Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1631: Capricorn

The face of Capricorn is the first **** face of Shura.

First, it is not only the largest area of ​​the Capricorn, but also because the headquarters of many superpowers in the Shura community are built on the face of Capricorn.

There are more than 30 super-powers in the top 100 in the Shura community, and their headquarters is built on the face of Capricorn.

The headquarters of dozens of superpowers are built on a **** plane. This situation is extremely rare in all the worlds.

Although before, Huang Xiaolong had already imagined the hugeness of the face of Capricorn, but when he really came to the face of Capricorn, when he really saw the face of Capricorn, he realized that his previous imagination was still too pale, Capricorn. The size of God is far beyond his imagination.

The ancient gods of the ancient black dragon family are one of the great gods in the gods. However, this Moss God plane is only a thousand times bigger than the ancient gods! No, maybe even thousands of times!

Standing in the starry sky of Shura, watching the vastness of the front, shrouded in layers of darkness, exuding the endless fierceness of the Capricorn face, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

The King of Shura, Jin Yuan, four people respectfully stood behind Huang Xiaolong and did not dare to disturb Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, the four people changed their deities, and from the outside, they were no different from ordinary people.

"Let's go." After a while, Huang Xiaolong took back his mind and went to the four-person road.

Four people keep up.

Soon, the five people broke the energy wall of the Capricorn face and entered the face of Capricorn.

"Amazing dark energy!" After entering the face of Capricorn, Huang Xiaolong exclaimed.

The hunter giant Taiyue laughed and said: "The master does not know, this Capricorn **** face the bottom of the mountain, sealed more than 400 pieces of chaotic spirit, eighteen chaotic spirits! And are all haze attributes. ”

Huang Xiaolong took a cold breath.

More than four hundred pieces of chaotic spirit!

Eighteen Chinese characters chaotic spirit!

This is too extravagant.

At the beginning, at the Dacheng Palace apprentice ceremony, he and the sacred genius Wang Yongsen of the evil spirits palace were compared. The six chaotic spirits that won the competition have already shocked the world. Now it is good, this is the face of the sacred god. There are more than 400 pieces in the ground!

Moreover, there are eighteen middle-class chaotic spirits!

The chaotic spirit of the Chinese character is the former Tenth Emperor Palace in the realm of the gods, and also the treasure of the town palace. Former Baidi Palace, I am afraid it is difficult to get one, but here, there are eighteen!

"These chaotic spirits are naturally formed?" Huang Xiaolong could not help but ask.

"The big division is formed naturally. It is rumored that the position of the Capricorn is the first **** plane born in the Shura world. It is uniquely endowed with a natural and sinister spirit." The wild giant Taiyue replied: "The Capricorn face is It is not the first **** plane that was born in the Shura world. It is impossible to study it. However, its underground is really a haze."

Haze of the sea!

No wonder.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

This sinister Linghai is a spiritual sea that is formed by the aura of the yin and the aura. Surrounded by the sinister spirits, the spirit can be born.

The golden lion, Wan Yutian, took Huang Xiaolong to fly to the headquarters of Pluto.

"Master, this is the Alpine Mountains, which is the headquarters of the Bone."

The Bone Bone, one of the top ten forces in the Shura world.

"That is Wuhai, where the headquarters of the A-Prison Mission is located."

A nose of the sea, is also the top ten forces in the Shura community.

"This is Tianxiang City, where there is no headquarters!"

Although the life-free door is not the top ten forces in the Shura community, it is also ranked in a dozen.

On the way, after some places. Four people introduced Huang Xiaolong one by one.

Of course, there are not many forces worthy of introduction by four people.

Huang Xiaolong is remembered in his heart.

"Suramon headquarters, is it built here?" Suddenly. Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved and asked four people.

Four people at a glance.

"No, Shuramen headquarters is in the Nether God position. However, although the Shuramen headquarters is not built here, there is a small branch here." Fan Hui, the demon king, replied.

"Solomon, billions of years ago, was the second force in the Shura community, but the battle that took billions of years ago made the Shuramen lose too much. Since then, it has begun to weaken. Now, Shuramen has retreated to Shura. The tenth in the world! If you continue this way, it will not be out of 100,000 years, and it is afraid that it will fall out of the top ten forces in the Shura community." Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, lamented.

"The battle that billions of years ago?" asked Huang Xiaolong.

"A few billion years ago, the ancestors of Jiuyin's corpse wanted to attack the gods and gods. They used the interests to confuse the Lord of the Gates. The masters of Shuramen led the repair of the billions of disciples to participate in the war. Later, the Jiuyin corpse of the gods attacked the world. , Shuramen, and many of the **** forces that participated in the battle were defeated. In those days, the master of Shuramen died in the ancient heavens of the ancient Emperor of Heaven!" said the wild giant Taiyue.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and said in a tone: "Golden Yuan, you ** I check, is there a disciple who is mad at Shuramen!"

The four respected should be, although it is strange why Huang Xiaolong is so concerned about Shuramen, but Huang Xiaolong did not say that the four did not dare to ask.

Later, Huang Xiaolong asked the four people to help them check the whereabouts of the founder, Emperor Fang Mingyu.

Although the Shura community is in vain, it is not difficult to check the whereabouts of two people with the power of Pluto.

"Master, that is the nine prison city, the headquarters of our Pluto Chamber of Commerce is built there! Do you want to see?" After a huge city, the giant giant Taiyue suddenly said.

Huang Xiaolong looked and saw that the huge city is standing there, there is a small **** face! Over the city pool, countless large arrays of light intertwined, this large array of light, I am afraid that the ordinary Emperor of the early stage of the strong can not touch.

"No, in the future, let's go to the headquarters of Pluto first." Huang Xiaolong thought about it and said.

Now, what he most desires is to use the blood of the devil to improve his strength, and then to collect the chaotic thunder pool of the land of the Lord of Hell.

Four people should be.

Several people continue to fly.

After ten days of stopping and flying, several people came to a huge mountain range. I saw this mountain range, and there was a green flame everywhere.

"Master, this is one of the three major mountains of the Green Flame Mountain Range, the Capricorn God. The headquarters of our Pluto organization is in the depths of the Green Flame Mountain. In the world, except for our ten people, no one knows where our Pluto organization headquarters are, old. The inheritance of the master is within the headquarters." Fan Hui, the king of the devil.

Huang Xiaolong accident, I did not expect that the headquarters of Pluto Organization is actually in this green flame mountain range. In the ten days of the Moshen **** plane, this green flame mountain range, Huang Xiaolong heard a lot, this green flame mountain range is the green flame konjac family. Earth, the Green Flame konjac family is a super-big family in the Shura community.

Is this Green Flame konjac family also the underworld of Pluto? (To be continued.)

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