Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2092: Keep going

Huang Xiaolong!

When the voice of the mad thunder demon fell, the name seemed to have a curse, and the surrounding suddenly suddenly quieted down. The two factions who had just requested the maddening demon and Chen Xie’s shots were stunned. Then he was afraid, his face was bloodless, and his whole body trembled.

Huang Xiaolong stood there, no action, but the disciples of the ever-changing Mozong and the Valley of the Thunder Valley only felt difficulty breathing, as if there were hundreds of billions of stones pressed, and they were soft on the ground.

Chen Xie, the ancestors of the ever-changing Mozong, suddenly fell to Huang Xiaolong and shouted with a crying cry: "Pluto, great, please spare me!"

He only asked Huang Xiaolong to spare his life, only one life!

The maddening demon respected the sorrowful ancestors of the sorrowful ancestors of the sorrowful ancestors, Chen Xie, and suddenly smiled up, laughing a little stunned, seemingly laughing at the unfairness of the heavens, seems to laugh at the fate.

"Huang Xiaolong, I didn't expect that I will still die in your hands." The maddening demon smiled and stopped, but calmed down and looked pale: "But before I die, I want to ask you something, I hope you can let go." These disciples in the Valley of the Thunder!"

He stood there and his body was straight.

The domineering spirit of a generation of demon, unveiled undoubtedly, would rather die and not yield.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the disciples of the Leiyue Valley and nodded. "Good." He also didn't bother to kill these ever-changing Mozong and Leigu Valley disciples. After Huang Xiaolong finished, he turned his palms and pressed it. In a flash, a huge palm print would be maddening. Zun directly pressed into the depths of the earth, a generation of demon statues, and fell down!

"Devil Lord!"

The disciples of the Thunder Valley were exclaimed with sorrow.

Chen Xie looked at the mad thunder demon who was directly pressed into the ground, his face changed even more, fearing gimmicks, begging for mercy.

Huang Xiaolong's face was cold and indifferent. Chen Xie was bombarded by Huang Xiaolong from the ground and directly plunged into the distant mountain wall. The body was inlaid into it, and it was blown up, and the flesh and blood was blurred.

At that time, when he was in the eternal city of magic, he was Chen Xie, and the mad thunder demon and others joined forces to intercept, but now, like the existence of the mad thunder demon, he can be destroyed.

Huang Xiaolong jumped up and landed on the top of the flying magic scorpion. The flying konjac flew up with Huang Xiaolong and instantly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Huang Xiaolong left for a long time, and the ever-changing Mozong and Lei Beetang disciples were still cold.

After more than 20 minutes, Huang Xiaolong returned to the original mountaintop. The Golden Horn Mavericks and Cangmutian were still surrounded by thirty-six green lotuses, but surrounded by many bodies, **** smells filled. Obviously, these people are The Golden Horn calf, the grazing land and the ancestors of the three ancestors.

"How?" Seeing Huang Xiaolong coming back, several people greeted him.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Found it." Speaking of this, the two four-linged Yuzhi were taken out, and the mother's plant was given to the Golden Horn calf, and the public was given to Cangmutian.

The Golden Horn Mavericks looked at the four Ling Yuzhi in his hand and showed a charming smile to Huang Xiaolong: "I know that following your kid, there must be good things."

Cang Mutian also smiled and said: "It seems that I have to learn green cattle in the future and have been following you."

Four Ling Yuzhi is nothing to Huang Xiaolong, but for the Golden Horn Mavericks, Cang Mutian is also a baby.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and turned to look into the distance. I saw a large group of strong people coming from afar, like a huge wave.

Although the Jinjiao Mavericks and Cangmutian have been banned in the surrounding area, they cover up most of the 36 green lotuses. However, the four-order heaven and earth spirits like the thirty-six green lotuses are even arranged by the tens of thousands of hegemons. The prohibition is also difficult to cover up all of its breath.

Under the smatter of the thirty-six green lotus leaks, it still attracts a large number of powerful parties from all sides to rush.

Huang Xiaolong looked at a large group of strong people from afar, his face was indifferent, and the empty disk sat down, waiting for the success of thirty-six green lotuses.

These crazy rushing parties, Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to it. Now, only the elderly who worship the moon, and the existence of the old man and the world can give him pressure.

However, although these crazy rushing parties are not in the heart, Huang Xiaolong still let the flying konjac release the magic power.

There are flying magic 蟒 蟒 蟒 蟒 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑 慑

Sure enough, under the release of the magical power of the flying konjac, suddenly, the powerful parties who had been madly coming, could not help but be shocked and stopped.

"Master, a strong master of the breath! This is definitely the existence of the tens of thousands of hegemons!"

Some of the ancestors who led the masters, the patriarch shocked.

The ancestors of these demon ancients, there are some who dominated the first order, the second order of existence, after sensing the breath of the flying konjac, they were also scared.

In the far distance, a huge magic ship is coming to this place.

The magic boat bow has two huge faucet statues.

"Double-headed Dragon Empire!"

"The two-headed magic dragon is here!"

Seeing this huge magic ship, the strong people of the parties exclaimed, even some of the devils of the ancient world were shocked, and they let it open.

"I don't know how the double-headed dragon will choose, is it going to move on, or stop?" There is an ancestor guessing.

In the speculation, the huge magic boat paused, and then continued to go to the direction of several people in the direction of Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing that the two-headed Demon Dragon continued to move forward, the strong parties who had stopped were stunned.

"Go ahead!" At the moment, the ancestors of the Demon Gate waved their hand and led the masters of the door to follow the two-headed Demon Empire.

Behind the double-headed dragon empire, there may be some soup to drink. If you stop here, you must not even drink the soup.

The ancestral ancestors of the Demon Gate are the same as the existence of the Heavenly Devil. They are the first to dominate the sect. Although the sacred door is not ranked, its strength is not weaker than that of the sect.

Other ancient magic gates have also seen each other, and they have continued to move forward. Anyway, there are two-headed magic dragon empire in the sky, and the existence of the sacred magic gate is topped, and it is possible that the fishermen will benefit.

It was sensed that the strong parties who had stopped at the same time came forward again, and the Golden Horn Maverick sneered: "It seems that when people are not afraid of death, this girl can just relax the bones."

Cang Mutian said with emotion: "Man is dead, birds are eating, this is the same reason."

Even the strongest of the parties knows the danger ahead, but with the help of the treasures of heaven and earth, they still have a heart of luck.

Soon, the two-headed dragon dragonship appeared in the sight of several people.

The Golden Horn Mavericks sneered and laughed: "I said, the enthusiasm of these people, it turned out that there is a double-headed dragon empire."

Cang Mutian smiled and said: "Zhao Yuan, this kid, I haven't seen him for many years." That year, before he passed away, he had a number of faces with Zhao Yuan. At that time, Zhao Yuancai had just broken through the dominance. Now, It is already the hegemon of the world. (To be continued.)

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