Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2183: Refined chaotic domain air mine pool

Seeing that the horror king of the country was stunned for a long time, the giant lord couldn’t help but say: "East is the younger brother, is it okay?"

When I heard the voice of the giant lord, the horror king of the country regained consciousness and took a deep breath and shook his head: "I am fine!"

But is it really okay?

The eyes of the giant lord blinked and asked a great general of the giant scorpion: "Is Huang Xiaolong now in the Jinlei Mountains?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." The general hurriedly replied: "According to the report, the thirty-three Tianzu elders Li Haifeng and others were killed by Huang Xiaolong in the Jinlei Mountains."

"Giant brother, we are now killing Huang Xiaolong in the Jinlei Mountains?" The horror king of the country is eager to say: "This Huang Xiaolong is definitely a huge hidden danger. It is not difficult to kill Huang Xiaolong with the strength of the giant brother. However, if Huang Xiaolong grows up again, I am afraid that it will not last long, even the giant brothers can not suppress this Huang Xiaolong!"

The giant lord shook hands: "No hurry, we are so hard to enter the sky outside the sky. Now the most important thing is to find the Leiyuan tree, find the Leiyuan tree, and solve Huang Xiaolong!"

"Huang Xiaolong is definitely going to kill, but to kill him, he is not in a hurry!"

"Or, after we found the Leiyuan God Tree, we joined forces with the thirty-three Tianzu deputy patriarchs to kill Huang Xiaolong!"

Huang Xiaolong has killed so many masters of the 33rd Tianzu, and the 33rd Tianzu is now sure to hate Huang Xiaolong’s bones. He hates to be able to devour Huang Xiaolong’s flesh and blood. If they can join forces in the Tiantiantian’s thirty-three Tianzu sub-patriarch, then Will kill Huang Xiaolong!

The horror king of the country was screaming and screaming: "It’s too urgent for me to think about it."

The giant lord nodded and glanced around: "According to the information we have obtained, Leiyuan Shenshu is not far from the front. We will be able to arrive at most for half a day. The order is passed down. We are now rushing to Leiyuan Shenshu at full speed! ”

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Immediately, the giants of the giant scorpion and the horror of the heavens flew in the front.

The sword masters also heard the news that Huang Xiaolong slaughtered many masters of the 33rd Tianzu elder Li Haifeng, and was equally shocked.

"This Huang Xiaolong is simply dead. I heard that he also killed many masters of the thorn **** heaven for the sake of Tianshou Leilingguo. Now, he has offended the thirty-three heavenly family." The sword patriarch loved the female sword Xiaofu shocked, sneer Road: "I don't think he is far from death!"

The sword of the swordsman Qin Tian is a wrinkle: "This Huang Xiaolong's combat power is so strong! Even the thirty-three Tianzu elders Hao Wei are not his opponents? If so, this Huang Xiaolong's combat power is not weak. I!"

Jian Xiaofu sneered: "I think he and the lord of the lord joined forces, so he defeated the thirty-three Tianzu elders Hao Wei, how can Huang Xiaolong compare with his father, before outside the heavens, Father, you didn't do your best, otherwise, under the fan, that Huang Xiaolong will not be able to take you!"

The sword of the swordsman Qin Tian shook his head: "Even if the Huang Xiaolong is not as good as me, I am afraid that it will not be much worse. If you encounter Huang Xiaolong in the future, if you don't need it, don't go and provoke the Huang Xiaolong!"

He can see that her daughter Jian Xiaofu still hates this Huang Xiaolong.

In fact, it is no wonder that the daughter Jian Xiaofu is a princess in the sword family. He is sought after by the swordsmen and thousands of male disciples. He has never suffered a little wrong, but this time he came out, but he was injured by this Huang Xiaolong. Hatred is also normal.

Jian Xiaofu did not respond.

Jian Qintian saw it and did not persuade him. He said: "Our time is mainly to find Hongmeng Ziqi. I got the news. There is a deep valley in the sky outside the sky. It should be surrounded by purple and purple, and there should be more than one. With Hong Meng Zi, I can cultivate the swordsmanship sword to the highest level. At that time, even if I meet the tribal chiefs, I am not afraid!"

"Father, is the strength of the thirty-three-day clan chief so strong?" Jian Xiaofu asked: "Is it really thirty-three days?"

Jian Qintian shook his head: "I don't know if he is a thirty-three-day gate. But his strength is indeed terrible. Even if it is not supreme, I am afraid that there is only one line away from the supreme, even if I will The swordsman swordsmanship is cultivated to the highest level. When he meets him, he can only stand in an invincible position. As for now, if he meets him, he will only escape!"

"Okay, don't say it, let's find the deep valley now!"

Jian Qintian no longer stagnate, with the swordsman masters began to look for the deep valley suspected of being ugly.

He didn't know the specific location of the deep valley, but he only knew about the approximate range. Therefore, he had to find the deep valley as soon as possible.

Just as the swordsman’s masters were looking for the deep valley of Hongmengqiu, Huang Xiaolong in the vicinity of the Jinlei Mountain Range was constantly banned, and the space around the Jinlei Mountains was shrouded in a hundred billion miles. After confirming that the ban did not leave a corner, Huang Xiaolong would The Eight Chaos Thunder Pool was called out.

Chaos Xuangui Leichi, Chaos Xuanguang Leichi and other eight thunder pools, one by one from Huang Xiaolong eyebrows fly out.

The eight major Leichi turned into eight huge mine pools, flooding the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of millions of miles.

Above the eight major Leihai, the eight great Lei Ling roared, and the thunder light shone.

Under the stunned eyes of the lord of the Holy See, the lord of the gods and the like, I saw that the chaotic domain air-thunder pool hidden in the void in front was pulled by the thunder of the eight thunder pools.

The thunderstorms of the eight thunder pools gathered together to form a huge thunder, entangling the chaotic air-thunder pool.

The Lei Ling of the chaotic domain air-thunder pool is a non-animal non-human existence. The whole body seems to be transparent. It sways in the center of the chaotic air-throwing pool. It wants to escape from the traction of the eight thunder pools, and escapes. However, Huang Xiaolong was there before. The surrounding space is arranged under the ban, plus the thunder and traction of the eight thunder pools, which chasing the air mine pool can escape?

Huang Xiaolong asked the sages and other people to guard around, and his body shape flashed. He came to the sky above the Leiling pool in the chaotic domain and began to refine the chaotic air-thunder pool.

Suddenly, an amazing amount of lightning force flew from the chaotic air-thunder pool and poured into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, the eight major Lei Ling came to the body of Huang Xiaolong, bursting with heavy lightning, covering the Lei Ling of the chaotic domain air mine pool, with the passage of time, the original turbulent chaotic domain air Lei Ling finally settled down.

Under the thundering perfusion and quenching of the chaotic air-thunder pool, Huang Xiaolong's sacred body and the sacred sacred sacred are raised at an alarming rate. Huang Xiaolong discovered that even the three holy veins in the body are slowly improving.

However, the thunder of the chaotic domain air mine pool is too fierce, like a huge sky, crazy into the body of Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong actually can not support.

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