Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1807: Qiang Tianting Leichi

Before the gate of the Thunder Pool in Tianting, it was Yan Tianchen, behind Yan Tianchen, standing with Yu Shi and another Marshal of Heaven.

"Huang Gongzi." Yan Tianchen saw Huang Xiaolong coming, smiled a little, opened his mouth, and smiled gently. He couldn't see the way he was hurt by four.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and said: "Yan Yuanshuai, I am coming, I want to go to Tianting Leichi to practice, you open the door."

Yan Tianchen heard the news, and there was no accident. He laughed: "Huang Gongzi is the first in the battle of heaven. Naturally, he can enter Tianting Leichi cultivation at any time. However, the key to the door is not in our hands, so we can't open the door."

Huang Xiaolong stunned and looked at his eyes: "What do you mean?"

Yan Tianchen smiled and said: "Only we have the key to open the heavenly thunder pool."

"Then you go to Emperor Jun now." Huang Xiaolong said.

Yu Shichen behind Yan Tianchen heard the words and said: "Huang Xiaolong, you are arrogant! You dare to scream the name of your sorrow again and again. Don't think that you are the pro-disciple of the king of Hongmeng. You really think that we dare not ask you to sin. ?"

Huang Xiaolong did not look at the Yu Shi, but looked at Yan Tianchen.

Yan Tianchen raised his hand and stopped Yu Shi. He said to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Gongzi didn't know. Our Emperor of Heaven was seriously injured. Therefore, His Majesty took the Emperor of Heaven to a secret space and healed. We don't know how to kneel down now. Where, so, the key is not available."

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled.

This Emperor Jun! I used such an excuse to stop him from entering the thunder pool.

"Then what you mean is that Emperor Jun did not appear one day, and did not open this Tianting Leichi in one day. I couldn't enter Tianting Leichi for a day to practice?" Huang Xiaolong smiled.

Yan Tianchen is seriously looking at the face: "Yes, so Huang Gongzi please come back, and when you come back, we will inform Huang Gongzi."

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "Do you think I will leave?"

The Yushi shouted out loudly: "Huang Xiaolong, Tianting Leichi is a heavenly place. Do you want to be strong? If you dare to be strong, it is a crime of death. This is the crime of destroying the tribe! Even if we take you down and ask for sin, Jiang Hong and Hong Meng The king can't say anything. Heaven has the rules of heaven. No matter who, no matter what identity, you must abide by the rules of heaven!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly: "Is it." After that, the space behind him fluctuated, and the two four did not appear.

Four does not appear like one. When one raises his hand, it is a palm. He directly puts the singer into the stone pillar behind him. The whole person becomes a platter of meat. The **** of the gods has been destroyed, and he can no longer die.

Yan Tianchen was shocked.

At this time, in a mysterious space deep in the heavenly court, Emperor Tianjun and Emperor Tianzi were volleyed. On the surface, the Emperor’s injury seemed to have completely healed.

"Father, do you really want Huang Xiaolong to enter Tianting Leichi to practice?" Tianzi Emperor Jingdao said: "Huang Xiaolong has a chaotic mine pool. He went to Tianting Leichi to practice, but he was afraid of being uneasy."

Emperor Tianjun smiled and said: "You can rest assured that the key is here. I have already opened the lock dragon of the Leichi Gate. Huang Xiaolong is not open to the lock dragon, even if the two four are not like it."

Mentioned Huang Xiaolong, the emperor of Tianzi Emperor Jing is stunned, his eyes are cold: "Do not kill Huang Xiaolong, it is difficult to vent my hatred, even if he is a disciple of Hongmeng old man, my emperor is the destiny I am the master of heaven. Once I break through the realm of the Great, no one in the world can really kill me. Nothing can threaten me!"

Emperor Tiandi nodded: "You can rest assured that there is a father, your injury will soon be healed, and Tiandao Shenshi has already heard the news. With Tiandao Shenshi, you will soon be able to break through to the great emperor!"

"However, before we can fully grasp the anger of Jiang Hong and Hong Meng, I can't kill Huang Xiaolong for the time being."

"The father is assured."

The two said as they flew deeper into the space.


Outside the gate of the Lei Ting pool in Tianting, Huang Xiaolong and other people who did not care about the serious injury and fled, went to the gate of Leichi.

Before coming to the Leichi Gate, Huang Xiaolong looked at the flowing light above the gate, and his brow wrinkled. The power of this character, he can naturally see it.

After thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong stepped back, and then let the four do not like to shoot, forcibly breaking the door ban.

After the two statues were not ordered by Huang Xiaolong, the two men and four palms were printed on the gate of Leichi, and the devastating force slammed on the gate of Leichi.

The entire Leichi gate slammed into a ray of light, and the world was violently trembled around. But what surprised Huang Xiaolong was that the Leiqian gate was as stable as it was, and the above prohibition was not broken.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong makes the two fours not like a transformation, and they are fully attacked in the strongest state.


When the two four are not transformed, they exert the strongest blow. The ground around the thunder pool is constantly cracked in the violent shaking. The thunder pool gate is faint, and then there is a crack.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised when he was not happy.

Four is not like a second blow.

Finally, the prohibition on the Leiqi gate was completely bursting and dissipated.

Huang Xiaolong walked in quickly.

As soon as he entered, the horrible chaos of Lei’s power drowned in Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong was not shocked and rejoicing. At first glance, he saw another space within the Leichi Gate, which was a self-contained space. A huge Leihai, one is blue and the other is black.

Yes, it is black, black in the red, the light is overflowing, the thunder is full of sky.

Looking at the two thunder pools, Huang Xiaolong will understand which two thunder pools are, the eighth-order chaotic Aoki Thunder Pool and the third-ranked Chaos Xuanguang Lei Pool.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong let the two heads and fours not be kept outside the Leichi gate, then flew up and landed in the third place of Chaos Xuanguang Lei Pool. Then they sat down and ran down, running the red parasitic scorpion, the eyebrow chaos and the chaotic Jinlong Leichi. The big array is running, madly swallowing the mysterious Leishui.

At this time, in the mysterious space, Emperor Jun, who was flying from the air, suddenly stopped and looked at the letter, and his face was unbelievable and angry. In the letter, it was the news that Yan Tianchen had just reported.

Emperor Jun’s double fists and his body’s killings rose.

"Father, are you?" The Emperor of Heaven is wondering.

Emperor Jun handed the letter to Emperor Tianzi.

"What, Huang Xiaolong's two heads and four did not break the Leichi door!" The Emperor of Heaven is also amazed, and then full of killing: "This Huang Xiaolong, even dare to kill my heavenly marshal! Strong Tianting Leichi! It is so lawless! He really I thought we didn't dare to kill him!"

Emperor Jun's voice is chilly: "I underestimated the strength of the two heads and four. I didn't expect that they could even break the line of the Leichi."

"Father, what do we do next?" Emperor Tianzi Jingdao. (To be continued.)

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