Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2088: Spirit is born

"Less lord, that kid is out!" The blue flame of the Emperor, the second-order ancestor of the great emperor to Chen Qijie.

Chen Qijie nodded and smiled: "It seems that the three ancestors also know that they can't shelter this kid, so they personally sent the kid out and pleaded with the leader of the Heavenly Army, Wang Teng and the Destroyed Demon."

Zhu Sijia sees Huang Xiaolong coming out, but her face is not sad. Although she and Huang Xiaolong are just met, but in any case, the two are also known each other, she still does not want to see Huang Xiaolong.

Just when all the strong people around the world thought that the leader of the Heavenly Regiment, Wang Teng and the Destroyed Demon, had to shoot, suddenly, Wang Teng and the Destroyed Demon Supreme both at the same time bowed to Huang Xiaolong, respectfully saluting: "Wang Teng, Taikang, seeing Pluto His Majesty!"

Chen Qijie stayed.

The blue flame of the Emperor of the Emperor of the second-order mid-old ancestors stayed.

Zhu Sijia stayed, and behind him, Wang Shidi stayed, and the Emperor Huangzong stayed with all the strong people around him.

"Ming, Pluto, Your Majesty?!" Chen Qijie stared at Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, Wang Teng’s army of the Demon Tigers was crouching at the same time: “The Demon Tigers’ sergeants saw the prince of Pluto!” The million-strong army shouted at the same time, and the sound went straight into the nine days, shaking the streets around the holy city. Of course.

"We have seen the prince of Pluto!"

Immediately, the ruins of the Destroyed Gates, one hundred and sixty-two emperors, were all smashed down. The slain of the 162nd Emperor's ancestors was not weaker than the millions of Devils and Tigers. The sound of the waves resounded through the clouds.

Looking at the crouching army of the squadron, watching the 162nd Emperor's ancestors who ruined the murderous door, Chen Qijie's face was pale and bloodless.

Now, he finally heard it. Just Wang Teng, destroying the devil Zun Taikang called Huang Xiaolong.

Just when the strong parties around the world were shocked, I saw Wang Teng and the Destroyed Demon and prayed to the Golden Horn Mavericks: "Wang Teng, Taikang, see the demon Lord!"

Demon Lord, Lord of the Demon!

The owner of hundreds of millions of demons.

"The demon Lord squats?!" Chen Qijie violently trembled.

Immediately, Wang Teng, destroying the demon statue and bowing to the pastoral field: "Wang Teng, Taikang meets with Cang Mutian!"

"Cang, Cangmutian!"

World of Warcraft's first master! The tens of thousands of hegemons with the nameless ancestors!

Everyone is full of horror.

Pluto Huang Xiaolong! The demon Lord squats under the green cow ancestor! World of Warcraft first person Cang Mutian chief!

Finally, some of my ancestors woke up and trembled quickly: "See you under the prince of Pluto, the demon Lord, the Cang Mutian!"

Countless ancestors, disciples have successively worshipped.

Even the Emperor Zong Huang Zhe and the masters all crouched down, and Zhu Sijia also took the master Huang Zhezhen there, only to feel the heart mad, there is a feeling of jumping out.

At this time, she remembered what Huang Xiaolong had said before, and she could find him if she encountered any difficulties in the future.

Previously, she and her younger brother, she felt that the young man’s words were too full. With her identity as a disciple of the Emperor Huang Zong, if the problem could not be solved, how could the young man solve it!

but now!

For a time, the powerful parties around the four sides crouched, and only Chen Qijie was still standing there, and several masters of the Lanyan Mozong crouched down, and they were scared to pull Zhang Qijie, Chen Qijie. Woke up.

When he saw the crowd crouching around, he was scared and crouched down, his face flustered, his heart was terrified, and he looked down at Huang Xiaolong with his head down.

Previously, he invited Huang Xiaolong to sit in the restaurant. The Golden Horn Mavericks said that he was not qualified. He was extremely angry, but now he is cold and sweaty.

As for the blue flames, the masters are even more afraid of panic.

"Get up!" Huang Xiaolong glanced at the crowd and began to speak.

Wang Teng, the ruined Devil Zun Taikang stood up, the Devils Tigers, destroying the ancestors of the Devils, and then stood up, the ancestors of all around, the disciples finally stood up.

Half a day later.

Wang Teng, Destroyed Devils successively led the Devils Tigers and the Destroyed Devils to leave.

As for the other parties, they have long since quit.

At that time, Huang Xiaolong was murdered in the Eternal Magic City and he was jointly attacked by Wang, and later Wang Teng and the criminals joined forces to resist. This kind of kindness, Huang Xiaolong always remembered, so this time I met Wang Teng, Huang Xiaolong gave Wang Teng many angels. Soul jade **** and the best chaotic spirit stone.

After receiving the angel soul Yu Shen Dan and the best chaotic Lingshi, even the leader of the Wang Teng, the Heavenly Demon Legion, both hands trembled and thanked Huang Xiaolong.

In his capacity, he will not know the rareness of the angel soul jade **** Dan, and the best chaotic Lingshi, but also the treasure of the heavens, even if it is like the Cangmutian, the Golden Horn Mavericks, the tens of thousands of hegemons, also see the chaos Lingshi is a sweetheart, not to mention the best chaotic stone.

Among the heavens, the rumors are only the best chaotic Lingshi in the hands of the Wanshi adults. Even if it is the best chaotic Lingshi, it is easy to use it, and Huang Xiaolong is now sending him the best chaotic spirit.

And the destruction of the demon, the Golden Horn Mavericks did not bother him, after all, there was no right or wrong in the past, and when the Devils slaughtered his demon sons and grandsons, he could not kill them all now. Huang Xiaolong also wants to achieve the supreme ancestor and control the devil world.

It didn't take long for Wang Teng and Destroyed Demon to leave. The three ancestors suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong and said that they had news that Si Ling Yu Zhi had just appeared in the Double Devils Mountain Range.

"Double Magic Mountain!" Huang Xiaolong three people.

This double magic mountain range is one of the great mountains of the Holy Devils. It is located in the north of the Holy Land of the Devils. It is far from the Holy Magic City. The Double Devils Mountain Range is very famous in the Holy Devils, because it is said that when the Heavenly Devils broke through the dominance, It was in this double magic mountain that broke through.


Since the four spirits Yuzhi appeared in the double magic mountain range, Huang Xiaolong no longer hesitated, and now he took the three ancestors, and the golden horn calf, Cangmutian rushed to the double magic mountain range.

At an ancient Tianting speed, one more hour, you can reach the Twin Mountains.

An hour later, Huang Xiaolong came to the Twin Mountains.

Upon coming to the Double Devils Mountains, Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks and Cangmutian all sensed the disorder of the power of the heavens and the earth in the Double Devils. Perhaps the ancestors of the Great Emperor could not sense it, but the three of them were the masters and were extremely sensitive to the power of the heavens and the earth. .

"The power of heaven and earth is so disordered, this is definitely a sign that the heaven and earth spirits are born." The Golden Horn Mavericks smiled happily.

"However, the four spirits Yuzhi is only a first-order medium-sized heaven and earth spirit, and it should not cause the power of heaven and earth to be so disordered." Cang Mutian is puzzled: "Unless!"

"Unless, there are other heaven and earth spirits!" Huang Xiaolong's eyes brightened.

Is it? !

Thirty-six green lotus!

Only the fourth-order thirty-six green lotuses can cause the world to be so disordered!

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong rushed to push the ancient heavens and sensed thirty-six green lotuses.

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