Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2149: Amaya Castle

The outer space is shrouded in the forbidden power of the thirty-three-day gate, which is the danger of the fall of the late tenth-order powerhouse. The yellow dragon is even dominated by the sixth-order late stage, even if there are three holy forces to defend, even if there is a Eucharist. , Chengdao Sheng Ge, do not dare to enter the strength.

Unless the waiting power of the thirty-three-day gate begins to weaken.

"Yes, the Lord." The Holy Lord replied: "The chaotic domain is 90% in the sky, but the Lord is relieved. According to my investigation, within ten years, the forbidden power of the gate for thirty-three days. There will definitely be a weakness."

Huang Xiaolong’s original brow wrinkled and he couldn’t help but rejoice: “What, are you sure?”

The Holy Lord nodded: "The subordinates can be sure that the last thirty-three days of the banned power is weak. It was a billion years ago, and the banned power of the thirty-three-day gate will not exceed the weak period. One billion years, so within a decade, there will definitely be weakness, just."

Speaking of this, the Holy Lord stopped.

"What is it?" Huang Xiaolong could not help but ask.

"Just, even if the forbidden power of the 33-day gate is weak, the duration will not be too long. The longest time in history is seven days, and the shortest time is half a day." The Holy Landlord said: "The Heavenly Space It’s so vast, it’s too hard to find a chaotic domain air mine pool within seven days!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

This is indeed a problem.

However, no matter what, he will try his best to find the chaotic domain air mine pool, because the collection of the nine chaotic mine pool is not only about opening the thirty-three-day gate, entering the holy world, but also about his ability to resurrect his brother Jiang Hong.

Later, Huang Xiaolong asked the sage of the Holy Lord about Hongmeng and Hongmengqi.

"The spirit of Hongmeng, Hongmeng purple?" The sage of the lord of the sage, meditation: "Perhaps, there is space inside the heavens."

"There is a sigh of anger and glory in the sky?" Huang Xiaolong was an accident.

The Holy Lord nodded: "Yes, three billion years ago, someone had seen Hongmeng and Hongmeng in the outer space, and said more than one, just, is it true, not sure."

"Who is it?" Huang Xiaolong could not help but ask.

The Lord of the Sovereign said: "It is the **** of the king."

God Wei Guozhu?

Huang Xiaolong has a glimpse.

It’s a coincidence. Originally, he had plans to wait for the trip to Tiangu, and then went to the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom.

In this case, after the trip to Tiangu, he went to Shenwei Heaven to find the gods and the king to confirm.

However, there is a lot of good things in the outer space, not only the supreme spiritual treasure, but also the heaven and earth spirits such as the chaotic domain air mine pool and the red gas.

If he finds the chaotic domain air mine pool and gathers in the nine thunder pools, then he can easily enter and exit the heavenly space!

The next day, Huang Xiaolong began to depart for Tiangu.

Because of the Golden Horn Mavericks, several of the masters of Master Hongmeng retreat in the secret of the Holy Spirit, eager to enhance their strength, so Huang Xiaolong did not bring a few Jinniu calves.

In addition to him, there are only two sages, Zhu Xinyi and Guangtou Zhu Hong.

On the road, Zhu Xinyi and Zhu Hong introduced Huang Xiaolong in detail about some situations in Tiangu.

Tiangu is the only trading market in Tianlu, but it does not belong to any heaven in Tianlu. It is jointly managed and managed by the five major countries of Tianlu and traded in Tiangu. Under normal circumstances, no one will dare to compete in Tiangu.

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong came to Tiangu.

Although Tiangu is named as a valley, there is another huge city in the valley. The city towers up and goes straight into the high clouds. From a distance, you can see another section of the city that is exposed from the valley.

Tiangu City is huge, like a super **** plane.

Originally, entering Tiangu City, you need to hand over ten pieces of chaotic Lingshi, but there are Zhu Xinyi and Zhu Hong, Huang Xiaolong naturally does not need to pay this Lingshi.

Into Tiangu City, Huang Xiaolong did not go to the branch of the Holy World, but went directly to the city.

Fangshi City, located in the center of Tiangu City, because Tiangu City's main role is to facilitate the trading of all major heavens in Tianlu, so the central city of Tiangu City is extremely large, occupying almost 90% of the central area of ​​Tiangu City.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong came to the city.

The entire city, a building, the building is extremely magnificent, although the building has only ten floors, but the top of the building, like a minaret, towering into the clouds.

The building of the city has a large gate, which can be accessed by tens of thousands of people.

When Huang Xiaolong walked into the building gate of the city and came to the first floor of the city, he couldn't be amazed when he saw the scene inside. I saw that the design inside was very beautiful, and the building walls were made of various rare spar. The sparkling but not dazzling light gives a very strong visual impact.

The entire first floor, vast and endless, one after another, paved in turn, I do not know how many billions, can not see the side.

"Who is this building, who built it?" Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but ask, very creative.

"It was jointly conceived by the strongest of our five great kingdoms." Zhu Xinyi replied, and the words are somewhat proud: "In order to collect these spar, our five great kingdoms have spent a lot of effort. After the materials are collected, one hundred masters are strong. It took a hundred years to build together and succeeded."

"The entire square of the city has ten huge gatherings of ghosts, which can capture the power of all the auras and even the heavens and the earth in the tens of billions of miles around Tiangu. Under the strength of these auras and the power of the heavens and the earth, we can ensure the spirits of the city. The spiritual aura of the spirits will not be lost for hundreds of millions of years, and the entire building, with numerous defenses and attacks, will be integrated into one."

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

This is indeed a big deal.

Hundreds of people dominated, it took a hundred years, and only the five major countries of Tianlu can do it.

Since the first layer mainly sells refining materials and artifacts, the second layer sells the elixir, so Huang Xiaolong did not stay on the first floor and went to the second floor.

After coming to the second floor, Zhu Xinyi and Zhu Hong went to the second floor of the main station to inquire about the sales situation of all the shops on the second floor today. After the main shop rented the shops, what they sold, they must be recorded at each floor. Therefore, I want to know if there is any sale of Tiandi Lingdan today, which store can be sold at the second floor.

Soon, Zhu Xinyi and Zhu Hong returned.

"The son, good news, today is really a world of Ling Dan selling, in the tenth shop, and selling is the mixed yuan Tianlong Dan!" Zhu Xinyi was happy with Huang Xiaolong.

Because Huang Xiaolong didn't want people to know his relationship with the Holy Spirit, he asked Zhu Xinyi and others to call his son in front of outsiders.

When Huang Xiaolong heard it, he also looked alive, and he liked it. He was a long-term middle-class mandarin, and he was better than Yu Shengdan.

"Then we are now in the past ten shops!" Huang Xiaolong said, then took the beast provided by the city to take a ride to the No. 10 shop.

"The old man of Nasu is too uninteresting. Shenwei Gongzi gave him a thousand pieces of Chinese spirit chaotic Lingshi. He didn't even sell it!" When Huang Xiaolong came to the No. 10 shop, suddenly, several people passing by were heard. Huang Xiaolong’s ear.

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