Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1638: Heart of hell

In fact, not only the face of Capricorn, the entire Shura world, no, the entire Hell three worlds, all the strong in that moment, I feel strongly that **** seems to have been taken away!

"This, what is going on?!"

"Is there a breakthrough in the success of our hell, and there is another one that surpasses the existence of the Great!"

"Is it impossible? I see that there are peerless treasures born!"

“Will it be related to the upcoming birth of the Holy Mountain?”

Hells in the three circles of **** have been talking about it.

However, just for a moment, the dark hole that appeared in the green flame mountain range disappeared, and some of the old monsters in the Hells of the Three Kingdoms just wanted to investigate, and there was no way to investigate.

Hell undead world.

In the Jiuyin Mountain Range, there is a huge figure sitting on the throne of the headquarters of the Jiuyin Giant Corps Headquarters. A group of horror and death is constantly rolling around this huge figure. This is a dead air, and there are screams of screaming from time to time. It is the great power of the great emperor who is also trembled in this strange voice.

Huge figure, it is the ancestors of the nine yin corpse ancestors!

Because of the gloom, I can't see the face.

Under the candlelight, a middle-aged man wrapped in a corpse was sitting on the plate.

Above the corpse, it is a mysterious rune formed by dead air, exuding a heart-warming atmosphere. This middle-aged man is a long-standing candle of the nine yin corpse.

The candle is unparalleled, meaning that the world is unparalleled, he is the only one.

"Unparalleled, just a vision, what do you think?" The nine ancestors ancestors opened their voices, but the sound had a strange magic, which made people listen and could not help but despair.

"Is it that someone refines Hongmeng to Bao?! The power of Hongmengbao has provoked the vibration of the **** space?"

Jiuyin ancestors candlelight shook his head and looked musing: "It shouldn't be." When it comes to this, he said: "Someone should have got the most source of energy in hell, so at the last moment of refining, it only touched hell. The three worlds space is shaking and what has been taken away!"

"The most powerful source of hell!" The nine-yin patriarchal candlestick was shocked: "Is it the source of energy from the heart of hell?"

The nine yin ancestors illuminate their eyes with a flash of light: "Maybe!"

Did not see it personally. He is also not sure.

"What happened to Huang Xiaolong's investigation?" Then, Jiuyin's ancestors turned their voices and asked.

"Although we have determined that Huang Xiaolong has arrived in Shura. But the Shura world is in vain. It is still too difficult to pull him out. However, I have let Chen Siyang go to the Shura community in person. Let him just find the trail of Huang Xiaolong. He will kill it at all costs!" The nine yin patriarchs answered with an unparalleled candle.

Candle silk Yang is one of the many veterans of the Jiuyin giant corpse, the tenth-order late strong of the Great! Send a great tenth-order late-stage strongman to kill Huang Xiaolong, but you can think of the determination of the nine yin corpse to kill Huang Xiaolong.

"More efforts to search! Let the candle green autumn also go together, I want to ensure that nothing is lost, can not let Huang Xiaolong live away from the Shura community, and, the Holy Mountain will be born, Huang Xiaolong may also go. Let the candle silk Yang, candle green autumn The two pay special attention to all the suspicious geniuses of unknown origins on the holy mountain. As long as they doubt, they will kill them all!"

Candles and autumns are also a tenth-order late powerhouse of the great emperor.

"Yes, ancestors." The nine yin people have unparalleled candles.

At this time, the city of the ancient times passed down the palace.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the air, and there was a faint black streamer flowing around his body. Standing there, Huang Xiaolong seemed to be the King of Hell born in Hell!

I saw Huang Xiaolong’s chest. The heart pulsates in a weird way, and Huang Xiaolong can clearly feel that with the beating of his heart, the three circles of **** also sound a heartbeat.

Your own heart. It seems to be the heart of the Three Realms of Hell.

The source of the Three Realms of Hell seems to be in your own heart!

"Heart of Hell." Huang Xiaolong said to himself, a kind of supreme momentum emerged, the previous dark light flow, it is the heart of hell.

Now, he has initially refined the heart of hell. Blend with your heart.

Generally speaking, if a strong person, the **** spirit is destroyed, it must be dead. However, after he has merged with the heart of hell, even if his **** spirit is completely destroyed, as long as his heart is still there, he will Not dead!

The heart of **** is the most primitive source of hell. In this three circles of hell, even the high-ranking powers of the great emperor can't destroy Huang Xiaolong's hell.

Therefore, now in this three circles of hell, in addition to a few old monsters, other strong, can not completely kill Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed with joy.

Blending the heart of hell, he can now say that he is already the new generation of hell!

However, he is still low in strength and can't really control the power of the world of hell. When he breaks through the realm of the Great Emperor, he can control the power of Hell's Three Realms. At that time, as long as he is in the Three Realms of Hell, no matter who he is, he will not be able to kill him. It is.

At that time, even if it is like the ancient Emperor, like the demon ancestors, like the existence of his master, the king of Hongmeng, can not kill him.

Unless, someone can destroy the three realms of hell, but even if 10,000 ancient emperors join forces, it is impossible to destroy the three realms of hell.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the floating Jade Jade in front of his eyes. It was time to refine the fifth ban on the refining of Pluto.

He is now the second-order mid-term of Tianjun, and is able to refine the fifth prohibition of Pluto Jade.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong mobilized the Chaos Jinlong Leichi and the Chaos Xuangui Leichi. The two chaotic mines were motivated, and the power of Jinlonglei and the power of Xuangui Lei gushed out, wrapped in Pluto Jade, and suddenly, the black glow of Pluto Jade, one The dark demon that is condensed by the power of darkness appears.

Huang Xiaolong provoked the power of Jinlonglei and the power of the mysterious tortoise to entangle the dark demon, and immediately pulled it, pulling it from the top of the wangwang jade, and then, as the giant whale swallowed, The dark demon turned into a dark energy and poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

A few years later.

The dark demon was swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong.

In the past, Huang Xiaolong refining and curing Wang Yuyu banned and risked his life. Now, it is very easy.

With the heart of hell, after the refinement of the ban on the back of the wangwang jade, Huang Xiaolong no longer has to worry about the danger of being banned by the dynasty.

"Tianjun second-order late peak." Huang Xiaolong scrutinized the repair, this refining, after the fifth ban on the reign of the king, he has already reached the peak of the second step of the Tianjun.

It is also time to go out.

Huang Xiaolong put away the Pluto jade, and when he stepped forward, he went out of the palace and then stepped forward, and he came outside the gate of the ancient city. (To be continued.)

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