Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2069: Tendai Tengu

When more than a decade has passed, the entire bottom of the bright flame mountain is like a boiling fire. The endless fire of the fire is constantly tumbling from the bottom of the earth, not only completely filling the underground space of the entire bright flame mountain, but also numerous fires. The fine gas was sprayed from the flame mountain pass and went straight for nine days.

Above nine days, a huge bright flame vortex was formed.

The horrible power that escapes from the whirlpool is that the master of the early stage is also guilty.

Huang Xiaolong's whole body shines brightly. The whole person seems to be integrated with the surrounding world. It has to disappear. As for the three great supreme kings, the gods are shining thousands of feet, and the great powers are scattered from the three great kings.

The power of the heavens and the earth is still pouring into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Two more years have passed.

Suddenly, the gods of the three most supreme kings suddenly rose, and the gods and gods also swelled up. "Awkward!" A loud bang, a **** suddenly burst out, and the gods disappeared into the world. Pure energy, then all the brains poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s deity is violent.

The power of dominance, faintly scattered from the Huang Xiao deity.

Due to the restrictions of the rules of heaven and earth, only the deity can break through the dominance. Therefore, most people will abandon God when they break through the dominance, and integrate all the spirits and divine powers of God into the deity to help the deity to break through. In this case, break through the dominance. Will increase some chances.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong intends to abandon all the three kings of the supreme king, and integrate his spirit and divine power into the deity.

A few months later, the second **** blasted open, and all the spirits and powers were integrated into the deity.

Huang Xiaolong’s dominance in the body is a strong point, and he has already begun to take the lead.

Just when Huang Xiaolong retreats to Guangming Flame Mountain and is about to break through the dominance of the kingdom, the old man, the king of Hongmeng and others are also deploying the upcoming dark world battle.

It seems that there is a sense of the coming battle of the dark world. The great superpowers of all the worlds have begun to order the closure of the mountain, prohibiting the disciples from going out to move around, and the large-scale trading market, which is usually bustling, is also a lot cold.

Some old monsters hidden in the world for many years have begun to appear frequently in the world.

On this day, the gods were calm and peaceful.

Suddenly, a group of people appeared in the sky above the gods.

This team, the foremost one, is a Baodi, which is pulled by nine real dragons. On top of Baodi, two young people are sitting, one of them, the one who is the grandson of Wanshi, and the other, the body. The momentum is not weaker than Wan Zhuoyuan. It can ride with Wan Zhuo Yuan, which shows the honor of this young man.

After the Breguet, it is a public guard and a master, everyone is very powerful.

"Hey, this godland is really like a rumor, and it is rich in land." Wan Zhuo's grandson Wan Zhuoyuan has a kind of pointing style. He smiled and said: "I have come to this godland, I really don't want to go back to the city of the heavens. The land."

Another young man smiled and said: "If Zhuoyuan's younger brother wants to stay in this realm, it is not easy. He directly kills Jiang Hong, and you are the master of the heavenly court."

Wan Zhuo’s grandson Wan Zhuoyuan smiled and said: "This idea is good. The dark golden fruit and the dark blood will mature in a year. When we get Huang Xiaolong, we will kill this Jiang Hong by the way. We both jointly manage this heavenly world. Also beautiful!"

"However, this godland is originally the peripheral power of your heavens." Wan Zhuoyuan said: "The ridiculous Jiang Hong and Hong Mengxiao old man actually rushed to figure, if I said, Tian Yu, you Tianjie should have sent the law enforcement team down, will Jiang Hong, Hong Meng’s old man has all cleared up, let the world know who this **** is! Who is the master of this god!"

Listening to the meaning of Wan Zhuo Yuan, this young man named Tian Yu is awesome.

The young man Tian Yu smiled and said: "In that year, my father and uncle Wanshi got a peerless practice in Tianlu. My father was also reconciled in these years. He has not spared the opportunity to pay attention to the realm of the gods. Let Jiang Hong, Hong Mengxiao old man toss."

The two laughed and talked with their guards and their masters.

At this time, suddenly, a group of spaceships flew from the sky. There are more than 20 ships in this group of ships. Each of them is actually a Hong Kong spirit ship.

Even if it is an ordinary imperial palace in the realm of the gods, it is difficult to have a ship of the Hongmeng Spirituality. Now there are more than 20 ships, showing the other forces.

I saw these more than 20 spaceships, each with a huge nine-tailed silver fox.

This is the hallmark of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce in the First Chamber of Commerce.

More than 20 spaceships are filled with the goods of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce. However, the importance of these shipments can be seen by the simultaneous dispatch of more than 20 pieces of the lower-quality Hongmeng spirit spacecraft.

In the blink of an eye, the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, more than 20 spaceships, came to the face of Wan Shizhi’s grandson Wan Zhuoyuan and Tian Yu.

"Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce spacecraft, the people in front, speed off!" At this time, the sound came from a spaceship in front of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce.

Wan Zhuoyuan and Tian Yu, both of them, laughed.

"It's interesting, a small chamber of commerce in the realm of God, even wants us to give way to them!" Tian Yu laughed, although it was laughing, but anyone can feel the killing in his words.

Wan Zhuoyuan smiled and said: "This Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce is the first chamber of commerce in the world. The power is so great that even the original Tian Jun did not dare to offend easily, and I also know that the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce has a deep relationship with Huang Xiaolong. I heard that the Miss Silver Chamber of Commerce, Miss Bei Xiaomei is a woman of Huang Xiaolong."

Tianyu sneaked, and then sneered: "It turned out to be Huang Xiaolong!"

"Not fast enough to let go!" The spacecraft came again to drink.

The Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce continues to collide.

Wan Zhuoyuan and Tian Yu both looked at the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce and the spacecraft collided. When the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce crashed into the front of the spaceship, suddenly, a follower of the two men flashed and crossed. In front of the spaceship, then, with a palm outstretched and no action on it, the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce exploded.

Countless screams, the cargo in the spacecraft is even more scattered.

All the spaceships of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce stopped.

At this time, in a spaceship of the Silver Fox spacecraft, Bei Xiaomei was talking to a glamorous woman, and suddenly he heard the explosion and screams, and was shocked.

"What happened?" The glamorous woman smirked at the outside.

"Missy, Miss II, it's not good. Our fleet has just been attacked. One of the ships was smashed by the other side!" Outside the door, the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce expert panicked in and reported.

Leng Yan woman, it is the North Xiaoji of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce, that is, the big sister of Bei Xiaomei.

"What!" Bei Xiaoji, Bei Xiaomei and the two masters behind the two are all face-changing, so that everyone is discolored, the other party can actually explode the spaceship of the Silver Fox Chamber of Commerce! This is the lower product of the Hongmeng Spiritship! (To be continued.)

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