Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2147: Extraterrestrial

Although the terror heaven and the holy heaven are in the depths of the heavens, the depths of the heavens are extremely vast. Huang Xiaolong knows from the mouth of the holy kingdom that from the holy heaven to the terror heaven, even if he is Many months.

Speaking of the strength of the lord of the horror, the lord of the sage is dignified.

"Doubt is supposed to dominate the tenth stage?" Huang Xiaolong said.

"Yes, the Lord." The Holy Lord nodded. "A long time ago, I had a hand with the horror king. At that time, he was the master of the late 9th-order peak. Now, I am afraid that it is the beginning of the tenth order, and he has horror. The eye is very powerful, although it is not a sacred object, but I am afraid that it is not weaker than the lord of the Lord!"

"The eye of horror?" Huang Xiaolong brows: "Is it a high-end supreme Lingbao?"

"Yes." The Supreme Lord nodded.

"How is Tianlu so many supreme treasures?" Huang Xiaolong wondered: "Where did you get the supreme spiritual treasure?"

This has always been what he wants to know.

The Supreme Lord did not dare to have a blasphemy. He replied truthfully: "After the thirty-three-day gate, there is a different space outside the sky. In this alien space of heaven and earth, there is a supreme spiritual treasure. Our Supreme Lingbao is from Found there, however, thirty-three days of the gate, prohibiting the horror anomaly, is to dominate the tenth order near the thirty-three days of the gate, but also smoke and ash!"

"Because Tiantiantian is close to the 33-day gate, the entire space is shrouded in the forbidden power of the 33-day gate. It is extremely dangerous to enter. We only have to wait for the thirty-three-day gate tough force. Dare to go in."

Huang Xiaolong was surprised: "Heavenly days?"

"Yes, the Lord." The Lord's Lord said: "As for when the gates of the gates are weak, we can't predict, and how long the weak period lasts, it can't be estimated, so even in thirty-three. When the Tiandamen ban is weak, it is also a life of nine deaths."

"Before, there were once masters who dominated the tenth order. When the gates were weak in the thirty-three days, they entered the heavens and the sky to find the supreme spiritual treasure, but they did not go in for a long time. The thirty-three-day gate banned force suddenly became stronger. The master has not had time to quit, and he died in the sky!"

Huang Xiaolong’s brow wrinkled: “The tenth order of the ruler can’t resist the prohibition of the thirty-three-day gate?”

If this is the case, then he will enter thirty-three days when he arrives, which is very troublesome.

"Yes, the Lord." The sacred king of the country paused: "Thirty-three days of the gates are strong, but I am afraid that no one can stop, even if it is the late tenth-order, unless it can collect nine chaotic mines! ”

"Nine Chaos Thunder Pool?!" Huang Xiaolong looked alive.

"Yes, the thirty-three-day gate ban is actually a ban on the property of Lei. I found out that I can collect the nine chaotic mines in the world and evolve the thunder of the world. Then, you can resist thirty-three days. The prohibition of the gate!" The Holy Lord nodded and said: "And, only the collection of the nine chaotic thunder pools, the evolution of the red and the thunder, can open the ban on the thirty-three days of the gate!"

"Then open the gate for thirty-three days! Enter the Holy Land!"

Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out to be the case.

It is no wonder that the Holy Lord was looking for a chaotic penite mine pool.

"Accumulate the nine chaotic mine pools, the evolution of Hongmeng Lei, can open the thirty-three-day gate ban, this secret, in addition to you, who knows?" Huang Xiaolong asked.

The Holy Lord’s lord hesitated and said: “In the past, this secret was only known to me and Lan Shifan. However, I told Zhu Xinyi that they were looking for the news of the chaotic martial arts pool. They were known by the gods of the heavenly kingdom. It should be guessed that the nine chaotic mine pools are extremely important, so we must rob us of the chaotic penite mine pool."

"As for the gods and gods, we don't know how to collect the nine chaotic mines and open the thirty-three-day gate ban. We don't know."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

A few days later.

Huang Xiaolong and others entered the holy heaven.

As soon as he entered the holy heaven, Huang Xiaolong felt the power of space in the sky. Within the kingdom of heaven, the beasts of the beasts, the trees of the gods, the springs of the mountains, the beauty of the mountains, and the beauty of the heavens. To be a bit beautiful, the Holy Spirit is one of the five great heavens.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong can feel the strong prohibition of the existence of the holy heaven space, and it is much stronger than the heavens.

If within this holy heaven, the Holy Lord is integrated into the original strength of the Holy Spirit, Huang Xiaolong is a beastly beast. It is not an easy task to defeat it.

After entering the holy heaven, Huang Xiaolong and others lived in the holy shrine.

After the night.

The moonlight is like silver, shrouded in the holy heaven.

Looking at the moon in the sky above the holy heaven, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but think of the Huang family and Shi Xiaoyu.

Although Huang Jiazhong and Shi Xiaowei flew into the realm of the gods, but for various reasons, Huang Xiaolong has not had much time to accompany the Huang family and Shi Xiaoyu, thinking of this, Huang Xiaolong has a heart.

After solving the problem of Tianlu, Huang Xiaolong decided to accompany the Huang family and the couple.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong thought of God, the world, and the morning, thinking of the horror of heaven.

However, considering the strength of the terrorist state, Huang Xiaolong decided to refine the chaotic Wutulei pool first, and then further enhance the strength, and then have absolute certainty, and then go to the terror heaven.

After all, with the strength of the horror kingdom, if you stay in the horror day, and then rely on the original strength of the horror heaven, Huang Xiaolong is still difficult to defeat even if there is a beast.

After swallowing up the remaining half of the power of the beastly Thunderbolt, he is now dominated the sixth-order mid-peak peak, only a little bit can break through to dominate the sixth-order late stage, if it is refining chaotic penta-lei pool, then swallowing the holy In the hands of the king of the three heavens and spirits, Huang Xiaolong will be sure to break through the sixth stage.

"Heaven and earth." Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

From the Holy Lord, he learned that there are two places in the depths of the road that can get the heavens and the earth, one is the extraterrestrial space, but the extraterrestrial space prohibits terror and can only wait until the thirty-three days. The ban was weak and re-entered.

Another place is Tiangu.

Tiangu is the only trading market in Tianlu. Everything in Tianlu’s great heavens will be traded in Tiangu. Sometimes, some kingdoms of heaven will also take out the heaven and earth in order to trade things they need. Dan came out to exchange.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong decided to wait for the refining and chaos of the Wutu mine pool, swallowing the three heaven and earth spirits in the hands of the Holy Lord, and after breaking through the sixth-order late stage, they went to Tiangu.

If there is enough heaven and earth, he can break through the seventh order. At that time, even if the terrorist leader stays in the horror day, Huang Xiaolong can easily defeat it.

(Wait to go out, get up early and update everyone a chapter, today's new year, I wish you all a happy new year, delicious and fun, a lot of red envelopes)

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