Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2158: This is what you forced me.

"Say?" Huang Xiaolong looked at the gods with great interest: "I don't know what you want."

The gods and kings saw Huang Xiaolong's expression, and the eyes were angry and flashed. He said: "I invite all the kings of the road to come. You are in the presence of all the kings, personally accompanying me to sin, and you have to give 50,000 pieces of chaos. Lingshi as compensation!"

50,000 pieces of top grade chaotic stone? Huang Xiaolong sneered, 50,000 pieces of Chaos Lingshi is not much for him, but for many super-worlds, it is a large number, this gods are obviously the opening of the lion.

As for the fact that he is to be accompliced ​​to the face of the kingdom of the kingdom, it is simply "difficult to be strong", that is, the existence of a sacred kingdom, and it is impossible to promise.

Huang Xiaolong said coldly: "You seem to have made a mistake."

Wrong thing?

The gods and gods brows.

"You are in my eyes, in fact, no difference with your son." Huang Xiaolong indifferent.

The face of Shenwei’s lord has changed, and his son is no different. He looked at the gods in the hands of Huang Xiaolong, meaning that he is no different from waste.

"Good!" Shenweiguo was furious: "Since you are looking for death, then I will fulfill you!" When it comes to this, the whole body is completely released, and the storm around the body gathers and sweeps the world.

This god-powered country is a master of the late nine-order existence, and it is not much weaker than the holy king.

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. He did not expect that the gods and gods would be the masters of the late ninth stage. With the strength of the gods and kings, if they rely on the original strength of the gods, they would be stronger than the previous sages. The Holy Lord did not have the opportunity to take advantage of the original strength of the Holy Spirit.

It is no wonder that this god-powered country dares to ask him to plead guilty in public, and to have 50,000 top-grade chaotic spirits.

At this time, the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom was a emptiness, and the light was like the sea of ​​the ocean. It continued to spread, and the original power hidden in the depths of the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom was fully activated.

The inexhaustible source of the power of the gods of heaven is poured from the void into the main body of the gods. The original power of the gods who dominated the late 9th stage rose again and reached the peak of the late 9th.

However, this is not only the case, but still climbs up, and finally reaches the beginning of the tenth order!

Dominate the tenth early stage! This is the strength of the gods and lords after the integration of the power of the gods.

The goddess of the kingdom of the gods is constantly intertwined with the blue light, one by one, rolling up countless storms, like a stormy pillar, rising from the sky. From a distance, the gods and gods are the storm giants who have come out of the ancient world.

This blue storm, each one, can easily fly the presence of the goddess of heaven, Tian Qifei.

Surrounded by the mountains, all of them were affected by the force of the storm, and they all turned into a grain of dust and then rolled up to the sky.

Feeling the powerful and violent power of the body, the gods and kingdoms looked at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, seeing if my strength is starting to regret now? However, I have already given you the opportunity, and now you are regretting it too late!" ”

"Tear, time and space reverse!"

The voice of the god-in-law was cold and the sound of killing sounded. He waved his hands and saw that the cyan storm giants violently rotated, tearing the void, and there was a huge rift in the void.

The Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom, who had retreated to the far end, had an illusion that the time of the blue storm was torn down, as if time and space had been reversed.

The power of a horrible space sweeps the heavens and the earth. Under the power of this space and the blue storm, it seems that everything has been smashed, and everything has become nothingness. It seems that everything belongs to the heavens and the earth, and everything has become a thing of the past.

Looking at the blue storm giant column that came across all directions, Huang Xiaolong did not panic, still calmly push his hands.

This push, I saw the layers of dark power constantly flowing from the palms of Huang Xiaolong, one heavy and one heavy, forming a dark and chaotic wall.

This dark chaotic wall is like an endless abyss of darkness, devour everything, and collide with the cyan storm pillar.

The bang and the loud noise continued to come.

The landslides are generally cracked, and the whole Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom violently shakes.

The power of the dark chaotic giant wall continually collides with the space of the cyan storm giant column, constantly smashing the radiance of the world.

Just in the moment when the dark chaotic giant wall collided with the cyan storm giant column, Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and jumped up and came to the front of the **** Weiguo.

Huang Xiaolong slammed out his fists, his magical spirits swayed, his **** eyes swayed, the beasts screamed, the glazed brilliance, the thousands of artifacts, the ancient charms, and the flat and sturdy meditations alternated.

The gods and the king of the country were shocked and panicked and greeted them.


The fists collided.

Space bursts, countless violent chaotic airflow dumps.

The gods and lords only felt that the giant force had collided with them. They couldn’t help but retreat. They just stopped after hundreds of thousands of miles and stopped. They only felt the blood tumbling, and Huang Xiaolong’s figure stood tall, no movement, letting those violent chaos Airflow impact, tearing.


Shen Qi, the marshal of Shenwei, who had retreated to the far end, saw that the gods of the gods who combined the power of Shenwei Heaven were slammed by Huang Xiaolong. They could not help but change their faces. The gods and gods of the heavens were even more frightened.

The gods and lords looked at the right fist unbelievably, only to see his right fist, his bones split and his blood was blurred.

Was he actually being? !

"No, impossible!" The gods and kings muttered to themselves.

He can see that Huang Xiaolong has not broken the dominance of high-order, he does not believe how the power of Huang Xiaolong may be so high!

Huang Xiaolong threw his left hand and threw the Shenwei son who had already fainted to the Shenwei Marshal Tian Qifei and others, and then walked over to Shenwei. "I have said that you have made a mistake."

Although the Shenwei lord who combined the power of the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom was stronger than the previous sacred country, Huang Xiaolong was not the Huang Xiaolong at that time.

At that time, when Huang Xiaolong defeated the sacred kingdom, he dominated the sixth-order mid-peak peak, and after refining the chaotic Wutuo pool and the three royal sacred sacred, he is now dominated the sixth-order late stage.

"Huang Xiaolong, this is what you forced me!" Suddenly, Shenwei’s lord Huo Ran looked up, his eyes were red, and his expression was crazy: “I didn’t intend to use that treasure. If so, I will use this treasure to make you A piece of ashes!"

After the gods and kings finished speaking, they saw the red meat in the middle of their eyebrows flying out of their eyebrows. After the red meat flew out, it instantly rose and became a huge meat ball. There are countless mysterious runes, and a burst of amazing red light emerges from the mysterious runes of the meatballs.

The atmosphere of terror is pervasive.

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