Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2116: Wanjiejie Main Conference

Looking at the screaming screaming king of Hongmeng and the king of darkness, Wanshi looked indifferent and threw the two to Wanyue, saying: "There are more than eleven months from the main assembly of the Wanjiejie. In the month, I will give poisonous heartworms and life-threatening insects to the two old men of Hongmeng every day!"

The king of Hongmeng and the king of the darkness heard it and his face was pale. ?

This poisonous heartworm and life-threatening insect is one of the most terrible poisonous insects in the Taikoo. It is the master of the powerful swallowing, and the tortured person is not like a human being. The ghost is not like a ghost. It is extremely painful.

"This, father, adult, Huang Xiaolong?" Wan Yue hesitated, but he knew the horror of poisonous insects and life-threatening insects.

If you are tortured by these two Taikoo poisons at the same time, even if you dominate the strong, it will be difficult to endure for a long time, and may even be mad.

Can make the ruler may be crazy, you can imagine the horror of these two poisonous insects.

Wan Shi sneered: "What about Huang Xiaolong? Is it necessary for me to dispose of it, but also need to consider his feelings? At that time, if the two old men can not withstand the torture and go crazy, it is a matter of two people, anyway, two people It’s time to die with Huang Xiaolong, and now it’s irrelevant to be crazy and not crazy!”

"Yes, father!" Wan Yue respectfully responded, and then took the king of Hongmeng and the king of darkness.

Time, day by day.

As the main conference of the Wanjie World is getting closer and closer, there are more and more elites from all walks of life and powerful parties from all walks of life. The cities of the heavens are even more lively.

This major conference of the Wanjie World is the biggest event in the world. It can be said that almost all the big men with faces and faces in Wanjie have already arrived.

Even the old monsters that have been hidden for billions of years, old antiques have also been born.

Although the main meeting of the Wanjie World was held, the cities of the heavens did not prevent others from coming.

Looking at one old and one old monster, one after another, the old antiques are constantly appearing in the cities of the heavens, and the strongmen of the parties are shaking.

"That is the half-prison ghost king?! Is the half-prison ghost king not killed by the Lord of Hell? It is not dead! Now it has appeared again! And look at its momentum, I am afraid that it has broken through to the hegemonic hegemony?!"

"Heavenly beast master! It is the beast of the heavenly beast! The beastmaster of the heavenly spirit that disappeared billions of years ago appeared! In the same year, he was the demon king of the demon world with the young ancestor of the ox, the old ancestor of the blackbird. I did not expect this. I even came to participate in the main conference of Wanjiejie! However, I heard that the beastmaster of Tianling was retired because of the defeat in the hands of the young ancestors of the Qingniu. This time, it will not be revenge for the young ancestors. ”

"The young ancestor of the blue cow? It should be called the demon master now!"

"I heard that even the masters of Heaven will come!"

"Heaven? What heaven?"

"You don't even know the heavens? There is a world above the heavens and the world. That is the heavens. Heavenly heaven is the oldest being. Even the adults are their descendants, and I heard that The city of heaven and the heavens have already been alliances. This time, Huang Xiaolong is not dead!"

Soon, more than eleven months later, the General Assembly of Wanjie Realm finally arrived.

On the main hall of the Temple of the Gods, the old monsters, the old birds of Wuwu, the king of shadowless, the Buddha's interpretation of the truth, and the leaders of all circles gathered together, in addition to a few rovers of strangers, there are several more existences and rotations. The old blame and others are sitting in the front row.

One of the whole body is gloomy, it is the half-prison ghost king, and the other one is full of demon, even more demon than the black bird ancestors!

There is also one, the old man with white body, his body hair, white as snow, crystal clear, as snow is pure, it was in the Devil's double magic mountain range to grab 36 green lotus and was repulsed by Cangmutian The snow is blame!

Tianxue Laoqiu sat there, his body fluttering in the snow, and the coldness was pressing.

In the waiting of everyone, Wan Shi and Wan Yue walked in slowly from outside the temple. Behind them, they were Xu Yang, the leader of the Heaven Enforcement Team, and Liu Yunqi.

Seeing the arrival of the world, the powerful people stood up quickly.

"Seeing the world!"

Rotational grotesques and so on are all half-baked, and the major boundaries and masters of the first stage are all crouching on the ground.

Everything nodded and let everyone get up.

After Wang Shi and Wan Yue sat down, everyone sat down in turn.

"I believe that everyone knows what the main purpose of this convening of the main conference of the Wanjie World is." After sitting down, Wan Shizhen and the Quartet said: "I have been retreating these years, originally in peace, but since more than a thousand years ago. With the advent of a dragon called Huang Xiaolong, the war in the Wansian world continued and the killing continued."

"Especially, a few years ago, Huang Xiaolong let the bright world of the gods set off a **** storm. He was a private one, killing the trillions of powerful people and letting the blood of the gods grow into a river!"

"So big devil, my generation naturally wants to join hands and kill it completely! Can't let him harm the world!"

Wan Shi said that he was righteous and ignorant. Originally, there was no right or wrong in the battle of the gods, but in his mouth, Huang Xiaolong became the devil.

"Wan Wan Daren said that, like the little devil of Huang Xiaolong, we should have killed it completely!" The first one of the rotation of the old monster attached: "Not only Huang Xiaolong, all the Huang Xiaolong, and the help of Huang Xiaolong To kill all, such as the king of Hongmeng, the king of darkness, the young ancestor of Qingniu, and the people of Cangmutian must kill them. They help Huang Xiaolong, and they have already fallen into the magic road!"

The King of Shadowless stood up and said: "Whenever Huang Xiaolong appears, we will kill it. It is like the big devil of Huang Xiaolong. If it is the shot of the world, it is to lift him!"

Just when the people in the Tianshen Palace talked about it, far away in a valley outside the city of the heavens, Huang Xiaolong sat in the temple of Zhou Tian, ​​with a bead scattered with amazing light, and the horror energy of lightning was constantly from the beads. Dumping out, rushing into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

This bead is the beast of the beast!

The horror energy with thunder and lightning is not the power of heaven and earth, but it is more amazing and horrible than the power of heaven and earth. It has rushed into Huang Xiaolong body over and over again. Even if Huang Xiaolong dominates the fourth-order strength, there is always a kind of temperament in front of this horrible energy. The feeling of suffocation.

However, every refining of this horrible energy, Huang Xiaolong's breath will rise a little, and it is extremely obvious rise!

Compared with more than eleven months ago, Huang Xiaolong’s breath is not as strong as it is.

Under the thunder of this beastly thunderbolt, even the power of the stars of Zhou Tiandian was forced to retreat to the corner.

It was half a day later, Huang Xiaolong slowly stopped practicing, opened his eyes, and countless lightnings. Then, the beast and the thunderbolt slowly recovered their light, and Lei Li stopped releasing and fell back into the palm of his hand.

Huang Xiaolong put the beastly thunder beads into the body, stood up, and looked at the direction of the cities of the heavens. Wan Yue should wait anxiously? (To be continued.) 8

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