Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2169: Kill all women and children

Lan Shifan went straight out of the millions of miles, and this stopped. He only felt the blood in his chest tumbling, and his body armor was dull and dull.

As for the flame gun, the blaze of the original world is shrinking, and the death of the burial **** is constantly eating.

At this time, a scream.

I saw a sacred king of heaven trying to take the knife of the morning, but was instantly strangled by the knife of the morning, the whole body flesh and blood, only a skeleton!

"Cheng Yang!"

Surrounded by the Holy Trinity Heaven.

However, the screams did not stop, and I saw another sacred kingdom of heaven will be hit by the eternal giant bamboo of the world, and the whole was blasted.

Wan Xiaorong's is a pair of butterfly swords, the butterfly sword crosses and waves, two swords fly out, like a butterfly, the dragonfly is good-looking, but in an instant, the heads of the two holy gods are cut.

The leader of the terrorist country, Haha laughed: "The Holy Lord, let's come again!" After that, the figure flashed and went straight to the Holy Lord, and the two fists waved. At the same time, the black poison to the Holy Lord. Attacked and killed.

This dark black poison does not know what the ancient poisons are. The scales on the body are hard and abnormal. They have just been attacked by the Holy Eyes and they have nothing to do.

The sacred kingdom’s body was soaring, and the screams, the red gold knife appeared in the hand, turned over and greeted the horror king, and shouted: "Retreat!"

Although it was just a brief fight, the strength of the terrorist state was too strong. Therefore, the Holy Lord did not hesitate to order the people to return to the Holy Land.

As long as you return to the Holy Spirit, you can resist some time with the defense of the Holy Spirit.


I saw the horror of the horror of the country, and the two knives slammed into the knives of the red knives. The red knives rang with a loud bang. The sacred lord only felt a sharp pain in the right arm, and the whole right arm seemed to be abolished.

The face of the Holy Lord has changed.

The body of this horrible king of power is so strong that it is so strong! Huang Xiaolong's body is strong, he has a deep understanding, but now the body of the horror kingdom, I am afraid it is not weaker than Huang Xiaolong!

At this time, with the order of the Holy Sovereign, the sacred Marshal Lan Shifan led everyone to return to the Holy Land, but this is so, when returning, many masters of the Holy God are still God. In the morning, Wan Shi and others were seriously injured or killed.

After Lan Shifan and others returned to the holy Zuntian, the sacred kingdom took the opportunity to take over the terrorist king, and the retreat also returned to the holy heaven.

As soon as the Holy Lord returned to the Holy Spirit, he immediately opened the sacred defensive squad, and the golden light circled and circled, and a huge golden shadow appeared.

"Negative and recalcitrant!" The horror king of the country is sneer, and his face is ridiculously bulging: "When I break the sacred defensive squad, it is the time of the sacred heaven!"

"Arrange the horror big array!"

"A full-strike attack, breaking the sect of the Holy Defence!"

The treacherous country leader screamed at the masters of the terror heaven.

"After breaking the sacred defensive squad, enter the sacred heaven, all the women and children will be killed, and the roots will be removed. All the disciples who resist, the guards, the generals will all kill!"

"All the spiritual stones, the elixir, the spirit beast, whoever grabs it!"

The voice of the lord of the terror kingdom was passed into all corners of the Holy Spirit.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Under the horror of the eyes of the people of the Holy Trinity, the masters of the horror of the heavens were excited and shouted, and arranged a large array of horrors.

Suddenly, the golden light of the sacred defensive array was swaying, and the outermost layer of golden light was even more bleak.

The face of the sacred lord changed, and I did not expect that everyone in the horror of heaven would only break the outermost layer of defense.

Although the Holy Defence defensive array has a hundred defenses, if this continues, I am afraid that it will not be used for a long time and will be completely destroyed by the terror heaven.

"Use the best chaotic spirit stone!" said the lord of the sacred king.

Lan Shifan glimpsed, then nodded and said yes.

Soon, the spirit stone inlaid with the sacred defensive array was replaced with the best chaotic stone. Under the urging of the masters of the sacred heaven, the golden light of the sacred heavenly kingdom suddenly rose, and the golden light was more solid than before. More than doubled.

"Well?" The terrorist leader Dong Cheng, God and others can not help but be astonished.

"This sacred defense defensive array, how suddenly solidified so much?" God brows.

The horror king of the country is sneer: "Even if it has doubled, it will be nothing. We can break it up at most one day!" After that, let the people of the horror heaven accelerate the attack.

God also ordered the masters of the heavens to take their hands.

boom! boom! boom!

With the constant bombardment of the horror kingdom and the heavenly masters, the sacred defensive squad continued to make a loud noise, and the voice spread throughout the holy world.

Every voice seems to be hammered in the hearts of all the people of the Holy Spirit.


Not long after, the sound of blasting suddenly came out, and the golden light of the outermost layer of the sacred defensive array was already broken by the horror kingdom and the heavenly masters.

"How could it be so fast!" The sacred Marshal Lan Shifan’s face was shocked: "Let's go on like this, I'm afraid I can't hold on for one day!"

The sacred lord’s face was condensed, staring at the defensive array of golden light, secretly praying that Huang Xiaolong would go out a little faster, although Huang Xiaolong might not be the enemy of the horror kingdom, but if he teamed up with Huang Xiaolong, he would help the lord. The power of the kingdom of heaven can still fight the terrorist king.

At that time, as long as he and Huang Xiaolong join forces to drag the terrorist king, and wait until the master of the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom arrives, then perhaps you can still retain the Holy Spirit.

As time went by, it didn't take long for it to be "collapsed", and the second defensive golden light of the sacred defense was broken.

Then, it is the third, fourth, fifth...

Looking at the sacred defense, one layer after another, the golden light was broken, and everyone in the sacred heaven was not in the atrium, and was short of breath.

When the ninth golden light was broken, everyone seemed to fall into the abyss.



Everyone in the holy world is desperate.

Soon, the 96th defensive golden light was broken, and the sacred lord looked at the still sacred shrine that still had no movement, and could not help but look desperate.

"Grandma is a cow, this kid should not really wait for the terrorist king to come in, still not out?" Golden Horn Mavericks nervous.

At this time, she and the king of Hongmeng, Cangmutian, the king of darkness and so on have already come out of the retreat.

It took another two hours.


Suddenly, the entire sacred heaven was violently shaken, and the space airflow ran away. I saw the last layer of golden light of the sacred defense smashed!

The horror of the horror kingdom sounded loudly, and the horror kingdom and the heavenly masters flooded into the holy heaven.


After rushing into the holy heaven, the horror kingdom and the heavenly masters screamed, and the tigers entered the flock and rushed to the heavenly kingdom.

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