Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2181: Looking for chaotic domain air mine pool

"Lord!" The Holy Lord and the gods and kings looked at Huang Xiaolong.

"Go in! First look for the chaotic domain air mine pool!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the figure of the terrorist king Dong Cheng, coldly, now, the most important thing is to find the chaotic domain air mine pool, gather the chaos nine thunder pool.

If he finds a chaotic domain air mine pool, his brother Jiang Hong is not only hopeful to resurrection, but also can evolve Hongmeni Leichi and control the thunder of Hongmeng. At that time, he will be able to truly push the sky!

And when the nine thunder pools gathered, he was not afraid of the thundering power of the 33-day gate. At that time, he wanted to stay in the sky for a long time.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong, with the masters of the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom, also broke open the outer heaven wall and entered the heavens.

Although the thunder power of Tiantiantian has stabilized, there is no previous violent, but the space outside the heavens is still full of thunder and lightning. The thunder and lightning around the outer heavens are hard to resist in the late tenth stage of the ordinary emperor. So, come The masters of all walks of life are generally above the peak of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor.

This time, Huang Xiaolong and others came to the lowest, and the lowest is the hegemony of the world. Naturally, they are not afraid of these lightning.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the back of the falling treasure gold pig, urging the eight big thunder pools of the eyebrows, inducing the chaotic domain air mine pool. At the same time, the thunder spirits of the eight thunder pools condensed and swallowed the surrounding lightning power.

This time, Huang Xiaolong's purpose is very simple, that is, first find the chaotic domain air mine pool! Therefore, Huang Xiaolong rushed to the depths of Tiantiantian.

Because of the investigation of the Holy Lord, the chaotic domain air-thunder pool should be deep in the sky.

However, Huang Xiaolong and others have just been in the sky and have not been attacked by many beasts.

There are two dangers in the sky, one is the mine system, and the second is the beast.

These thunder beasts, born with natural thunder, have swallowed the thunder and temperament of the heavens and the sky all the year round, not only to defend against terror, but also to be extremely tenacious and extremely difficult to kill.

The headache is that these beasts are generally group activities, and generally hundreds, only a thousand, tens of thousands!

If there are tens of thousands of thunder beasts, it is the sacred kingdom, and the existence of the gods and kingdoms will change color.

To know the thunder beasts that come out of the activity, the lowest strengths are the peaks of the tenth stage of the emperor. They are generally the mastermind. What is the concept of tens of thousands of heads?

Fortunately, there are not many thunder beasts encountered by Huang Xiaolong and others, and they are generally dozens.

These dozens of thunder beasts, Huang Xiaolong did not do it, and handed over to masters such as the Holy God and the Shenwei Heaven.

Under the hands of the sacred heavens and the gods of heaven, these thunder beasts have been blown up, and a pure thunder has flown out of the bodies of these blasted beasts. Huang Xiaolong’s eight big Leichi Leiling Zhangkou, swallowed these thunders in an instant.

Huang Xiaolong and others are not losing speed, and they keep coming all the way.

"It is Tianshou Leiling Fruit!"

Suddenly, a holy heavenly king pointed a mountain road ahead.

I saw a huge thunder tree above the mountain. On top of this huge thunder tree, I was covered with a fruit wrapped around the blue Thunder.

Tianshou Lei Lingguo!

Heaven and Earth Spirit!

Although it is only a first-order medium-sized heaven and earth spirit, it is also very good outside, and there are more than 20 Tianshou Leiling fruits on this Tianshou Leiling tree, and it seems that it should be just mature.

The Holy Trinity and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Although these Tianshou Lei Lingguo did not play any role, they still had great use for the masters of the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom.

I got Huang Xiaolong’s approval. Suddenly, the masters of the Holy Trinity and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom took their shots and took them to Tianshou Lei Lingguo.

However, the heaven and earth spirits like Tianshou Leilingguo are naturally not so easy to pick. I saw that the Tianshou Leiling tree spurred a lot of thunder and resisted the masters of the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he dominated the will to condense the chaotic axe. As soon as he passed, the thunder of the Tianshou Leiling tree was broken.

At this moment, some people in the distance were surprised and shouted: "Everyone quickly shot, grab the Tianshou Leiling fruit!" Then, I saw a huge thunder net appeared, and covered the Tianshou Leiling tree, the other party was actually planning to More than 20 Tianshou Leiling fruits on the tree were packed and taken away.

Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, his right hand waved, and the priests flew out and rushed to the other side. Suddenly, the screams rang, only to see each other's high hands, and the burial **** beaten half.

Huang Xiaolong bounced his right hand and bounced the thunder net, then took a photo and took it into his hands.

"You, Huang Xiaolong, you, you actually killed me so many masters of the thorn **** heaven!" The other person headed out to anger Huang Xiaolong, and was shocked and hated.

The thorn **** heaven is the top ten super heaven in Tianlu. Although its strength is not as good as the holy heaven, its ranking is higher than that of Shenwei Heaven, ranking sixth.

The opening is the thorn **** of the heavenly kingdom. Originally, he planned to take away the thunder of the Tianshou Leiling tree when Huang Xiaolong broke open the Tianshou Leiling fruit, and then escaped with the treasure, Huang Xiaolong and others also Can't resist them.

But I did not expect that they had just shot, they were killed by Huang Xiaolong in the killing of the gods of the gods, he did not expect Huang Xiaolong to be so hot, even dare to kill him so many gods, after all, Huang Xiaolong has offended the horror The kingdom of heaven, and provoked the swordsmanship, if he sinned again for his thorny heaven, in his view, it is self-destruction.

But now, Huang Xiaolong said that killing will kill.

Huang Xiaolong swept the **** of the thorns in a cold and innocent eyes: "If you want to grab something from my hand, I will have a preparation for death. Now, you will not roll again. I will destroy the rest of your heavenly kingdom!"

The thorn **** country face ugly, and finally hated to stare at Huang Xiaolong, and the rate went away.

"The Lord, the thorn **** the Lord is only afraid that he will not swallow this breath." The Holy Lord is against Huang Xiaolong.

"No problem." Huang Xiaolong looked at the direction of the thorn gods disappeared, cold.

The most important thing now is to find the chaotic domain air mine pool. As long as you find the chaotic domain air mine pool, Huang Xiaolong is really killing the Quartet.

"Go!" After receiving the Tianshou Leiling fruit, Huang Xiaolong continued to advance with the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom.

Along the way, Huang Xiaolong encountered a lot of thunder attack, of course, a lot of good things were found along the way. This day, the outer space is indeed a baby, and some things are even Huang Xiaolong.

However, some babies are more difficult to take, it takes a lot of time, so the road is met, Huang Xiaolong can only give up, and now the most important thing is to find the chaotic domain air mine pool.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong and others came to the depths of the heavens.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows are thundering, and the eight great Lei Ling are very good.

"This is?!" Huang Xiaolong's eyes were pleasantly surprised.

Chaos domain air mine pool!

Just ahead!

Huang Xiaolong immediately rushed forward with everyone.

However, Huang Xiaolong and others just rushed forward, and they saw a group of masters wearing robes standing there, seeming to be searching for something with the secret method.

Thirty-three people of the heavenly family!

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