Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1628: Two supreme gods?


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The four people looked at each other and saw the excitement and joy that were difficult to suppress in each other's eyes.

"Ping Wang Yu, he has Pluto Jade, he really got the old master's Pluto Jade!" Under the excitement of King Shura, there are some incoherences.

"Absolutely, it is definitely Pluto Jade! And, he should have refining the fourth ban on Pluto Jade! Otherwise, his dark power cannot have such power!" The wild giant Taiyue laughed.

This is an excited laugh, happy, happy laughter!

How many billion years have they waited?

More than 10 billion years!

I finally waited!

Waiting for the people they have to wait for!

"Old master, we finally waited for the person you selected!" The golden lion was excited by the sky, and when he said this, he even got red eyes.

On this day, they waited too long for too long.

"Ha ha ha, I know, this time, we will certainly not be disappointed, the age of the millennium, the king of the king, the supreme sacred, and only such a peerless genius, can be our new master!" Devil's King Fan Hui happy laugh.

Although it is said that Huang Xiaolong has not yet obtained the true inheritance of the Lord of Hell, but Huang Xiaolong has the princely jade, and has refining the four bans of the dynasty, and the real inheritance of the Lord of Hell is sooner or later, so they have already determined Huang Xiaolong is the new owner!

"Golden dollar, you let me poke a finger to see if we are dreaming." Hongyue giant Taiyue suddenly happy.

Rao is the four people who have experienced countless disasters. They have seen countless winds and blood, and their minds are firm, but at this time, they are also happy like children. (cotton candy

After Taiyue finished, he really pointed to Jin Yuan, the king of Shura.

"I rely on you, you really poke." King of Shura, Jin Yuan backhand punch.

It’s a loud bang.

Numerous feng shui fires, countless chaotic storms, dark space debris swept around, the entire Pluto spacecraft is a shock.

"Well, I said. You two, don't play." The golden lion, Wan Yutian, looked helplessly at the two men, and then looked at Huang Xiaolong with excitement and said: "Look. We are not going to Going to see the new owner?"

Fan Hui, the demon king, took a deep breath and suppressed his heart. He said: "Or wait until the new master has finished the assessment. Let's meet again."

Jin Yuandao, the king of Shura: "Yes, we have all waited for more than 10 billion years. It is more than a month."

"Do we want to tell this good news to them in the sky?"

The top ten leaders of Pluto, in addition to the four of them, there are also Lulu, Jiang Fenghuang, He Lianfeng, Cang Mingtian, Yi Fei, Pang De six people.

The four of them are in charge of the Shura community, while Lu Lu, Jiang Fenghuang. He Lianfeng three people in charge of the undead world, Cang Mingtian, Yifei, Pangde three are in charge of the ghost world.

"The new master's business, naturally, the less people know the better, I feel that after the new master really gets the inheritance of the old master, let the sky be clear, and a few people know better." King of Shura thought about it. .

"Then wait for the new owner to finish the assessment, we asked the new owner's meaning, and then decided." Fan Hui, the king of the devil.

at this time. In the face of the assessment of the gods, the dark supreme power of Huang Xiaolong’s body is still rolling out, and the scope of the envelope has been expanded to a million miles. Still spreading out at an alarming rate.

Huang Xiaolong’s dark supreme power has already formed a circle. In this dark world, Huang Xiaolong is the supreme ruler, and all the **** beasts that are swallowed in, whether it is the ninth order of the gods or the tenth order of the gods. In the late tenth stage of the king of God, the furniture was instantly corroded and assimilated.

With the constant engulfing of a headed hell, the dark world of Huang Xiaolong is even more radiant, and the atmosphere of the heart is getting stronger and stronger.

Even watching in the distance, the Jinyuan four people were shocked.

When Huang Xiaolong’s dark world shrouded a million miles, he stopped.

Huang Xiaolong flashed his body and flew forward. As he flew, the dark world around his body followed him.

A head of **** is constantly being swallowed up.

The blood of the head of the Hell beast, the power of God, and the beauty of the beast were all absorbed by Huang Xiaolong.

"A good and overbearing dark supreme power!" Fan Hui, the demon king, was shocked.

"It is indeed overbearing. I have never seen any kind of dark power that is so overbearing. This should be the ability of the new master's dark supreme god!" The wild giant Taiyue also exclaimed.

"I am afraid that the new master's dark supreme gods will not only have swallowing, but the ability to corrode is so simple." The golden lion is thinking about it.

"You mean, the supreme deity of the new master, and the ability to purify?" King of Shura, Jin Yuan was surprised.

"Impossible, the darkest supreme god, can not have the ability to purify!" Fan Hui, the king of the devil, shook his head.

"I didn't say that the purifying ability is the darkest supreme **** of the new master!" The golden lion is in heaven.

"What do you mean?!" Jin Yuan, Fan Hui, Tai Yue three people look at each other, stunned.

The golden lion, Wan Yutian took a deep breath and looked dignified: "The new master may have two supreme gods!" When he said this, he couldn't help but tremble.

Two supreme gods!

And it may be the king of supreme!

The three men of Jin Yuan also trembled in their hearts.

Two supreme gods, what it means, a few people are very clear.

Just when a few people were shocked that Huang Xiaolong might have two supreme gods, Huang Xiaolong was still flying fast, still continually swallowing, killing a headed **** beast reads;

On his assessment token, the number of hells that were killed was soaring at an alarming rate.

200,000! Two hundred thousand, twenty-two thousand!

Soon, it will rise to 300,000!

At the end of the third day, the **** beast that Huang Xiaolong killed, has reached an astonishing 320,000!

Among them, there are more than 25,000 heads of the Hells of the King of the Nineth Order!

More than 25,000, which is twenty-five times! It only took three days!

Huang Xiaolong looked at the number, but shook his head: "It is still too slow!"

Inside the Pluto spaceship, four people who were surprised and surprised, when Huang Xiaolong said that it was still too slow, almost fell.

The four are extremely speechless.

Is this still slow? !


At the time of Huang Xiaolong's assessment, the hall of the ancient family headquarters was filled with the elders of the ancient family. The three-eyed old man sitting on the main seat was the ancient patriarch of the ancient family.

The ancient morning face was a bit gloomy, and the third eye of the eyebrows was faintly golden. He scanned the crowd and said: "What happened to the ancients?"

"Jiao Qingshan deceives people too much, even dare to kill me the ancient elders!" Sitting in the old morning, a short old man said coldly: "He thought that my ancient family was really a soft persimmon!"

If it was before, the ancient family would only be able to swallow the sound, but now it is somewhat emboldened. (To be continued.)


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