Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1654: Should be executed immediately

[Broadcast] Focus on the starting point of reading, get the first hand news of 515 red packets, students who have not robbed the red envelope after the New Year, this time can show their skills.

On the rostrum, Huang Peng, the master of Shuramen, and Jiading, the ancestors, looked at Huang Xiaolong who suddenly stood up and then walked out.

The square with no sound was suddenly silent and the faces were different.

"What do you want to do with this kid? Wouldn't you want to mess up?"

"What's the mess? Is this kid stupid? Dare to make trouble at the Shuramen headquarters. It is a trivial matter to die, and you will have to join the family and the Zongmen!"

"In these years, although the Shuramen forces have weakened, even the Yanshui Palace and even the Tumen Gate do not dare to despise the Shura Gate!"

Yanshui Palace, Shurajie third.

Tu Shenmen, Shurajie second.

Even these two super-powers dare not despise the current Shura Gate, but they want to repair the strength of Luomen.

At this time, originally in front of the chairman--no-wrong-stage, Wei Hong and Wang Mengyu, who were facing Huang Xiaolong, were also surprised. They turned their heads and looked at Huang Xiaolong along the eyes of everyone.

Faced with whispers and dissidents, Huang Xiaolong’s face was calm and went straight to the direction of Master’s madness.

On the rostrum, the main door of Xiu Luomen, Huang Peng and the old ancestors, were somewhat unnatural.

On the spot, Huang Xiaolong did this, which is undoubtedly a provocation against Shura.

The old ancestor Jia Ding gestured to the following elder Solomon's elder elders. The Shuramen was too elder to meet, and his body flashed, and he came to Huang Xiaolong, reaching for a stop and blocking Huang Xiaolong from going.

"Please sit back in your place." The old man on the Shuramen’s face sank and said: "Otherwise, we are welcome."

As Huang Xiaolong wore a seven-star meditation robes, this is still a bit scruples. There is no direct shot.

Those who can pass the seven-star Pluto assessment are generally geniuses in genius, and more than seven stars, Pluto, are very sheltered by Pluto.

Huang Xiaolong’s face was indifferent, and he looked at the Shuramen’s elders in front of him, and spit: “Roll!” The sound is not big. However, the strong players on the scene heard it clearly.


Everyone couldn’t help but watched Huang Xiaolong unbelievably. No one expected Huang Xiaolong to open the door to the Shuramen’s elders!


It’s just that Shouxing’s hanging is too long.

The disciples around Shuramen were not angry, and even the face of Huang Peng and others on the rostrum was a sinking.

The Shuramen, who was in front of Huang Xiaolong, was cold and embarrassed. He stared at Huang Xiaolong: "Have you come to repair the door? Do you think that there is a Pluto organization shelter, we will not kill you when we repair the door?"

"I don't think that you and your Shuramen can kill me." Huang Xiaolong shook his head and said.

Everyone has a look.

"Is this kid a real idiot or is there a problem with my brain?"

quickly. Many people shook their heads and laughed.

A small Tianjun strong man, even said that Shuramen could not kill him? Even if he has four men in the Great Empire, he will die in this Shumenmen headquarters!

Even Deng Feizhi, the ancestor of Yuanyang Valley who had previously worked with Huang Xiaolong, and the former Long Lions also shook their heads.

The Shuramen’s face in front of Huang Xiaolong’s face was ugly, and he turned to look at the chairman of the Taiwanese Solomon door, Huang Peng and others.

Huang Peng, the master of Shuramen, nodded to him.

That Shuramen was too elder to see the situation, let go of his heart, no more scruples. His eyes were full of staring at Huang Xiaolong: "I have to see now, can I kill you!" The whole body shines, and it laps into a circle.

These Shura appeared, killing, bloody, cruel. The darkness and other breath enveloped the square.

"This is Shuramen's Shura Purgatory Spirit. If you cultivate to the tenth floor, you can challenge your opponents more and more. The power is very strong! This Shumen is too elder, I am afraid to cultivate to the ninth floor!"

Someone exclaimed.

At this time. The Shuramen’s elders suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong and screamed, and the wind swayed, and countless Shura rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing that the elders of Shuramen hit Huang Xiaolong, suddenly, a flash of people flashed, and then saw the elders of Shuramen’s elders screaming, flew out and fell outside the square, the body robes, the gods were all broken .

In front of Huang Xiaolong, there was one more person. It was the giant giant Taiyue.

Everyone was shocked.

Because, no one can see clearly, how the Hongyue giant Taiyue shot.

Even Xu Junhua, the ancestor of Wushengmen, and Liu Gong, the ghost of the sea, also suddenly stunned and looked dignified.

For a while, the square was quiet again.

Huang Xiaolong continued to walk in the direction of Master's madness. Many of the Zongmen strongmen who were sitting in front of my madness have retired.

In that direction, there was only one left, and there were two Shuramon disciples who were behind him.

Followed by Huang Xiaolong's eyes, everyone looked at the past, and his eyes fell on my madness.

"Ren brother!" Wang Mengyu discovered that I was mad at this time, and could not help but be surprised and happy.

And Wei Hong, as well as Shu Luomen's ancestor Jia Ding and the mad master of the crowd, Deng Zhilong, have changed their faces.

"Is this Shura royal family, is it for my madman?"

Some of the Shuramen disciples who recognize me as mad and know that I am mad are unable to whisper.

On the rostrum, the master of the Shumen Gate, Huang Peng, and some of the ancestors of Shuramen could not help but wonder, the other party actually came for their disciple to repair Luomen. How is this going?

As the main gatekeeper of the Shura Gate, Huang Peng, and many ancestors are just retreating, I don't know what I am, and Wei Meng, and Wang Mengxi.

Of course, with the identity of the master of the Shumen Gate, Huang Peng and the ancestors, it is impossible to pay attention to a disciple under the door.

"What is going on? Who knows?" The main doorkeeper of the Shura Gate, Huang Peng, asked about the ancestors around him.

"Returning to the door, the disciple, let me be mad. A few decades ago, because he killed the disciples in the door, he was imprisoned in the black prison." The ancestor Jia Ding replied.

The master of the Shura Gate, Huang Peng, and the ancestors around him, so, is the other party planning to save this madness?

"Why did he appear here today?" asked Huang Peng, the master of the Shura Gate, and said that the madman was not taken in the black prison?

The old ancestor Jia Ding replied: "Before I was mad, I met Wang Mengyu. He learned that Wang Mengxi was married today. Therefore, he begged Wei Hong to let him come to observe the ceremony. Wei Hongnian met with Wang Mengyu. I’m asking for it, so I’m bringing people to take this position to me.”

Huang Peng, the master of Shuramen, nodded.

"Just, I did not expect that this madness is not only not grateful, but colluding with outsiders, letting the other party mess up things, destroying Wei Hong's wedding, it looks like, and wants the other party to save him." "The door owner, the other party did not put my repair door in the eyes, we should completely kill it, and disciples like I am crazy should be executed immediately!"

Ps. chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed! (To be continued.)

Chapter 1654 should be executed immediately:

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