Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1996: I am Huang Xiaolong!

Looking at the two huge bright shadows behind the bright son of Dun, everyone is boiling!

Even the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping, is also awkward.

The son of the Dragon Kingdom is the first genius of the younger generation of the Dragon World. Not only does it have the supreme king spirit, but also the natural dragon body. Its talent is even higher than that of his father, the current dragon king. However, His arrogant talent is eclipsed by the brighter son of Dunhuang.

"The two kings of supreme, the two devils blood, the heavens and the world even have such a enchanting!" Some outside ancestors muttered to themselves.

After the activation of the blood of the two demon gods, the light of the bright son of Dunhuang rose to a degree of horror. He was full of light everywhere, and his body was full of vitality. He stood there as if he was in charge of the world of light. Master, like the Lord of the Light God, he is the embodiment of the light, he is the inheritance of the original power of the gods!

Huang Xiaolong looked at the bright son who activated the blood of the two demon gods. It was also an accident. It is no wonder that the son of this bright man can break through to the fourth stage of the Emperor after less than 30,000 years of cultivation.

However, after the accident, Huang Xiaolong’s heart was overjoyed, his eyes staring at each other with enthusiasm, his eyes, green and oily.

This is the blood of the two devils!

And it seems that it is not inferior, but for him, it is a big tonic.

As long as you swallow the son of the light, then the blood of his three devils must be more powerful!

At this time, the son of Guangming looked at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes only blood, only killing, violent killing, cold and cold: "The original five-color **** Dan, I intend to swallow in the future when breaking through the dominance Service, you are wasting me a five-color god!"

I don't want to activate the blood of the two demon gods. It is you who have exposed me to have two bloods of the demon god! ”

"Oli, you will die very badly!"

The sound of the bright and sorrowful voice of the bright son is empty in the ring.

"This Ori, this time I am afraid I must die?!" He Jingyi, the **** of the Shui Shui Palace, waited behind the maids to see the blood of the two demon gods behind the bright son and the two kings of the supreme king, said.

He Jingyi nodded: "This Ori is equally enchanting, but also shocking, but now the brightest son of Dunhuang activates the blood of the two devils, he should not be the opponent of Dunhuang!"

"Miss, a few days ago, the brightest son of Dunhuang invited you to his house, which clearly shows you the meaning of love. If I say that the son of light is definitely a good match for Miss." The maid said: The talent of the son of the light, His Royal Highness, will be able to break through the dominance in the future, and even achieve the high-order mastery. The bright **** city will also be able to unify the light of the gods. If there is the help of the bright **** city, our Yanshui Palace may be able to unify the Shura community!"

He Jingyi blinked, but there was no opening.

Indeed, this is not a good choice.

Although she is a beautiful girl, but compared with the bright son of Dunhuang, it is still a lot worse. If it can be a partner with the bright son of Dunhuang, it is not only good for her, but also for the Yanshui Palace.

Just when everyone decided that Ori, the emperor’s new student, would be defeated, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s body was full of light, and a supreme king’s **** leaped up and stood for nine days.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong's supreme king god, everyone was shocked, but it was not too shocked. After all, Ori, the emperor of the emperor, was the genius of the Supreme King, and everyone already knew it.

But then, there was a rush of light, and a king of the Supreme King flew out.

"Two, two kings of supreme!" Many of the Holy See's strongmen were shocked: "This Ori, as with His Royal Highness, is the two kings of supreme!"

"How about the two kings of supreme, even if he has two kings of supreme, he will lose the same, and His Royal Highness is not only the two kings of supreme, but also the blood of two devils!"

Just then, suddenly, the light in Huang Xiaolong vibrated again. Under the unbelievable eyes of the people, the third king of the supreme king flew out.

"Three, three kings of supreme!"

Everyone is eclipsed.

Zhang Ping, the son of the Dragon King, also opened his mouth: "My mother!"

When everyone was in awe, Huang Xiaolong, behind him, a golden giant shadow condensed out.

"Magic, devil blood!"

Qin Huangzhong’s ancestors ate and ate.

Everyone changed his face again.

"This, this Ori, the king of the three supreme kings, even have the blood of the demon god?!" Even the waitress behind He Jingyi is scared.

Then, behind Huang Xiaolong, another giant shadow condensed.

"Two, two big devil blood!"

Everyone only feels that the heart is about to stop.

When the third giant shadow behind Huang Xiaolong condensed, many people only felt that the heart had completely stopped, and the world seemed to have no sound.

The three kings of supreme, the three devils blood! The two supreme kings and the two demon gods of the bright son of Dunhuang are crushed in a completely squeezing posture! The brightest son, who was just astonishing, was so short that the whole person seemed to be short.

The brightest son of Dunhuang has just been proud, bloody, killing eyes, only endless panic, Dunhuang pale and bloodless, only breathing difficulties.

"You are Huang Xiaolong?!" I don't know which ancestor stared at Huang Xiaolong, and suddenly shouted.

A stone provoked thousands of waves, and everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong.

"Yes, I am Huang Xiaolong!" Huang Xiaolong changed his face and restored his original appearance.

He concealed his identity and entered the Yueyue Academy. He mainly wanted to find the treasures of the ancestors. Now that the treasures of the ancestors have been found, it is indifferent to the identity exposure.

"What, Huang Xiaolong, Pluto!"

"The Emperor of the Imperial Academy, Ori, turned out to be Huang Xiaolong! Huang Xiaolong has three kings of supreme, the blood of the three devils, and it is true!"

The strong players of all sides screamed loudly.

The bright son of Dunhuang retired a dozen steps, his face changed dramatically: "Huang Xiaolong?!" Suddenly, as soon as he was turned, he would have to escape.

At this time, he couldn’t care about the battle of the downfall, what gambling was about. Now, he just wants to escape far and leave the sight of Huang Xiaolong.

"Escape?" Seeing the son of the light, Dunhuang wants to escape, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, broke up in the air, the four chaotic thunder pools in the body, the three magic monuments spurred, both hands suddenly shot the past.

In the fear of the child of the light, the desperate eyes, Huang Xiaolong slammed down.

"No!" Dunhuang was furious and screamed.

"Huang Xiaolong, you dare!" At this time, more than a dozen figures broke out from the dark, and instantly attacked Huang Xiaolong, who is the master who hides in the dark to protect Dunhuang.

At the moment when these masters shot, Huang Xiaolong’s paradise, the city of the ancients flew out and greeted these masters. At the same time, Huang Xiaolong’s palm continued to shoot at Dunhuang. (To be continued.)

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