Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2121: Taiqing Dafa

Wan Yue, the beast of the beast, the ancestors of the black bird and so on, looked at Wan Shi, and was shot by Huang Xiaolong. He looked at the hole in the chest of the world, and he could not help but be stiff and full of horror.

In their eyes, the invincible King of the World, was defeated? !

It is the bamboo defense of Wanshi, and it was also shot by Huang Xiaolong!

Wan Yue is even more stunned. In his impression, his father is a billion-footed mountain that the world can hardly look up to. There are countless masters in the world, and there is no limit to the world. His father is unbeaten. It is the sacredness of the heavens, but now, even!

Looking at the blood that rushed out of his chest, his eyes were sluggish and there was no thought.

After Huang Xiaolong’s blow, he did not pursue the world again. With one hand, he took Wan Yue’s photo to the front. This time, his main purpose was to take Wan Yue and find the brother’s deity.

Wan Yue was taken to the front and looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was close at hand. He never had a moment to make him so fearful.

"Yellow, Huang Xiaolong!" Wan Yue is unclear.

"When you killed my brother on the same day, didn't you think about it today?" Huang Xiaolong was cold and cold.

Wan Yue felt that Huang Xiaolong was killing and his face was pale.

"Where is my brother-in-law?" Huang Xiaolong did not take the opportunity to torture him and asked directly.

Wan Yue looks a glimpse.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold and violent, and Wan Yue quickly said: “In the treasures of the heavens!”

The treasures of the heavens!

Huang Xiaolong accident, I did not expect Wan Yue to actually receive the gods of the brothers in the treasures of the heavens.

The treasures of the heavens, the treasures of the cities of the heavens! The cities of the heavens are the first cities of the heavens and the world, and they are above the public. Although Huang Xiaolong has never seen the treasures of the heavens, the collections are bound to be amazing, absolutely more amazing than the heavenly treasures of the ancient heavens.

Just when Huang Xiaolong wanted to ask Wan Yue about the treasures of the heavens, suddenly, an amazing momentum rose to the sky, and I saw that Wan Shi, who was lying on the ground, slowly stood up.

Originally, Huang Xiaolong punched the chest of the boxing hole, and the green light flashed and began to heal.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he couldn't ask Wan Yue again. He would imprison the whole body of Wan Yue and then throw it into the ancient heaven. Anyway, Wan Yue is in his hands. It is sooner or later to find the brother-in-law, and now solve the world first.

After the world stood up, the whole body smashed and thundered, and in the eyes, the violent violent shot: "For the first time, someone can hurt me for the first time."

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled coldly: "Isn't that honored me?"

Wansha haha ​​laughed, smiled a little embarrassed, some mad, laughter reveals infinite killing, the power contained in the city of the heavens and even the people who fled to the outside of the cities of the heavens roared.

"You are indeed honored, because you will die very badly!" In the eyes of Wanshi, the coldness is swallowed: "Do you really think that you can stand in an invincible position by taking advantage of the power of the Holy Spirit? I thought I was broken. Don't open your holy power defense! I will break your defense now and split your bones one by one!"

After that, Wan Shi’s whole body spurted a mysterious light. This kind of light, like chaos, is not chaotic, like the spirit of Hongmeng, and it is beyond the glory of Hongmeng, revealing a kind of black and yellow color.

Looking at the mysterious gas that continually spewed out of Wanshi, Huang Xiaolong frowned: "Too clear gas?!" He knows that in the past few years, Wan Shi has been enlightened to get a holy place in the depths of Tianlu. Dafa!

Wanshi laughed and smiled a little proudly: "Yes, it is the spirit of Taiqing, Huang Xiaolong, I am too clear, can make everything, can make everything return to chaos and the five elements, even if you have the protection of the Holy Spirit how is it!"

"Now, you are the first to see the power of this too clear!"

When Wan Shi said this, the whole body was too clear and turned into a number of gods and soldiers, and suddenly rushed to Huang Xiaolong, the speed is extremely strong, the attack is strong, and Huang Xiaolong's face is dignified.

Huang Xiaolong did not dare to pick up hard, and between the swaying bodies, he was able to hide from the past, only to see those who were too clear and sharply attacked where Huang Xiaolong originally stood, and the ground turned into a soil of five elements!

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, his eyes narrowed.

Wan Shi sneered: "Huang Xiaolong, do you think that you can hide in the past by hiding?" After that, the whole body is too clear, such as a giant umbrella to open, covering the entire city of the heavens.

The beastmaster of the spirit, the old ancestors of the blackbird and other people saw it, and they were not scared.

Just as the beastmaster of the heavenly spirit, the ancestors of the blackbird and others were getting up and fleeing, suddenly, the atmosphere of the Taiqing, which enveloped the entire city of the heavens, suddenly burst into violent rain.


Throughout the cities of the heavens, every inch of the land spurts out the unique light of the Taiqing qi, and the radiance shines hundreds of billions of miles. Under this too clear atmosphere, every inch of the heavenly city has become a five-line earth. Qi, everything is classified as chaos, all buildings, all palaces, all the streets disappear.

The beastmaster of the heavenly spirit, the old ancestors of the blackbird and others looked at the glory of the Taiqing, and escaped without escape. They could not help but look desperate. This is a horrible horror. They just witnessed it, even if they were stronger than them. In this too clear spirit, there is no hope of surviving.

The gas of Taiqing drowned everything, swallowed everything, and purified everything.

Even some of the best sacred sorcerers scattered on the ground, and even many of the sacred treasures have turned into the spirit of the Five Elements.

Taiqing shines for a long time.

After a full blow, Wan Shiweichuan, Rao is the first strength of his eighth-order, and it is very difficult to exert this Taiqing Dafa.

Wan Shi looked at the power of his own attack, nodded with satisfaction, sneered: "Huang Xiaolong, this time you are still not dead?! But, unfortunately!"

Unfortunately, originally, he still wanted to catch Huang Xiaolong and search for the secret of Huang Xiaolong himself.

However, although it is a pity, he still breathed a sigh of relief, and finally solved Huang Xiaolong.

As for the affected beasts of the heavens, the ancestors of the blackbirds and others are dead and alive, and he does not care.

After a few minutes, the light of Taiqing slowly dissipated, and everything recovered to calmness. I saw the countless billions of cities in the sky, completely ruined. No, even the ruins are not counted, all disappeared. The place of the City of Heaven, all empty, only chaotic gas and five elements of gas.

Some of the ancestors who had long escaped from the cities of the heavens, looked at the scenes before, and did not scare them.

Ok? ! Suddenly, the eyes of the world were condensed, and the smile on his face was stiff. He looked at the sky in front of him, only to see the thunder flashing there, and a strange thunderbolt rushed out of layers of earthy thunder.

this is? Just when the world was in doubt, a figure appeared below Raymond, which was the yellow dragon that he thought was mortal!

"Yellow, Huang Xiaolong!" Wan Shi face is gloomy as water.

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