Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1645: Kill a quick

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The ancestors of Tushenmen were higher than the ancestors of Zhang Shenmeng. After the two men were bombarded, they felt that the blood was rushing, the throat was sweet, and a blood spurted out.

The two can't help but stunned, with the strength and realm of the two people, even if the ordinary Emperor's tenth-order late peak power, it is impossible to smash them!

This undead is even stronger than the legend!

In fact, the two did not know, this undead Guardian, was spent countless efforts by the Lord of Hell, used countless chaos, and even the spirit of the level of Lingmeng, Lingshi refining, stronger than before.

In fact, not only is the ancestor of Tu Shenmen higher than Zhang Xiaomeng, but the king of Shura, Jin Yuan, was also taken aback.

This undead Guardian, they have also seen it billions of years ago. After 10 billion years, the power is so strong!

At this time, Huang Xiaolong let the four great emperors of the late tenth stage of the dynasty to the Tushenmen ancestor higher than the two, Zhang Xiaomeng attacked.

Suddenly, the six great emperors of the late tenth stage of the solidguards joined forces, and the bombardment was higher than that of Zhang Xiaomeng’s two wolves, and they screamed.

These one hundred Guards, one team of ten people, each team has a captain of the late tenth stage of the Great Emperor, so there are ten late tenth-order emperors.

These ten people, although each is slightly inferior to the King of Shura, but it is also very similar.

The other four Guardian captains, Huang Xiaolong did not let it idle, under the command of Huang Xiaolong, the other four Guards captains attacked the other ancestors.

Even higher than the two, Zhang Xiaomeng are not the enemy of these defensive captains, not to mention the other ancestors of the gods.

Between a few breaths, there are four ancestors of the Tushenmen who were killed by life!

That's right, it's pinching!

Pour it into meat slurry little by little!

Watching their ancestors being crunched into meat, they are constantly struggling. Constant screams, the kind of despair, the kind of fear that makes the gods of the gods too elders. The elders, as well as the disciples, are not afraid.

At this time, other small guards around Huang Xiaolong also rushed to the Tushenmen army, such as the tiger into the rabbit group. Wherever you go, it becomes a **** rain.

The 1 billion army of Tushenmen was killed and defeated.

Tu Shenmen ancestors are higher than Zhang Xiaomeng, and their eyes are red, roaring: "Pluto organization, I am not going to wear the gods! You will someday destroy you!"

However, after the two had just finished, they were slammed into the ground by the six Guards.

among them. That chapter Xiaomeng was torn off an arm by a solid Guardian!

Numerous golden blood spilled from the sky like a torrential rain. When the ground fell, the same drop of huge meteorites slammed into the ground.

This is the blood of the tenth-order powerhouse of the Great Emperor. Every drop is as heavy as a giant mountain.

Huang Xiaolong looked coldly at the bottom of the ground, Zhang Xiaomeng, sneer: "Destroy us? Unfortunately, that day, you can't see it."

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes looked at the army of the Tushen Gate and his body flashed. A fist hit a Tumen disciple in the early sixth stage of Tianjun.

The Tumen disciple only felt that the figure was flashing in front of him, and then he was unaware.

Huang Xiaolong blew his head in a punch.

Then, Huang Xiaolong's figure flashed again, flashing every time. Then there was a Tumen disciple who was bombarded.

Huang Xiaolong also did not pick those who were above the high level of Tianjun. They only killed the sixth-order or above of Tianjun, and the Tumen disciple of the seventh-order Tianjun.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred Tumen disciples died in the hands of Huang Xiaolong.

In this scene, I can’t be afraid of seeing the disciples of the gods.

Huang Xiaolong, a Tianjun second-order late peak, slaughter Tianjun sixth-order powerhouse is like a dog!

Such a terrorist force. They are unheard of.

"Kill him!" Nearby, a Tianjun tenth-order late peak of the Tushen Gate, the elders screamed, the whole body burned a group of blood, and the sword in his hand smashed it to the chest of Huang Xiaolong.

This sword, dazzling, condensed the power of his body, he even used the ancient ban, not hesitate to lose his own blood.

Because he was in the vicinity of Huang Xiaolong, and he used the ancient ban, the speed of the first step was not weaker than that of the Emperor. Therefore, his swordsman instantly stabbed the chest of Huang Xiaolong one meter away.

One of Shura’s Wang Jinyuan and others wanted to save Huang Xiaolong.

"Master!" The konjac ancestors Shi Yihai and others also changed their faces and shouted.

In the distance, some of the ancestors of Tushenmen, who were seriously injured by the Guardian, saw it, but they were overjoyed.

At this moment, suddenly, a sound of dragons rang through the world, Huang Xiaolong's body surface, a black **** appeared, nine black dragons flew out, roaring, blocking the strongest blow of the elders of the gods. .

Jin Yuan, the king of Shura, and others glimpsed and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"That is, is it the inheritance of the ancient black dragon family in the gods, the black dragon god?!" The demon king Fan Hui surprised.

"I didn't expect even the Black Dragon gods to fall into the hands of the master!" The golden lion was laughing at the sky.

When the elders of the Tushen Gate saw the strongest blow, they were blocked. When they were about to attack Huang Xiaolong, a giant palm slammed down and snapped it into the ground.

The shot is a solid defender.

Although the elders of the Tushen Gate were the peaks of the tenth-order period of the Tianjun, and the ancient ban was applied, how to get a high-level Guardian’s palm of a great emperor was taken into the ground and became A group of meatloaf.

However, although the Black Dragon Goddess is the best of the Hongmeng spirits, it blocks the most powerful attack of the elders of the Tushen Gate. However, the Jianqi also shocked Huang Xiaolong’s body and blood, and his throat was hot and his mouth overflowed with blood.

The disciples of the Tumen Gates were seen in the vicinity, and they came to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong sneered, and did not let those defensive scorpions shot, the dark supreme power to promote the armor big array, the black dragon **** suddenly suddenly like the dark sun explosion, the burst into a myriad of dark blades, wherever, surrounded by the door of the gods The disciples are all cut into half!

In the blink of an eye, around Huang Xiaolong, thousands of Tumen disciples fell like raindrops and were empty.

Seeing the power of the Black Dragon God, it is the King of Shura who is also greatly surprised.

"No matter which disciple, kill him, the gods of the gods sheltered his family EMI! Paul's family prosperity!" One of the ancestors of the gods of the gods stunned, one pointed to Huang Xiaolong.

Tu Shenmen disciples heard the words, such as locusts, usually come to Huang Xiaolong again.

Huang Xiaolong saw it and his eyes were cold: "If this is the case, then I will kill all the enemy today and kill a good one!" Below him, there is a throne on the side, which is the throne of the Black Dragon.

At this point, the Black Dragon God condensed back to Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong sat on the throne of the Black Dragon, and the momentum rolled, such as the king of Wanlong, the dark dominated.

Huang Xiaolong's supreme darkness is fully motivated. At the same time, he urges the Black Dragon God, the Black Dragon Throne, and the Black Dragon Han Jade Bracelet. There are still some bright high-altitude moments that are dark, and only above the sky, there are thousands of black dragon souls.

[Immediately 515, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list, until May 15th, the red envelope rain can give back to readers plus promotional works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】(To be continued.)

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