Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2004: Rotating old monster

However, just as everyone was shocked by the emergence of the Cangmu field and the shadowless king, suddenly, a huge flywheel broke into the air. This huge flywheel was only a few miles in size at first, but the eyes went up to a large 6 Big, screaming at the horror to Huang Xiaolong, Elan and others. %

When the huge flywheel was not cut, everyone saw that the tough and abnormal space of the bright gods was cut under the huge flywheel like a piece of paper.

Everyone is not at a loss.

Even Elan’s second-order master felt that the destructive power of the huge flywheel changed his face.

"Protect your majesty!" Elan screamed and shouted, and the gun in his hand slammed into the huge flywheel.

Elan is dominated by the second-order, one-shot power, and it is easy to blow a **** plane. However, when the crash suddenly hits, this huge flywheel will hit her in an instant, and the gun in her hand is shaken off. Flying out, I flew to a few thousand miles away.

While Elan was shocked, the huge flywheel continued to cut into Huang Xiaolong.

Hongmeng Emperor Jiang Hong and Yan Sanzu also drank at the same time, and shot at the same time.

Between Jiang Hong’s hands and a shot, the huge purple light burst open, more powerful than when the mask was broken. I saw these purple lights turned into countless worms and greeted the huge flywheels. Each one is like a thousand feet purple dragon.

And the three ancestors, the three ink palms, the poisonous corpse gas is enough to fill the half of the **** plane, and the red Mongolian purple insects want to block this huge flywheel.

However, Jiang Hong seems to be a powerful and powerful purple worm, which is instantly cut into numerous pieces of broken light by this huge flywheel, and the ink palm of the three ancestors is instantly cut into countless pieces.

The huge flywheel still cut straight to Jiang Hong, Yan Sanzu, and Huang Xiaolong.

Both Cangmutian and Cangyuanzong discolored, and at the same time, Cangmutian’s right hand extended, such as the pillars of the sky, greeted the huge flywheel.

"Cang Mutian, your opponent is me!" The shadowless king sneered, and the bone in his hand stabbed, blocking the right hand of Cang Mutian.

Seeing the huge flywheel, Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Hong, Yan Sanzu and Huang Xiaolong are behind the hundreds of bright knights, the archbishops, the pope and other masters are all cut into countless pieces, suddenly, the distant sky flies a cane, this crutches It came very awkward, very common, like the usual crutches used by ordinary people, but when the crutches touched the huge flywheel, the powerful and powerful flywheel was swallowed by crutches and the earthquake retreated.

The huge flywheel fell into the hands of a giant child.

No one saw how this giant child appeared, but the dominant powers of Cangmutian, Elan, and Jianghong all changed their faces when they saw this giant child, including the patriarch of the dragon bear family.

"Rotating the old monster!" Cang Mutian slowly said.

The giant child holds a huge wheel and smiles at Cang Mutian: "Cang Mutian, you have not seen it for so many years, your strength is much loose!"

Cang Mutian’s face sank.

However, he also has to admit that compared with this roulette, his strength is indeed loose in these years.

In these years, due to the black copper ghosts and evils, his strength has been hindered.

The giant child turns around the old monster and then stares at the distant sky, his eyes flashing brightly, saying: "When you look at the old man, it seems that you have gotten a lot of treasures in the rot!"

The sound of the old whisper, through the layers of time and space, through one after another God plane, passed into the Moon Church.

Throughout the Bay of Academies, all the students and all the teachers heard it clearly.

The voice of the old man from the moon came out from the Moon Temple. It was very dull: "He has also won in Tianlu in these years. I advise you to leave now. When the world does not kill you, it does not mean that I will not kill you!"

I heard the old man of the moon mentioning the things of the year, and the roaring old-fashioned eyes are fierce and violent: "When you are old, you really think that I am afraid of you, you are not old, if it was not because of you, I will not It’s like this now! Today, this little yellow dragon, I’m killing, I see if you can stop me!”

After the rotation of the old blame, the wave in his hand, the giant round again attacked Huang Xiaolong.

This time, the giant wheel has produced 10,000 kinds of light. Every kind of light seems to come from a world. Every kind of light contains a kind of supreme power.

The power of the heavens and the earth, screaming out from the giant wheel.

In the face of the power of the heavens and the earth, all the surrounding spaces collapsed and all collapsed.


The old man worshipped the moon and snorted: "The stubbornness!"

Everyone saw that the crutches that had just disappeared appeared again. This time, the crutches were the opposite of the usual ones, but they bloomed with great brilliance. This crutches seemed to turn into a bright and supreme treasure, and the whole crutches were full of supremacy. Power and the law, every rule, is enough to break a plane of God.


The whole world is violently shocked.

The power of destruction has spread, and hundreds of gods are surrounded by shocks. The powerful people hiding in the dark are eclipsed and panicked.

Cang Mutian also guarded Huang Xiaolong and others to retreat.

Between the crutches and the giant wheel collision, the giant wheel was once again smashed, and at the same time, the crutches and scorpions took the supreme power and once again turned to the giant children to rotate the old monsters.

The turn of the old monster face changed slightly.

"Rotating brother, I will help you!" The king of the shadowless glimpse, with the rotation of the old blame at the same time, the four palms to the crutches, the four palms of the hand to transform the front and the world into a chaos, the power of infinite heaven and earth .


Rotating the old monster and the king of the shadowless team, they jointly blocked the crutches of the old man, but this is the case. The king of the rooster and the shadowless king were also shaken back and forth, and they immediately withdrew tens of thousands. in.

The two people who turned the old monster and the shadowless king looked at each other and saw the shock in their eyes. Obviously, the strength of the elderly who worshipped the moon was much stronger than they thought.

Dunhuang, 蚩尤魔尊, Tu Shenmen ancestors 褚 ,, Hell Road 火, the fire industry leader Lin Cheng sees, all face changes, but they know the horror of the roulette and the shadowless king, especially It is even more horrible to turn the old monsters, but now, the two have joined forces and they have all been shaken off by the old man’s crutches.

This is just the hand of the old man who is far away from the moon in the moon. If the old man visits the moon, who can block the power of the old man?

At this time, the wheel of the old monster and the shadowless king flashed, and retired from the ancient city of Guangming.

Retreat to the ancient world, turn the old monster and the king of shadows.

Rotating the old monster sneered in the direction of the Moon College. "When the old man, I admit, your strength is indeed my expectation. It seems that you are not much worse than the old man of the year. However, we have this ancient day. Big array, you can't take us." Speaking of this, he stared at Huang Xiaolong: "That way, you let Huang Xiaolong surrender half of the treasures of the ancestors, and I will withdraw, do not intervene in the light of the gods." Continued.)

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