Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1652: Go to the wedding scene

"These super forces seem to have been invited by Shuramen. Is there any grand event in Shuramen?" said the Golden Lion, Wan Yutian.

"If you ask someone to ask, you will know." Huang Xiaolong blinked.

At this time, more than a dozen wearing dark yellow shirts, riding a strong dragon and lion strong flying from a distance.

"It is a disciple of the dragon lion." The king of Shura, Jin Yuan, said to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, although the dragon and lion teaching is a super power in the Shura community, but the ranking is not high, more than 130.

Of course, more than 130, not high for Huang Xiaolong, but for those superpowers ranked more than 300 and more than 400, it is very high.

Huang Xiaolong and the king of Shura, Jin Yuan, flew over to each other.

"Everyone, we want to ask, Shuramen invited so many powerful people, I don't know what it is?" In front of the other party, the demon king Fan Hui asked.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong, the devil's king, Fan Hui, all changed their appearances. Huang Xiaolong wore a seven-star meditation robes, while the demon king Fan Hui was a ten-star meditation robes.

Seven stars represent the first steps of Tianjun.

Ten stars, representing the Great Emperor!

Although Huang Xiaolong did not evaluate the Seven Stars, but Huang Xiaolong did not need to be assessed.

Originally, people were stopped to ask questions, no one was happy, but the dragon lion taught everyone to see the demon king Fan Hui four people arranged in the ten stars, all shocked, quickly got off the mount, the leader The dragon lion teaches the ancestors very politely to answer the question of the demon king Fan Hui.

"Wei Gong, the pro-disciple of Xiu Luomen's ancestors Jia Ding, is married today!" Hearing the other party's answer, Huang Xiaolong, the king of Shura, was surprised.

It’s a coincidence.

"Women, isn't the Shumeni disciple Wang Mengxi?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

When the dragon lion taught the ancestors to see Huang Xiaolong asking questions, he did not dare to neglect. He replied quickly: "I heard that it is a disciple named Wang Mengyu."

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, his eyes blinked and a cold flash passed.

"This time, Shuramen invited many super powers in the Shura community?" Huang Xiaolong thought about it and asked.

"This. It is not very clear, but under the estimation, there should be thirty or forty super forces to come to congratulate, in addition to this. There are thousands of first-class families and sects attached to Shuramen." The dragon lion teaches the ancestors.

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked a few questions.

"Let's go." Huang Xiaolong and the King of Shura, Jin Yuan, flew away.

Looking at the king of Shura, Jin Yuan, four people respectfully followed the Huang Xiaolong, the seven-star Pluto, the dragon lion taught everyone to be shocked.

Even if the top 100 superpowers go out, it is impossible to bring four emperors.

"The ancestor, the seven-star Pluto. Is it the youngest of the top ten super-sects?" A long lion who taught the dragon lion couldn't help but speak.

The dragon lion taught his ancestors but shook his head, no mouth, and a meditation.

Just now, the King of Shura, the King of Jinyuan, gave him a strong oppression, and he was the second stage of the Great Emperor. Even the third step of the Emperor could not make him feel so oppressive, indicating that the King of Shura, Jin Yuan, was the middle of the Emperor. By.

However, he is recognized by the young masters of the top ten super-sects. The Seven Stars Pluto is obviously not the youngest of the top ten super-big schools!

This is also the place that makes him doubtful and strange.

"Today, it seems that there is a lively look." The dragon lion taught his ancestors to speak.

The five people of Huang Xiaolong should not be invited by Shuramen, or they will not be ignorant of the big marriage.

"Old ancestors, what do you mean, those few people, came to repair the door to do things?" A dragon lion taught the elders to be surprised.

"Come to repair the door to the door? Even if they are the high-level emperor, dare to work at the Shuramen headquarters, it is also dead!"

"Isn't it to come to grab the pro?" I saw that the little master heard that Wang Mengyu was a woman, and his expression was not right!"

The dragon lion taught several disciples to joke.

After a while, the dragon lion taught everyone to ride on the dragon and lion to continue to fly to the Shumen headquarters.

Not long. Five Xiaolong appeared in the top of the **** tree in the dark night.

This **** plane is named after the dark night tree, called the dark night face.

The Shuramen headquarters consists of thousands of gods, and this dark night is the true core of Shura's headquarters. The main hall of the Shuramen headquarters is in this dark night.

Of course, the marriage of Wei Hong was also held in this dark night, and the black prison of Shuramen was also in the dark night.

Although the night of the night, the face is heavily guarded. There must be an invitation to enter, but for Huang Xiaolong, it is not difficult.

"First ask where the black prison is?" Huang Xiaolong stood volley and opened his mouth.

This time, the most important thing is to save his master first.

"Yes, the master." The four giants of the wilderness Taiyue respectfully should be.

Five people broke away.

"I heard that Wei Hong and others are married today and will be killed tomorrow."

"I am a savage brother who is derogatory, and acts arbitrarily, but unfortunately, it has fallen so far. Before, his master Deng Zhilong announced his relationship with him. Now, even his favorite woman Wang Mengxi has betrayed him!"

"I heard that Wei Hong promised to let me mad after the big marriage, then Wang Mengxi promised to marry Wei Hong, but Wei Hong was planning to marry Wang Mengyu after the big marriage. The body, secretly executed, let me mad, then Wei Hong is simply a despicable villain!"

"That Wang Mengyu is too naive. It is estimated that he is still in the dark. Today, Wei Hong is married, and people are still arrogant to let my madman go to the scene to observe the ceremony. This is simply cruel!"

When Huang Xiaolong was planning to inquire about the location of the black prison, he heard the remarks of several Shuramen disciples in the distance.

Looking at the few Shuramen disciples, Huang Xiaolong stopped.

"Master, then we are now?" asked the wild giant Taiyue.

"Go directly to the wedding scene!" Huang Xiaolong cold channel.

Since Wei Hong took his master to let me go to the scene to observe the ceremony, then those people do not have to inquire about the black prison.

Immediately, several people flew to the wedding scene.

Along the way, Huang Xiaolong saw that both the mountains and the rivers are dotted with a variety of colorful sparkling spar, which exudes a festive light.

Followed by the strong parties who came to congratulate, Huang Xiaolong came to the mountain where the wedding was held.

The mountain is extremely large, and it is covered with countless rare spar.

A few people from Huang Xiaolong came to the square at the foot of the mountain.

When a few people came, they were full of excitement, laughter and laughter, and the strong men of all the factions were holding their fists.

Huang Xiaolong chose an inconspicuous corner to sit down, and then launched the soul, search and pay attention to the emergence of Master.

On the way, he has already learned from some of the Shuramen disciples that Master is in my madness. As long as Wei Hong is escorted to Master, I can instantly discover it. (To be continued.)

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