Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1640: Slaughtering the konjac family

"The disciple of the ancestral home of Shuramen is called Wei Hong."" Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, replied.

"Wei Hong." Huang Xiaolong's eyes were cold: "Talk to me, what is going on."

"Yes, master!" The four looked at each other and respected it.

Originally, the four thought that the relationship between Huang Xiaolong and this Xiu Luomen disciple was not very deep, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The four people reported the details of the investigation to Huang Xiaolong.

It turned out that I was mad and the female disciple Wang Mengyu in the door met and loved each other in the execution of a sacred mission. However, Wei Hong also had long been fascinated by the female disciple of Wang Mengyu. So, hateful, design is framed by me, he let a male disciple of Shuromen deliberately provoke and fight for me.

However, in the process of my mad madness, the male disciple suddenly died, and Wei Hong will be arrested as a disciple in the door.

The whole process is roughly the same.

Of course, the male disciple suddenly died, naturally it was Wei Hong’s secret hand.

After listening to Huang Xiaolong, he took a deep breath: "How long has it been for me to be held in the black prison of Shuramen headquarters?"

"There are five or sixty years." Hongyue giant Taiyue replied truthfully.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed, that is to say, before he came to hell, his master’s madness had been framed in the black prison!

"When Wei Hong, how can I torture me?" Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold.

"In the past 50 or 60 years, he has ordered the disciples who guarded the black prison to torture my madness every day with dozens of different penalties. When I was tortured, I banned my madness. However, he did not torture him. I am mad. Just let it taste all kinds of inhuman pain every day." Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, said.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes are getting colder.

Torture with dozens of penalties every day!

This Wei Hong, **** it!

"I am a mad master, don't save him?" asked Huang Xiaolong.

"I am a mad master. Naturally, I know that his disciples are framed. However, Master Wei Hong, the ancestor of Shuramen, has warned him. Therefore, I am not daring to protect my madness. That, I was a mad master and even madly cut off the relationship between men and women, and said that I am no longer a disciple of my madness."

"What is my mad master, what is it?" Huang Xiaolong's voice is low.

"Tang Zhilong. It is a superficial elder of the Shuramen Gongfa Temple." Hongyue giant Taiyue Road.

"If we first go to the Shumen headquarters, and then go to the holy mountain, still can't come?" Huang Xiaolong suddenly asked.

Four people at a glance.

"Does the owner want to save the madness first?" The Golden Lion said: "The Shuramen headquarters and the holy mountain are all in the same direction. If we rush to save the madness, we will delay some time, but I should still be able to get the sacred mountain to be born, but the masters don’t have to go in person. I and Taiyue will do it in the past."

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and resolutely said: "No, I personally went over."

"Does the master want to force the Shuramen headquarters?" Fan Hui, the demon king, said: "Then I will call the army of the Guardian now."

Although the four are the late tenth-level masters of the Great Emperor. However, after all, Shuramen was the second largest force in the Shura community, and the headquarters was still very amazing. Therefore, it is necessary to make some preparations.

"No, I will take the one hundred Guards in the past." Huang Xiaolong thought about it and said.

Originally, he did not intend to use the high-end Guardian of the 100th Emperor of the Old City, but now. Can only be used.

The king of Shura, Jin Yuan, stayed with four people and immediately smiled. The heart could not help but pray for Shuramon.

I hope that Shuramen will be interested, otherwise. Solomon is afraid of it!

That Guardian, the Jinyuan four people still have some understanding. In the past, their old masters spent a lot of effort to refine the hundred high-level Guardians of the Emperor, and collected countless Hongmeng medicines and materials.

It can be said that the body of these hundred defenders, the tenacity, the heavens and the world, can hurt their things, very few.

Hundreds of solid defenders shot, it is no exaggeration to say that when the gods kill God, encounter the devil!

Even if their top ten leaders join forces, they can compete against these hundred defenders.

If Wei Hong, a disciple of Shuramen, knows that because of my madness, hundreds of great emperors will visit the Shuramen headquarters, and the Shuramen headquarters will face the danger of being destroyed. I wonder if I will think about it?

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong took out the Pluto Jade, then urging the power of Hell's Heart, infusing the Pluto Jade, and suddenly, the figure flew from the city of the ancient times, and soon, he came to Huang Xiaolong, which is the Emperor's high-order. The guard of the meditation, no more, a hundred!

After refining the darkness of light and blending the heart of hell, he can infuse Pluto Jade with the power of Hell's heart, and then summon the hundred Guardians at any time.

After summoning hundreds of Guardians to the front, the dynasty jade radiantly flows, and then the 100 Guardians are all collected into the space of Pluto Jade.

Five people continued to fly forward.

"Master, you have previously broken through the realm of Heavenly King, and it is amazing. Doesn't the master's inexhaustible rune cover three times?" Thinking of the amazing scene when Huang Xiaolong broke through Tianjun, the king of Shura couldn't help but ask. .

The devil's king, Fan Hui, is staring at Huang Xiaolong.

"Three times?" Huang Xiaolong stunned and immediately smiled: "Yes."

When the King of Shura’s King Jinyuan heard it, they all took a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it is three times!

"The master, are you covered 100% three times?" Hongyue giant Taiyue couldn't help but ask, when it comes to this, the throat is dry.

"Well, one hundred percent." Huang Xiaolong nodded.

This is nothing to hide.

The four giants of the wilderness, Taiyue, were shocked again.

"Three times, a lot?" Huang Xiaolong looked at the look of the four people, could not help but ask.

The four people heard the words and they were sweaty.

Isn't it three times?

"Master, you don't know, the heavens and the world, we have never heard of someone breaking through the heavenly king, the inexhaustible runes are covered three times!" said the golden lion man Wan Yutian.

Huang Xiaolong is stunned.

Later, Huang Xiaolong asked four people about Shuramen.

Four people know all the answers.

Two hours later, the five people finally got out of the forbidden place, and outside the forbidden land, the green flame konjac ancestor Shi Yihai had already been respectfully waiting there.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong five people came out, Shi Yihai looked shocked, and quickly went forward, respectful salute.

After the ceremony, Shi Yihai stopped talking.

"One sea, what?" Fan Hui, the demon king, saw his expression and could not help but ask.

Shi Yihai respectfully said: "Master, four adults, just in the near future, Tu Shenmen led the army and surrounded my green flame konjac family. They asked my konjac family to invest in the Tumen Gate for three days, otherwise Then kill the konjac family!"


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