Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2189: Huge Heaven Completed!

Because the distance is very close, Huang Xiaolong's dragon claws are extremely fast, and the giant lord of the king can't avoid it. Under the shock, he can only force the body to force, and the scales of the giant python are solidified again.

However, even if the giant lord made the scales of the giant scorpion re-solidified, the defense improved a lot, but the dragon claws pierced the python scale and instantly penetrated the chest of the giant lord. .

The dragon claws straight out from behind.

Bloody, reddish the surrounding mountains.

Time seemed to stop there, and everyone looked at the yellow dragon's claws from the back of the giant lord.


The giant lord, like the wounded beastly beast, made a terrible roar and slammed into the dragon's eye with Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong, I want to make it a blinking dragon!"

He does not believe that Huang Xiaolong's longan defense is as strong as the dragon body.

In general, no matter who you are, binocular defense is the weakest place.

Seeing that the giant lord fights to focus on the injury, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes must be blown up. When his fists hit the Huang Xiaolong dragon, Huang Xiaolong suddenly raised his head, the longan was indifferent, opened the dragon mouth, and a dragon smashed from the dragon mouth. Shooting out, the dragon smashed into a horrible dragon sound wave, rolling, destroying everything and rushing to the giant squad.


Under this dragon sound wave, the giant scorpion's double fists were blocked, and the giant lord of the whole country was shaken out by the dragon sound wave at the same time, and the blood in his mouth was spurting.

I saw the chest pierced by Huang Xiaolong’s dragon claws, and the blood flowed like a column.

Everyone is mad.

Is this the unbeaten myth in their hearts? This **** in front of my eyes is really the first person in their days? !

"Your Majesty!" The giants of the giants of the heavens and the kings saw the serious injury of the king of the country, and they could not help but be shocked.

The giant lord is the pillar of the heavens of the giant scorpion kingdom. If the lord of the giant lord has an accident, the giant scorpion is only weakened.

"I'm fine!" The giant lord was furious and yelled: "Kill, use the secret method, kill me Huang Xiaolong!"

Use the secret method!

Even if the loss of the giants of the great kingdom of heaven, the giant lord also wants to kill Huang Xiaolong at all costs.

If Huang Xiaolong does not die this time, there will be no place for him to survive that day!

"Yes!" The giants of the heavens and the kings of the country confessed that the whole body had a lot of blood, and the momentum of everyone began to improve.

At this time, the treacherous heavens and the masters attacked the Huang Xiaolong, and the Huang Xiaolong dragon body dragon scales burst into flames.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, the huge longan was indifferent, and the dragon claws swung out. In an instant, the two great generals of the horror heavens would be blasted. After the two tyrannical kings smashed, Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and he came to thirty-three days. The great elders of the great family, Hao Wei, came out with a dragon claw.

Looking at the huge dragon claws that came straight, Hao’s only face was fear, despair, and there was never a moment that made him so scared and so confused.

When Yang Tianqi saw it, he refused to take care of his body. The dark knives in his hand suddenly came to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, you dare!"

"Give me kill!"

Hearing Yang Tianqi’s roar, the thirty-three-day family masters woke up and attacked Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the attack of Yang Tianqi and the 33rd Tianzu people. The dragon claw continued to poke into Hao Wei’s head.


As if cutting the sound of watermelon, the dragon claws pierced Hao Wei’s head without any block. Then, Hao Wei’s head was divided into several half.

Hao Wei screamed.

At this moment, the angered Yang Tianqi and the thirty-three Tianzu masters attacked and fell on Huang Xiaolong.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The sound of stunned sounds constantly, and Huang Xiaolong’s dragon scales fluttered in a flash of light. I saw a light white mark on the top of the dragon scale, but soon, the white scales of the dragon scale disappeared and the luster was as old.

Seeing that Yang Tianqi and the thirty-three Tianzu masters attacked and fell on Huang Xiaolong, they still couldn't break the Huang Xiaolong dragon scale defense, and the surrounding strongmen were again amazed.

Yang Tianqi and the thirty-three Tianzu masters are even more stunned.

Previously, the giant scorpion fishbone artifact was tied under the head of Huang Xiaolong, and did not break the dragon dragon scales. They still had some unbelief. Now, they really realized the horror of Huang Xiaolong’s defense.

Is a person’s defense so terrifying to this extent? !

Is this even more horrible than the high-end Supreme Lingbao?

The defense of the Taikoo Dragon is strong, but it is impossible to be strong enough. !


At this time, the giant lord and the giant scorpion kings of the country to kill Huang Xiaolong again.

For a time, Huang Xiaolong and the giant scorpion heaven, the thirty-three heavenly family, the horror of the heavenly kings killed the landslides, surrounded by one and another Leishan into powder, and another piece of virgin forest was cut into flat, even the space was beaten, One after another, the space hole has not healed in the void for a long time.

As time went by, one after another giants of heaven and earth continued to fall, and the bodies of one and another thirty-three heavenly masters were blasted into the ground or exploded. The masters of the horror of heaven were crushed by Huang Xiaolong, or four. The great fire was incinerated into a fire.

More than an hour passed, there were more than one hundred and forty masters of the giant scorpion heaven, thirty-three heavenly people, the horror heavens actually only had more than 30 people!

And the horror of heaven is only four people left!

When there were only thirty people left in the three super powers, the three super power masters were finally completely overwhelmed by fear.

As for the masters of all ethnic groups around the world, the whole body is cold.

"This, is this still a human?" A swordsman elder looked at Huang Xiaolong, who was still smashing the giants of the heavens, and looked at the Taikoo Blue Dragon.

The giant supernatural powers, the thirty-three heavenly races, and the three superpowers of the horror heavens, no matter which one, are the existence of the heavenly giants. Now, the three giants, more than one hundred and ten masters, plus The giant lord, Yang Tianqi, not only killed Huang Xiaolong, but was killed by Huang Xiaolong? !

"End, it's over!" The eyes of the thorn gods have no focus, and they muttered to themselves.

What is natural? Everyone understands that it is the giant heaven, the horror heaven is finished!

Even if it is not finished yet, it will almost be finished!

This time, the giant scorpion kingdom, the horror heaven can be said to be the master, but now, it has been almost killed by Huang Xiaolong, is it not finished?

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's claws were shot, "Hey!", and I saw that the head and the godhead of another giant 鲲天国大将 were smashed by Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the great tycoon of the giant scorpion, the sword Xiaofu, standing next to Jian Qintian, twitched, and the face was pale and bloodless. Suddenly she felt that she was lucky. Before, Huang Xiaolong just shot her and she was really I can't imagine if Huang Xiaolong was there!

"Your Majesty, the giant scorpion heaven is over, let's go quickly?" At this time, the sacred **** marshal came to the side of the thorn god, carefully, and trembled.

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