half an hour with both hands.

In the letter of the general commander, he ordered him cautiously, and he must guard the Shura royal family named Dewey, and he must not let him have any mistakes.

If there is any mistake in this Dewey, Wuyuan God is a division. Hundreds of thousands of meditations have to be executed! Including the person in charge of his source division!

"Come on, call me all the troops in the city of Naiman! Now, immediately! Give me a quick!" Jia Yuan hurried up, almost snarling with a roaring voice against several nearby captains.

The few captains of the Guards had seen a sudden change in the face of Jia Yuan. It was strange that suddenly they saw Jia Yuan stand up and scream and command, and they were all shocked.

"Yes, Jia Yuan adults!" The three captains of the Guards panicked, and they should respectfully, though, I don't know what it is. However, it is definitely going to be a big deal!

They have never seen Jia Yuan adults so snarled and ruined.

"Call all the Guardian soldiers!"

At the moment, the heads of the Guards passed the order and immediately ordered all the Neyman City Guard soldiers.

As for the other meditation forces of Wuyuan God. It’s too late, so I’m only calling Naiman City.

However, this is so, when these three guards of the Guards commanded the letter, they suddenly arrived. All the Guardian soldiers in Naiman City gathered all the way to the branch hall.

These captains of the Guards, each of whom took down the soldiers of the city of Naiman, had 4,000 people. If the five were added together, it would be exactly 20,000 Guardian soldiers.

Although there are not many 20,000 Guardian soldiers, these Guardian soldiers are all high-ranking ancestors!

The high-ranking powerhouse of 20,000 ancestors, such a force, in the face of Wuyuan, is absolutely the power of horror.

Soon, the 20,000 Guardian soldiers gathered together.

"Go!" Jia Yuan no longer hesitated at the moment, and he screamed and ordered the first person to fly to Huang Xiaolong's house.

Five heads of the Guards and 20,000 Guards of the Guards quickly flew to keep up.

When Jia Yuan led the 20,000-year-old Guards army to appear in the sky above Naiman City, suddenly, Naiman City boiled up.

Jia Yuanshen is the head of the Wuyuan organization's Wuyuan branch. Its identity and status far exceed the ancient and ancient Gu, and the appearance of Jia Yuan undoubtedly caused more shock.

Moreover, Jia Yuan even summoned all the troops in the city of Naiman!

What is this going to do?

what happened? !

"Jia Yuan adults called all the troops in the city of Naiman, and the look is extremely anxious. I don't know what is going on. Is there any open eye that has provoked Jia Yuan adults?" A Naiman City family The patriarch was puzzled and surprised.

"Will it be related to the ancient family? The ancient patrols made it impossible for Guzheng and Gu Fei to appear in Naiman City. Jia Yuan adults called the army of the Guardian!" An elder elder was depressed and guessed.

"Impossible, although ancient Africa is also the presence of the wind and rain in our Wuyuan **** plane, but given him ten courage, he did not dare to provoke Jia Yuan adults!"

"That's a weird thing!"

"This kind of thing, it’s a hard time, let’s go see it!"

All the family leaders of Naiman City, after the ancestors knew it, they all went out and broke through the air.

Even after some of the city's strong people around Naiman City got the news, they also rushed to the air, and some even used the family to inherit the spaceship.

When Jia Yuan led the army of the Guardian to the Huang Xiaolong Mansion, the road also quickly reported that the ancient family might have to deal with Huang Xiaolong to the above-mentioned big commander.

Originally, he was not qualified to report to the higher level. However, a few days ago, the general commander said that it was a matter of Dewey, and he could report directly to him.

Soon, the great commander gave him a letter, and his tone was extremely strict. He said that if the ancient family dared to move this Dewey, he would spare no effort to put the billions of disciples in the ancient family. Kill and kill!

Then, the big commander and the great man again, he is now riding a spaceship to come to Wuyuan God!

Jia Yuan looked at the contents of the letter, scared the heart almost jumped out of the chest, body cold sweat.

Count out the billions of disciples of the ancient family and the gods.

The great commander who has not appeared for tens of millions of years, now actually came to the source of Wuyuan!

(Beginning a small **) (to be continued.)

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